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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BP Disable Activation Reloaded] Double mailI tried removing the lines but it doesn’t seem to be working. I still get 2 emails. Can anyone help?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SideOffer] Hide Plugin on MobileI got it working now! Thank you so much! @nebojsab @graphictoronto ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SideOffer] Hide Plugin on MobileHi, this is what I did. But it doesn’t seem to be working.
<?php /* Plugin Name: SideOffer Plugin URI: Description: <a href="" target="_blank">SideOffer</a> is a pop-out content slider, designed to increase conversions by allowing you to present your users with highly visible calls to action. You could collect emails for your newsletter, offer a free download or make your contact form persistant. Features include an easy and interactive setup, custom graphics (PSD Source included) and the integration of a "sideoffer" class, allowing users to trigger the slider via anchor link. Version: 1.0.2 Author: Heavy Digital Author URI: */ // Defaults define( 'HD_PUGIN_NAME', 'SideOffer'); define( 'HD_PLUGIN_DIRECTORY', 'sideoffer'); define( 'HD_CURRENT_VERSION', '1.0.2' ); // Admin Page require_once('sideoffer-options.php'); // create custom plugin settings menu add_action( 'admin_menu', 'hd_create_menu' ); //call register settings function add_action( 'admin_init', 'hd_register_settings' ); register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'hd_activate'); register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, 'hd_deactivate'); register_uninstall_hook(__FILE__, 'hd_uninstall'); // activating the default values function hd_activate() { // Set Default Values add_option('hd_sideoffer_mode','setup'); add_option('hd_sideoffer_title','<h2>Sign Up Today!</h2>'); add_option('hd_sideoffer_content',"Create your SideOffer content and place it here.\n\nYou can use text, HTML and [shortcodes]\n\nThis plugin is a great companion to Contact Form 7!"); add_option('hd_sideoffer_bg',plugins_url( 'images/sideoffer-bg.png', __FILE__ )); add_option('hd_sideoffer_color_text','#ffffff'); add_option('hd_sideoffer_side','right'); add_option('hd_sideoffer_top','120'); add_option('hd_sideoffer_in','-510'); add_option('hd_sideoffer_out','-50'); add_option('hd_sideoffer_width','600'); add_option('hd_sideoffer_height','600'); } // deactivating function hd_deactivate() { } // uninstalling function hd_uninstall() { # delete all data stored delete_option('hd_sideoffer_mode'); delete_option('hd_sideoffer_title'); delete_option('hd_sideoffer_content'); delete_option('hd_sideoffer_bg'); delete_option('hd_sideoffer_color_text'); delete_option('hd_sideoffer_side'); delete_option('hd_sideoffer_top'); delete_option('hd_sideoffer_in'); delete_option('hd_sideoffer_out'); delete_option('hd_sideoffer_width'); delete_option('hd_sideoffer_height'); } function hd_create_menu() { // create new top-level menu add_menu_page( HD_PUGIN_NAME, HD_PUGIN_NAME, 'manage_options', 'sideoffer', 'sideoffer_options', plugins_url('/images/icon-hd.png', __FILE__)); add_submenu_page( 'sideoffer', HD_PUGIN_NAME, HD_PUGIN_NAME, 'manage_options', 'sideoffer', 'sideoffer_options' ); } // Add settings link on plugin page add_filter("plugin_action_links_".plugin_basename(__FILE__), 'hd_sideoffer_settings_link' ); function hd_sideoffer_settings_link($links) { $settings_link = '<a href="admin.php?page=sideoffer">Settings</a>'; array_unshift($links, $settings_link); return $links; } // Register settings function hd_register_settings() { register_setting( 'hd-sideoffer-settings', 'hd_sideoffer_mode' ); register_setting( 