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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [amr users] Overview of configured user lists 3.30“Next update may move to one list at a time to get away from this happening.”
What does that mean? That there is one list not scrollable sideways but downways or that it is possible also with larger lists to change the pagination?
Thank you for your Links. What I want is multiple pages with different results. So I need this site:
Can I also use a special combination of field names with this filters? That is what I need! Thank you, that would really help…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [amr users] Overview of configured user lists 3.30Not only the pagination is not changeable anymore, also the lines per page are not changeable. In former versions this worked.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [amr users] Overview of configured user lists 3.30Hi Anmari,
Yes, In know that I have to scroll sideways but it’s not very comfortable. To scroo downwards seems to me much intuitive und with 400 lists it is also better to handle.I have cities and instruments and I want to have individual lists with combinations, e.g. guitar and new york. So I need many different lists. But maybe I have to live with this uncomfortable situation…
Another problem is: The pagination isn’t working anymore. Any time I check the pagination box and actualize this overview-site the box isn’t checked anymore…
no help ?? – here someone hat this bug, too, but there’s no solution. ??
Is there a support who could help? That would be really fine. UM is perfect but this little one bug could destroy everything for german users…
Does anybody know about this bug? I think in former UM Versions there wasn’t this kind of bug.
Will UM fix this?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [amr users] "Include" in User List & individual design for User ListsAd 1. again)
I found out: The field “include” has problems if I use fields in the backend with multiple options. If I have only one option there is no problem.
But if I ‘d like the field to contain multiple informations and the include-field just should select the decisive one out of it – it does not work.So the “include” is more an “is” as an “include”, true?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [amr users] "Include" in User List & individual design for User ListsThanks for your fast answer.
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To unterstand it better. So you have not the option in any of your plugins to get a OR-Include, as I call it? The AND-Include is possible, yes.
But there is another problem. I experimented with that and I guess your plugin works only with exact matching. For example, if I include “english” in my list so everyone who adds “english” is found. But if I use “english lesson”, so he is not in that “INCLUDE-“guitar””-List.Is this true and is there any possibility to change this?
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Okay, thanks that helps. I didn’t saw that you have the possibility to work with html in Before/After.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Members Membership Plugin] Radio Buttons (Multiple Options)Can nobody help?
Ain’t there any options how I can use a dropdown or a radio button with multiple selection?