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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Calendar - Google Calendar Plugin] Widget No Longer WorkingI am using the Google Events Widget, displaying events as “List” and number of Events=3. The result is “No events to display.” I switch to Grouped List or Custom Date List and it’s the same. Grid view shows the month but no dates are linked.
If I switch from Number of Events=3 to Number of Days=1, I can see all the events for today.
I also have an instance of GCE using “Widgets for Shortcodes” and pasted into a page. Same situation: Using Number of Events=(any number) results in “No events to display” but using Number of Days = whatever results in success.
It was working fine before I updated this morning.
Oh, that does clarify things. Thanks. Unfortunately, the decisionmakers here want to control how many events show so I’m stuck with number of events.
Well, I guess the answer to this question is that Next and Prev are only used by the Grid view, not by the List or Grouped List view. That’s unfortunate because List is how we want it to show.
While All Day events are showing now with update 2.1.1, I have a multiday-all day event that only shows on the first day and shows as 12:00 am to 12:00 am.
The single day All Day event shows without a time showing which is how it should be.
Again, thanks for your dedicated efforts to making this work. I can’t say enough about how awesome you are!
Hey CraigCallen, I see there is a NEW update (2.1.1) from 11 hours ago. I installed and YES! the timezone is accurate. AND all day events are showing.
Great job, Phil!
Similar to craigcallen who posted an hour ago, I see the time zones are off (for me they are 8 hours ahead which I think is UTC). As well, all day events don’t work but I know that you know that.
Thanks for the hard work on this and best of luck.