Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Last month, next month linksi wish when we solved problems we’d finish off by linking to where we found the solution, or return and post the solution in these threads.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Announcing “BloxPress”: a Ajax Web2.0 Themei just wanted to echo: “wow”
eye candy! and looks like fun to play with.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: The current author profile on a clean page ? Very hard in fact.also, have you seen this plugin?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: The current author profile on a clean page ? Very hard in fact.i remember reading something about nicknames and author names and the ensuing problems.
i haven’t done any tests myself.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: feedback? color coded menu across posts and pagesmaking some progress.
i installed this great plugin: Category Highlight
and i changed line 45 to have theclass="current_page_item"
so it’s the same as the pagesi wanted to be able to colour code within a section, and it’s children sections. lucky for me, my pages and categories are separate.
parent page (orange)
– child page
– child pageparent page (blue)
– child page
– child pageparent category (green)
– child category
– child categoryparent category (purple)
– child category
– child categorythis is where i am so far, but it’s very sloppy since i don’t know PHP, i just hack away at it. now it’s working very well, and highlighting the right page/category.
anyway, this might be useful for anyone with same set up.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: NOT THIS AGAIN – keeping current nav highlightedi know that all too well. thank you for pointing out the cruel yet obvious, *sniff*. honest, i’ve been all up and down this topic, and searched well. but thank you TechGnome.
i noticed davidsky in several places trying to get similiar functionality to having current_page_item with categories, and i wondered if he made any progress. so that’s why i was writing him. to see what he resolved.
(i’m using this plugin, btw)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: NOT THIS AGAIN – keeping current nav highlighteddavidsky, how did you get along with trying to get the same current_page_item for category?
any progress?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: The current author profile on a clean page ? Very hard in fact.if you’re using the nickname i don’t know why it’s still getting the authorname with the hyphen…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How use quicktags in other admin fields ?ah- ok.
well. i’m stuck then. i can see what is controlling the selection of the ‘content’ area.
in the HTML of wp-admin i see the text area id ID’d ‘content’:
<textarea rows="9" cols="40" name="content" tabindex="4" id="content"></textarea
and then referred to in embedded javascript:
edCanvas = document.getElementById('content');
the title area is ID’d ‘title’:
<input type="text" name="post_title" size="30" tabindex="1" value="" id="title" />
but if you changed the edCanvas to ‘title’ it won’t work for ‘content’ – i’m stumped.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: The current author profile on a clean page ? Very hard in fact.okay, since it is working with the post listing, i am lost..
this is a silly question, but in your wp-admin area, do you have user information for ‘website’ ‘profile’ filled out for that author?
go to somewhere like:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: The current author profile on a clean page ? Very hard in fact.can you try linking to author page via
<?php the_author_posts_link('nickname'); ?>
just to see if it works differently.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How use quicktags in other admin fields ?i don’t understand what you mean… you want the post title to appear in italics? so you want your title of post to wrap Title ? so you want to target that text field.
i would recommend a use of CSS instead, then you won’t have to fiddle when you upgrade. i think it’s more sematically correct too.
for example, you say 90% of your posts are books, and need italics for titles. i assume you’re using a category called “books”, and we’ll pretend there’s a category called “other”
you can tag your post title with the category… in this example, the title is an h3
<h3 class="<?php the_category(' ') ?>"> whatever title code </h3>
then in your CSS you can have a special class:
h3.books {
font-style: italic;
}other category titles will appear as normal!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: The current author profile on a clean page ? Very hard in fact.hello HapaxLegomen,
your code is getting garbled, so i can’t review it. either makes sure to wrap lines in
or use a service like you send any links to your example website?
i am using the author template with success. this is the code i am using for my author.php, see (copy and paste into new .php document, and save to your theme folder as author.php )
i had some trouble with my author names though, so i link to the author page like this:
<?php the_author_posts_link('nickname'); ?>
and this goes to pages like this: made a LIST of authors (maybe what you’re calling “membres “) using an custom template, uploaded to my theme directoy, which i called “Authors Template”; then i created a new page, called it “authors” then selected:
Page Template: [Authors Template] from pull down menu under entry text field.this is the code for my authors template: (copy and paste into new .php document, and save to your theme folder as author-list.php )
please send links, it’s easier to help!
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: My second loop doesn’t work*phew* i’m glad that worked out!
not that i can! but i’m trying ??Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Navigation: Category Selectionkatie1 – i was always having similiar trouble using those backticks, until i was pointed to pastebin:
you go there, paste in your code, and link to it. it’s wonderful wonderful!
i found your post here because i am searching for more info on making a menu, based on what i read in the codex: like you sorted yours out on your site?