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  • Thread Starter needanotherplan


    Hi Angelo,
    Very sorry not to have come back before now.
    As regards trying a stock theme, the site is active and the owner is reluctant to overly mess about with it, so I would have to rig up a sandpit in an alternate site and retry to see if it’s the theme… although, in looking around, I don’t see any other ET Divi site experiencing this issue.
    As regards the tags, looking at the page, I haven’t put any </p> tags in manually. I’ll try an alternate module as the module currently is ‘text‘ and this might place </p> tags in “by design.
    My initial question was whether there are (or will be) any additional badges that can utilised by using a shortcode, as with the existing iTunes badge – [powerpress_subscribe itunes_badge=”true”] ?
    Many thanks for your responses on all this,

    Thread Starter needanotherplan


    Hi Agnelo,
    Yup, had this ticked pretty much from day 1.
    And I’ve previously un-ticked it and saved and then re-ticked it and saved again… just to see if that would impact anything. No change.
    And everything within this sub-section, as well as the sub-section heading “Display subscribe links below player and media links.” is ticked… but… all with no difference to what or how it’s displaying… no Subscribe links are appearing.
    Anything else I can check ?

    Thread Starter needanotherplan


    Hi Angelo,
    Yup, definitely have all of the fields filled out in the Destinations tab (bar Stitcher, which we’ve haven’t decided to use yet)… and the Google Listing URL returns a 404 error, which I understand from other forum updates is a known problem, as it can take Google some time to determine the existence of the podcast and so connect to it (still think that seems odd when all the others connect in days, if not hours, but hey…)
    As to your suggestion “double check in PowerPress > Post Type podcasting, edit the post type podcast in question“, I wasn’t entirely sure where to go for this.
    An example page where the Subscribe links are not appearing is

    Thread Starter needanotherplan


    Hi Angelo,
    Many thanks for your response.
    It looks like CPT’s was a red herring… as I can’t get the Subscribe links to appear at all when using the MediaElement.js Media Player… regardless of the page type.
    I have ticked “Display subscribe links below player and media links.” and selected all the options below this (I have feeds out to iTunes, Spotify, TuneIn, et al.), but no Subscribe links appear.
    Any further pointers would be much appreciated.
    On the question of “official button” short codes, is there just the one button, for iTunes (“itunes_button“) ? Is there no (e.g.) “spotify_button” or “tunein_button” ?
    Many thanks in advance for anything more you might have on this.

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