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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wordpress 3.8 parker widget areaOK .. what happened?
Problem: Widget SIDEBARS did NOT show
Theme: Wasteland
Domain: dansmalloutdoors.com1) for nearly 4 hours I’ve tried to get the Widget SIDEBAR to show. Nothing. The site would crank for 10 minutes, then nothing.
2) I read the question by esmi above – asking if the error was still found in Theme 2014. I tried it – but w/ NO intention of changing themes. Same thing. No Widget Sidebar.
3) I began writing up this error report – went back to check on a name – and VOLIA! there is it is … seemingly working.
4) I filled in the code for the new widget, in the appropriate sidebar. But nothing. It took at least a dozen tries: total cache clearing didn’t work: but finally I cleared the entire widget sidebar block, saved as ’empty’; displayed on the site and had a total removal of the widget sidebar element. I then refilled the element, saved and looked. Finally a correct widget sidebar element.
I’m glad it’s working. But seriously wondering What Else is going to crap out. ???
As well, I can’t say I’m overly thrilled and awed by the new design either. It’s pretty bland, and I don’t personally care for ‘dark backgrounds’ on any Admin Work area. It’s not only ‘not that cool’, it’s not that legible, either.
Just sayin’…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image Map not workingThis ‘problem’ is not a policy matter. It’s a ‘WordPress’ code problem.
YES, the <map></map> tag stripping occurs on both and sites. It occurs regardless of the Theme being used as well.
The stand alone, sites, do not Right Justify everything like is doing now’days. But there are still aggravating ‘errors’ in code convention that are ‘universal’ to WordPress installations.
I’ve been forced to focus my WordPress pathways, into Posterous and Blogspot. Which, BTW, do NOT cause problems.
I suggest WordPress get crackin’ on this problem and solve it .. or they will begin loosing users in waves.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image Map not workingWPyogi ..
1st Thank you for replying.
2nd, I’m not ranting. I’m PISSED OFF. Never confuse the two. Ranting is pointless blather. PISSED OFF is Xtreme anger due to having ones work routine screwed up/over by unknown sources/reasons/other.Yes, I realize that the PLACE where I am experiencing the problem is – but to say and are ‘separate’, well, yeah right? I know the differences. But the backbone code is the same. This forum is where we go to get first-hand assistance with the WP code. So…?
What I’m looking to find (outside of FIX!) is this:
Has there been a weird code error/change/alteration, in how WP treats the image map tag .. or is enacting some sort of weird protective measure by dismantling the <map></map> tag? This tag is the same in HTML and XHTML. So why have we suddenly lost it? It’s a very legitimate question..!
And as to the comment, ‘get a self-hosted’ site. I already have dozens of them. I use the as ‘extra touch’ sites. And up until the past couple of weeks, all worked quite well.
I just want to know WHAT THE HECK CHANGED?
I am all for Change that has positive outcome. But Change without direction, may end up being good, but in the interim is most disruptive. I’m just looking to lessen or eliminate the disruption now being experienced.
Thank you.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image Map not workingWell, ElayneW, if it makes you feel any better, I’ve been a WP/ user since they started and I’ve been able to successfully use <map></map> for years! .. until the past few weeks. And this week it’s totally gone! No matter what I do, strips the CODE from the HTML text and all <maps> become non-functioning. VERY INFURIATING! “. (((
I have spent the last 2 hours researching this and finding NOTHING – other than the standard “ strips to protect its servers” crap! That may be so, but it’s still CRAP!
VERY disgruntled and unhappy MULTI-YEAR USER who has evangelized the wazoo out of WordPress. This is so Microsuck that it stinks!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP 3.4 Problem [Redirection Widget Not Opening]DN Brawler .. . THANK YOU!!!! for this information. I was about to pull out my hair! I just updated about an hour ago and lost all access to the Widgets. Disabling the Google Custom Search FIXED the problem. Much obliged!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Header.php hacked. Need advice, have tried (seemingly) everythingAmended Comment — I needed to update the comment I made earlier, and point out a unique area of problem
I re-read the comments above and see that the files I mentioned earlier – were All – already discussed.
The KEY thing about the wp-pass.php file is that it’s IN THE WRONG PLACE, when it’s in the wp-contents/uploads location.
