Nelson Ondia
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Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: I want a domain without wwwhow about if you added a new domain to the User Portal. For more information on how to do this, please visit “Add Domain in Client Portal”.
I hope this helps.Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: how do i limit per user 1 website onlyHi there
Would you please try adding the following code in your theme’s functions.php:function ds_one_blog_only($active_signup) {
// get the array of the current user’s blogs
$blogs = get_blogs_of_user( get_current_user_id() );
// all users may be members of blog 1 so remove it from the count, could be a “Dashboard” blog as well
if ($blogs[“1”]) unset($blogs[“1”]);
//if the user still has blogs, disable signup else continue with existing active_signup rules at SiteAdmin->Options
$n = count($blogs);
if($n == 1) {
$active_signup = ‘none’;
echo ”;
} elseif($n > 1) {
$active_signup = ‘none’;
echo ”;
} else {
$active_signup = $active_signup;
return $active_signup; // return “all”, “none”, “blog” or “user”
add_filter(‘wpmu_active_signup’, ‘ds_one_blog_only’);
You can add those codes in your functions.php in the theme, if you think your theme won’t be changed. Otherwise mu-plugins is the best solution. To use mu-plugins, go to /wp-content/ and find the folder with name ‘mu-plugins’. If there is no folder in that name, then create a folder, name it ‘mu-plugins’, create a file inside that, give any name you like and paste the code in there. You don’t need to activate that plugin. Mu-plugins means must use plugins, so it will be activated automatically always.
I hope this helpsForum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Creating a Master Template for MultiSite SitesHallo there have you tried out NS cloner Master, it is the best and most complete WordPress Multisite Cloning solution there is. it is useful when you want to create multiple sites from the same template : Don’t waste your time copying the same configuration again and again !. The NS Cloner can save you the multisite admin tons of time by cloning existing sites in a multisite network to a completely new site.It must be Network Activated and you will find it’s menu in your network administration dashboard (wp-content/network). The NS Cloner will take any existing site on your WordPress multisite network and clone it into a new site that is completely identical in theme & theme settings, plugins & plugin configurations, content, pictures, videos, and site settings. Everything is preserved and intelligent replacements are made so that the new site settings reflect your choices for the name and title of the new site as well as other automated background housekeeping to make sure the new site works exactly the same way as if you had taken the time to set it all up manually.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: "Upgrade Network" never goes away! v.4.3.1Hey hallo Chris, about your question you could be under the impression that if the database needs to be upgraded, a redirect to
is performed upon logging in for both single site and sub-sites of a Multisite install.However, that’s not the case, the redirect is only performed for single site. Multisite still tries a full network upgrade viawp_remote_get()
I also do believe database cannot be upgraded in multisite if loopback is disabled.the database is never upgraded from the normal upgrade process.
At least manually going to/wp-admin/upgrade.php
and all/subsite/wp-admin/upgrade.php
could help fix it.
Try these steps;
1) Get a server where loopback is disabled (or perhaps simulate it using the pre_http_request filter)
2) Install multisite using WP 3.0
3) Create a subsite
4) Upgrade to latest WP version using the link in the admin
5) Check the database version in the wp_options, wp_x_options table
use this code to add the version into dashboard
<>function dbversion(){
<> $dbv = get_option(‘db_version’);
<> echo “DB Version: $dbv”;
6) Log in/out to main site and subsite – database version remains at the old level
7) Manually visit the /subsite/wp-admin/upgrade.php page and upgrade it’s database. The subsite db version will now be correct, but the main site will not until /wp-admin/upgrade.php is also visited
Hope this helpsForum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: "Upgrade Network" never goes away! v.4.3.1What you need to do is to start by updating your WordPress, it is a simple one-click procedure: just click on the “Update Now” button when you are notified that a new version is available. In most cases, WordPress will automatically apply maintenance and security updates in the background for you.After your updates to the latest version of WordPress, you can upgrade all the sites on your network.Clicking the Upgrade Network button will step through each site in the network, five at a time, and make sure any database updates are applied.
If a version update to core has not happened, clicking this button won’t affect anything.Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Enable Cookies error on multi-siteDuring your initial configurations did you try doing this. Installing Word press appropriately.make sure WP is installed in the root of you Public HTML (or similarly named) folder, not in a subfolder of it’s own. If WP is installed in a subfolder, you’ll need to use a sub-directory (, rather than
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Enable Cookies error on multi-siteOkey but are you using the WordPress MU Domain Mapping one?. this surely does. well if the odds are on your side,I suggest it might still be worth talking to your host to find out their opinion on it. Chances are they have been asked it before and maybe there is something server side they can look at to provide some more info on this. All the best sir.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Enable Cookies error on multi-siteHello Geof i hope you are well today. How about you try this, can you try turning on cross-domain autologin? that option will be located:
Network Admin > Settings > Domain Mapping….Hoping to hear from you soon!!!
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Enable Cookies error on multi-siteHey I don’t how much this is true but I hope it helps. I actually find joy in helping out though am not so good via web progamming but I use several methods inform of research, brainstorming with my collleageus e.t.c and about your issue here is what I found.
When you find yourself unable to log into WordPress, don’t panic. Just go through the first few logical steps to make sure:
Make sure you’re really at the right URL. No kidding, we all work on a million websites, just make sure your browser didn’t auto-fill your address bar with the wrong URL – it happens, admit it and let your coworkers make fun of you, then go on about your day.You might even be at the correct URL, but your hosts file is redirecting you to a server you’re not expecting. (Touched your hosts file lately?)
Reset your password. The forgot password route is super easy, and with as many passwords as we all tend to juggle, it’s probably faster to just reset to something you’ll remember instead of spending an hour trying every combination of letters/numbers/symbols you’ve ever tried to memorize throughout your computing life.
Check for error messages. But beware, error messages can be deceitful. For example, if you’ve moved or copied your blog to another location with a different URL, you may need to do some blog triage (described further below!). Also, you might want to try turning WP_DEBUG on in your wp-config.php file, as it may reveal more info that is helpful in troubleshooting. Remember not to leave this on in production, though! Read more about debugging WordPress.
Disable your plugins by renaming the plugins folder. Doing so has minimal impact, and is an attempt to remove any other non-WordPress-Core code from loading and further get to the bottom of your login issues. Also, try renaming your active theme folder (the folder under the /wp-content/themes directory) to get WP to fall back to the default Twentyeleven theme.You’ll need to go back in and reactivate each plugin later, but is a good troubleshooting step!
You can read more here!….
I hope this helps