Kyle Nofuente
Forum Replies Created
I’m on a Windows machine, Windows 7. The icons look smooth on my Chrome browser, and yes, pixellated and ugly on my FF11 and IE8. Maybe it’s just my IE8 though.
As for #3 above, I’ve been staring at the Ad Injection Admin screen for hours for day looking for that “content filter priority” setting (or anything that would resemble that function), but I must be blind because I cannot find it. I took a screenshot of the Ad Injection admin screen here. Really, really looking forward to the next update of this plugin if you actually incorporate this neat lil’ trick into it. Until then, let me know what you think when you have the time.
Thanks Gary!
WOW. Thank you, Gary. You have been the most helpful person I’ve met anywhere on the internet.
It’ll take me a while to consume all of this, but I’ll definitely get to it., and will look forward to your reply.
Again, I can’t thank you enough for your time and knowledge. Very much appreciated.
KyleThanks, Gary. Your time and knowledge are very very much appreciated, and it won’t be forgotten. Looking forward to your reply. Happy holiday!
KyleThanks for the support, Gary!
The social media links are working fine now. I wonder what was going on with it last night (I’m located in Asia.)
As for the photo, I did what you suggested – reverted back to the default WP theme, and it seems the problem is with the theme I’m using now. Since it’s a paid theme, I know you can’t tinker with it and try it out yourself, but since you said it happens quite often, would you have any idea how I would go about fixing this? Again, I’m quite a newbie with all of this so kindly excuse me.
May I add a few more inquiries? Hopefully others will be benefiting from this conversation of ours. The following regard the aesthetics and placement of WP Biographia:
1. I viewed the plugin under Chrome and the social media icon links look nice and clean. Under IE and Firefox (both latest versions), however, the icons look jagged and pixellated. That being said, how exactly do I go about changing them to icons with a bit more color? I see the “Alerternate Icon Set URL” field under the “Content” tab of the WP Biographia settings, but I don’t really know how to use it. Do I just Google “alternate icon sets for social media icons” for example? And then just copy/paste a search result’s URL in that field?
2. Is there any way to change the color of the thin box around the author box to match my theme’s primary color of maroon?
3. If you don’t mind taking a second look at my page that I gave you a link to, you’ll notice that there is an ad above my author box. The plugin I use for that is Ad Injection (v1.2.0.12). I have that bottom ad set to be placed at the bottom of every post just as WP Biographia is set to do the same. However, I would like the author box to be placed right above that ad instead of below it. I’d like our readers to be able to read a post and see who wrote it immediately before being interrupted by an ad. (Though I know I could just have the author box appear at the beginning of a post, but as you can see, that would cost us. Also the same reason why I can’t just remove that bottom ad). If there was any way to make this possible, I would be supremely grateful.
Thanks Gary.
Thank you, Gary.
I’m sorry about the duplicate post, but WP Biographia is back on the link I gave you in my first post for help.
* I’m using WP Version 3.3.2.
* It is a self-hosted WP installation.
* It’s self hosted but I have a small staff of writers and contributors.* I’m using an Organic Themes News Theme.
* I forgot the version of the theme but it’s the latest one they have for it.
* It’s a paid theme.
* I’m sorry but I honestly don’t know if it’s a standalone theme or a child theme. But I believe it doesn’t a Genesis framework.* I’m running the version that available on WP right now for your plugin. (Downloaded it yesterday.)
* I haven’t tweaked much of the plugin’s settings except for my gravatar photo, the box that surrounds the author info, it’s background color, and links to my social media sites (I also set those links to open in a new window).* What’s happening exactly is what I mentioned in my original post.
* Yes, it started happening immediately.
* Nothing major happened on my site since I installed the plugin.
* I have quite a few plugins, but no, I have not disabled any of them yet.
* I haven’t reverted back to any of the supplied themes, either.
* I provided a URL to one of the posts I’ve authored on the site.Thank you for your time, Gary. Very much appreciated.