But there was one weird element that I did not find mentioned in the above comments – that I DID mention earlier.
In my case, the infected area was in a different WP installation (different folder) but, it was NOT affecting the ‘host’. The offending file was only affecting the WP installation’s header.php to which the threat was redirected.
A question: Did any of you – who had this problem – ever install the Featurific Plug-in?
I looked through all the other WP installations on that server and root and found nothing else.
Thanks …
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Strange code in header.php file.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Strange code in header.php file.I found the culprit. Go to this conversation:
There’s more!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Header.php hacked. Need advice, have tried (seemingly) everythingOK .. you all found the wp-pass.php .. BUT .. did you note that it was coming FROM another location on the server?
I’d been going nuts with this same problem and it was RVoodoo who alerted me to looking though the logs. I’d been going through lines and lines – was ready to quit when I realized I’d NOT searched the listing for the header.php file that was always being corrupted. BINGO!
The source of the wp-pass.php AND its companion file .. yes COMPANION FILE >> topper.php <<< was found to be coming from another WP installation – on the same server – in MY ACCOUNT.
Both files had been UPLOADED to the wp-content/uploads/[year][day] directory.
So, if you’ve found the wp-pass.php .. you still need to fine the topper.php file – most likely.
I’m going to be looking closely at the ‘infecting’ installation. If I find anything of interest. I will post here.
Also .. my host is – – and the server farm for this hosting is in Scottsdale, AZ.
BigSquareDot .. your ‘other’ funky spelling file, may be the 2nd file to find. But wouldn’t hurt to look for one called topper.php. I’ll be looking for your ‘funky spelling’ file, too.
This really SUCKS!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Strange code in header.php file.Yes. I have access to the logs. And I’ve been pouring over them. But I can’t find anything out of the ‘ordinary’. Any idea what I might be looking for? I’m looking for ‘oddities’… but I seem to find a lot of them; though they turn out to be spiders.
Hints .. maybe?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Strange code in header.php file.I’m using the Theme Fall Season, on one of my managed sites. For the last few months I have been in a remove and try-to-find-the-source of a javascript code that continues to reappear in the header.php file.
The script is an obvious SPAM .. with hundreds of links back to a litany of Tumblr posts; all promoting SPAM.
I’ve have removed ALL plug-ins and it still continues to show up. I’ve scanned the entire WP code – line-by-line. Nothing revealing – to me. I’ve done everything but blast the installation and start over.
This is a rather large dBase site. And I’m not sure the dBase has not been compromised.
In the javascript there is definitely obfuscated code, but NOWHERE in the Fall Season code.
Help! Please.
Thanks …
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Replacing title with logo graphicstefo .. if you are looking for help in the placement of the code mentioned earlier (replacing the sliding segments with full-sized image) then just open the header.php file .. replace lines #39-#44 with the code above. Be sure to replace the
with your [path-to-image] information.NOTE: There may be an even neater way to ‘use the window’ and still get what is wanted in a ‘single image’. I’m working w/ this Theme and if I find my idea works, I’ll report back.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Import RSS doing nothingI will be moving a EE account to an existing WP account, so I began looking for a smooth way to do this. Hoping WP would already have a slick little plugin for it, I came here, but found the state of confusion I didn’t want to find. So, I Googled and found the answer. It’s not totally ‘neat’, but it’s a very powerful and working solution. owner wrote a patch to do the work. Not sure how elegant it is, but it does appear to do the job. Here’s the link to the download of the code.
As to a list of Instructions for doing this… well, I’m not exactly sure. The links above speak of “How To” only briefly. It may be more intuitive that it currently seems. I WILL find out.
I hope this has helped.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: How to offer (not consume) an RSS widget for external embeddingShacker .. did you ever find anything else on this query..? I’ve been looking for something similar to this for some time. What I want is an ability to post on one blog and have that post mirrored on one to ‘n’ blogs else where. Not found it yet.
If you or anyone else has something more WP specific or widget driven – please post and let us know.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: fatal error installing plugins “cannot redeclare class pclzip”It would be much appreciated if someone at WP would address this problem. The ‘fixes’ offered do NOT address the problem of automated ZIP errors. When the WP is current and there is no WPAU plugin to contend with – there is something else that is wrong.
Please help.