'hd-sideoffer-settings', 'hd_sideoffer_title' ); register_setting( 'hd-sideoffer-settings', 'hd_sideoffer_content' ); register_setting( 'hd-sideoffer-settings', 'hd_sideoffer_bg'); register_setting( 'hd-sideoffer-settings', 'hd_sideoffer_color_text'); register_setting( 'hd-sideoffer-settings', 'hd_sideoffer_side' ); register_setting( 'hd-sideoffer-settings', 'hd_sideoffer_top' ); register_setting( 'hd-sideoffer-settings', 'hd_sideoffer_in' ); register_setting( 'hd-sideoffer-settings', 'hd_sideoffer_out' ); register_setting( 'hd-sideoffer-settings', 'hd_sideoffer_width'); register_setting( 'hd-sideoffer-settings', 'hd_sideoffer_height'); } /* Enqueue Admin Scripts */ add_action('admin_print_scripts', 'hd_sideoffer_admin_scripts'); function hd_sideoffer_admin_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); wp_enqueue_script( 'farbtastic' ); wp_enqueue_script('media-upload'); wp_enqueue_script('thickbox'); } add_action('admin_print_styles', 'hd_sideoffer_admin_styles'); function hd_sideoffer_admin_styles() { wp_enqueue_style( 'farbtastic' ); wp_enqueue_style('thickbox'); } add_action('admin_head-toplevel_page_sideoffer','hd_sideoffer_css'); /* End Enqueue Admin Scripts */ /*** SideOffer Offer Code ***/ if (get_option('hd_sideoffer_mode')!="setup") add_action('wp_footer','hd_sideoffer',100); add_action('admin_head-toplevel_page_sideoffer','hd_sideoffer'); function hd_sideoffer() { ?> <!-- SideOffer --> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { /* SideOffer Sidebar Functionality */ $("#sideoffer").toggle( function() { $(this).animate({ "right": "<?php echo get_option('hd_sideoffer_out'); ?>px" }, "slow"); }, function() { $(this).animate({ "right": "<?php echo get_option('hd_sideoffer_in'); ?>px" }, "slow"); } ); /* SideOffer .hd-sideoffer click function */ $(".sideoffer").click(function(){ $("#sideoffer").click(); }); /* SideOffer aLlow clicks on content box */ $("#sideoffer .box").click(function(event){ event.stopPropagation(); }); }); </script> <div id="sideoffer"> <div class="box"> <?php echo get_option('hd_sideoffer_title'); ?> <?php echo do_shortcode(get_option('hd_sideoffer_content')); ?> </div><!-- End .box --> </div><!-- End #sideoffer --> <!-- End SideOffer --> <?php } /*** SideOffer JS *** Enqueue JavaScript )jQuery) Since 1.0.2 ***/ add_action('wp_head','hd_sideoffer_js',100); function hd_sideoffer_js() { wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); } /*** SideOffer CSS ***/ // Enqueue CSS add_action('wp_head','hd_sideoffer_css',100); function hd_sideoffer_css() { ?> <!-- SideOffer [HD] CSS --> <style type="text/css"> #sideoffer { background: url('<?php echo get_option('hd_sideoffer_bg'); ?>') top left no-repeat; width:<?php echo get_option('hd_sideoffer_width'); ?>px; height:<?php echo get_option('hd_sideoffer_height'); ?>px; position:fixed; top:<?php echo get_option('hd_sideoffer_top'); ?>px; <?php echo "right"; //get_option('hd_sideoffer_side'); ?>: <?php echo get_option('hd_sideoffer_in'); ?>px; text-transform: none; z-index:99999; } #sideoffer .box { position: absolute; right:0; width: 78%; padding: 15px 10px; color: <?php echo get_option('hd_sideoffer_color_text'); ?>; } #sideoffer p { margin-bottom: 5px !important; } <!-- This is what I add --> @media screen and (max-width: 280px) { #sideoffer { display: none !important; } } </style> <!-- End SideOffer [HD] CSS --> <?php }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SideOffer] Hide Plugin on MobileHi nebojsab,
when I try to view from my mobile, it is still covering my entire page.
Is it possible to remove it entirely when view as mobile?To see what I mean, go to both and using a mobile phone.
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