Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XML Sitemap & Google News] How to give sitemap to googleThank you! But I cannot figure out what address I should add? The address you wrote, does not work when I try to put in into google.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Change color on come posts and remove “read more” text?Ok. Thanks! Can you please delete my this tread? I regret putting my domene out. Thank you!!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Remove footer text, remove search?Hi!
The search widget is not activated in the theme, the same with the footer. But still they are there – the are a part of the package. So I think I′ll have to take the CSS-route…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Tweak the theme. Remove footer text meta data?OK, thank you. Commercial themes, whats that?
I′ve bought several themes before and gotten support, but thats maybe not what you mean?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Adjust line spacing and space in menu?Yep. You were right, again. Thank you SO MUCH!!!!!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Webpage looks very different in safari and firefox?Hi again! It is the exposito theme from WPShower, but I′ve modified it a lot though.
I very much like it in safari! The letters are much slimmer, and the images appear larger, I think.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Adjust line spacing and space in menu?Hi, and thanks again!
I added the code to my cusom CSS, but this time, I don′t think I see any difference?
Custom CSS now looks like this:
.site-info {
display: none;
}.nav-menu li {
padding-bottom: 20px;
}Yes, I am using cusom links, I used pages before, but then I did not know how to change the name in the menu. I wanted the web.address to be something like – but wanted to show it in the menys as a phrase. Did not know how else to change it. Before I only made a page, and then added it the regular way in the menus. I cannot see how I can have a different link and page address otherwise than using links, but if you know of any way..?
Thanks again!!Hi again,
Yes, I absolutely understand that one has to go to the settings in plugins, but I suppose I thought that was that this time.
Now I have changed the Imsanity, and then I also used ewww on the newly reducted images. They were optimalized once, but I bulk optimalized them again, and it seems like it worked again, maybe because the newly reducted images was “new” to it.
Ewww now tells me it has saved me 28 MB! I don′t know why it did not work this well last time (before I changed the Imsanity settings, Ewww had saved me 5MB) but it sure worked now.
It stills hangs in Safari: it is a white page that lingers for some seconds, but when I tried to test the speed, it looked OK. maybe it is just safari. (Yes, i deleted browser history)
The trick was, as you said, to change the imsanity settings, and do the ewww thing again. Thank you so much!!!
I have one more silly question..I signed up for ewww cloud because the regular ewww plugin didnt work with my host. I am now paying for each image, and since wordpress is making 4x of everything, that means 200 when i originally altered 50. Here′s hoping the bill won′t be too big! Anyway, on the plugin settings on my dashboard, it stands:
Cloud optimization API Key: Verified, optimized 192 images, usage will reset in 30 days.
What does this mean? That the images go back to original in 30 days?
Thank you SO much for your help!
Hi, and thanks for your answer!
Yes, I know the images is the culprit, but as I installed both Imsanity and Ewww, deleted all my images and uploaded them again, I thought the plugins was going to deal with the sizing and stuff when I uploaded it.
On the Imsanity plugin page, it says: download, activate, and thats all. I know it is possible to change something, but I though that perhaps the default settings would work fine?
I have also tried to bulk convert, but the plugin said it wasn′t anything to do, so I supposed it had done it already, when I uploaded.
So: I should change the plugin settings, is that what you say? Is max width 800px a good start? Is that alright, even for a big screen? Yeah, I know..I know way to little about pixels and solutions.
I am a little surprised that Ewww hasn′t done that much for me either. I have gotten an API key and followed all the videos about settings etc..
Thank you so much for your help!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How to remove theme info designer, but not copyright from site?Hi again,
Thank you so much! This worked perfectly, and I am very, very VERY thankful for your help!
I will follow your advice about the photos, too. To think there is people who assist you in this way! It reminds me of all of the great things about internet:)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Blue question mark in header when I try to change, why?!Well, I tried to call my new header image the same name as the original, and then i called the original something else. The original logo was called logo.jpg. I renamed the image logo3.jpg, and my own image logo.jpg. Guess what happened when i paste logo.jpg – the old logo, logo3 – appears! I really don’t understand anything.
Is it not possible to edit headers and stuff in the free themes found online perhaps? Does it HAVE to be “photo grid” – the original theme logo? Is it because it is free?
Also, is it a forum here I could ask? I am two seconds from giving this up, and pay someone to do it for me, but I looked forward to make it myself…To make a page with your own logo and header and stuff, will i have to but premium versions maybe? Or use on of those downloaded with wordpress?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Blue question mark in header when I try to change, why?!Oh, I see. No, I haven¨t but i will try! Thank you for your tip!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Blue question mark in header when I try to change, why?!I downloaded it from here:
I still can’t fix the problem. I have tried to replace the logo with other images that was in the images folder, fees Facebook-icons and so on, and they all work. But when I try to change it to a picture I have uploaded to the folder myself, it doesen′t work… I have read a million of times that it has to be in the right folder and so on, but it is! Everything is visible in the images folder, both in filezilla and finder…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Change header! I simply cannot.Also: I have tried the videos on youtube, and I think they use the same method. I would really be thankful for any help, because I have struggled with this for two solid days know..:/
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Change header! I simply cannot.I am using photo grid, by Marios Lublinski.
I tried to go to the header-section in the editor, and switch files used in the header.
Looks like this:div class=”clear”></div>
<?php if(get_option($shortname.’_custom_logo_url’,”) != “”) { ?>
<div align=”center”>“><img src=”<?php echo stripslashes(stripslashes(get_option($shortname.’_custom_logo_url’,”))); ?>” class=”logo” alt=”logo” /></div>
<?php } else { ?>
<div align=”center”>“><img src=”<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’); ?>/images/logo2.png” class=”logo” alt=”logo” /></div>
<?php } ?>I have understand that where it says logo2.png – thats the image used in the logo. But when I switch to my new Logo3, which I have uploaded via filezilla to the right folder and everything, only a little question mark show up where the header should be.