Forum Replies Created
Now it makes SO much sense! The filter has to match the function I created…
My brain was just burned out. I looked at so much code in the last few days that I missed something SO simple as that. What a relief!
This is gonna work out so well now.
Thanks again!
Also tried this at one point. No errors, but nothing more in the list either. From:
function my_post_types($types) {
$types[] = ‘tribe_events’;
return $types;
}add_filter(‘s2_post_types’, ‘tribe_events’);
Here’s one of the many I tried. From this page: following code was entered into functions.php but errors stating an invalid callback (First argument is expected to be a valid callback):
function my_taxonomy_types($taxonomies) {
// where ‘my_taxonomy_type’ is the name of your custom taxonomy
$taxonomies[] = ‘tribe_events_cat’;
return $taxonomies;
add_filter(‘s2_taxonomies’, ‘tribe_events_cat’);I have tried several code snippets in my functions.php that are recommended in the Subscribe2 forums but have had no luck.
I’m likely using the incorrect terminology.
The “event posts” are “tribe_events” and the “event categories” are “tribe_events_cat”, correct?
And I have to make Subscribe2 read both of those, correct?
FYI, I’m not a programmer by any means but I can read most php code and understand what it’s doing after I see it.
Thanks for any guidance!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Show author of event (post) on single-event pageand I did find the correct place in the correct file.
I did place this:
<span class="tribe-events-cost">
post author name listed here –<?php echo the_author(); ?>
and you will see “post author name listed here -” shown on the page, but it doesn’t return the author name…
FYI, I added the text phrase only so I would know I was in the correct location…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] change text from Cost to PriceFound part of it!
This allows me to change wording on the public resulting pages…
Now to find the wording on the admin MENU…
Any input on where to find the admin menu wording?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Jetpack forms not sendingsent info via contact form.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Jetpack forms not sendingForum: Plugins
In reply to: Jetpack forms not sendingthx!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How to remove mobile menu from twenty twelve themeany luck on getting rid of this crazy menu toggle button?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WooCommerce – excelling eCommerce] Change color 'add to cart'Meevi,
That’s the idea, but not complete. In the WooCommerce Settings under Styles and Scripts I set the colors I wanted for my buttons (Primary), but only got the “Place Order” and “Proceed to Checkout” buttons to be the green color I wanted.Using the code you posted, changed all the buttons to the same color like you said, but it’s missing all the code to make it purty…
Use the code below to keep the gradients, hover effects, and such. #339e78 is my green color. Change it to the color you want. Then play with the other #colors to get the final look you want.
I found the styling in the woocommerce.css file, and put this code in my theme css file so it’s not overwritten during a plugin update.
Thanks for the lead!
See it here: or
a.button, .button.alt, .button, input.button, button.button, a.comment-reply-link, #commentform #submit, #btn-cart a, #btn-cart a span.btn-cart-inner { background:#339e78!important; background:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,from(#339e78),to(#27775b))!important; background:-webkit-linear-gradient(#339e78,#27775b)!important; background:-moz-linear-gradient(center top,#339e78 0%,#27775b 100%)!important; background:-moz-gradient(center top,#339e78 0%,#27775b 100%)!important; border-color:#1a513d!important; color:#e0f0ea!important; text-shadow:0 -1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.6)!important; } a.button:hover, .button.alt:hover, .button:hover, input.button:hover, button.button:hover, a.comment-reply-link:hover, #commentform #submit:hover, #btn-cart a:hover, #btn-cart a span.btn-cart-inner:hover { background:#339e78; background:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,from(#339e78),to(#20644c)); background:-webkit-linear-gradient(#339e78,#20644c); background:-moz-linear-gradient(center top,#339e78 0%,#20644c 100%); background:-moz-gradient(center top,#339e78 0%,#20644c 100%); color:#f1fffb; text-shadow:0 -1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.6) }
Hi all.
I’m having a similar issue as jgnaz9660.
I’m looking for a dynamic full “page” height instead of static.
I got my sidebar to go full height with “height: 100%;” or “min-height: 100%;”
But can’t get the “page” to do the same.
I did get it to work if I change the “page” height to something crazy like 1000px or something, but I don’t like over-shooting it to make it look right if I can do it dynamically.
FYI: I’m not concerned about the footer disappearing as I am going to make the footer static also.
Any other suggestions?
Maybe this is better described as “overlapping images”?…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to change search button to my language?Strange. It works for me at
Both themes are by LeadCamp and use the same searchform.php
Are you using the “Search” button in a sidebar widget?
If not then it might be hard-coded in the sidebar.php file. Check there.
oh wait! That sidebar search is from somewhere else! I see it’s part of the “widget” that lets you select type, cena do and obec. Is that a plugin? or some other widget that’s coded into the theme?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Re: How do I Link to a Page?There are several plugins that will do this.
Also if you have menu functions support on this particular theme, you can have external links on the menu. If not, you can add menu functions to your functions.php