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  • Plugin Contributor netzgestaltung


    I see, i was missing some necessary data:

    * Contact Form 7 5.2
    * Really Simple CAPTCHA 2.0.2
    * CF7 Smart Grid Design Extension 3.3.2

    When i deactivate CF7 Smart Grid Design Extension the Capchta starts working (but the Metaboxes for Polylang are gone).

    I established a languages workaround in the templates that call forms so for now the frontend works without CF7 Smart Grid Design Extension

    Thread Starter netzgestaltung


    When i search for “encoder” in the wp-plugins directory i get 2 pages of results.

    Maybe a whitelisting for the specific plugin names would be an option (on AIOWPS side).

    Thread Starter netzgestaltung


    thanks for that!

    maybe if you ask on their support forum, they have other ideas what to do (also for other plugin authors)

    kind regards

    Thread Starter netzgestaltung


    I am not sure.

    The only malformed files where wp-config and a few plugin files.
    Also static folders with pictures from an old instance of drupal where affected with index.php files.

    wp-core files stayed untouched, the where the usual files with “Pharma Hack” signature “/php \$[a-zA-Z]*=\’as\’;/”

    the modified plugin files looked more randomly used so i think it should not be related to it.


    at least there where some hidden files tarned as “*.ico” but with the same pattern as for the PHP files and with similar content.

    Hi, i just kept my old script and within the old links to solve that problem:

    DISCLAIMER: Please handle with care and test. I am not responsible for errors that might come up with that:

    kind regards, tom

    Thread Starter netzgestaltung


    The problem was that when using get_comment_text the usual comment_text filter was not used at all and some filters where missing:

    add_filter( 'comment_text', 'wptexturize'            );
    add_filter( 'comment_text', 'convert_chars'          );
    add_filter( 'comment_text', 'make_clickable',      9 );
    add_filter( 'comment_text', 'force_balance_tags', 25 ); 
    add_filter( 'comment_text', 'convert_smilies',    20 );
    add_filter( 'comment_text', 'wpautop',            30 );


    also using comment_text() did not work because its then filtered infinite.
    removing the rating filter temporary did also not work in my themes funcion.

    This is what now works for me:

    i combined all values regarding to rating in an array an use it as parameter for the filter apply_filters('wpcr_comment_tut_add_title_to_text', $comment_text, $rating, $comment).

    /wp-post-comment-rating/inc/function.php line 136

    ///// show rating stars with visitors comment /////
    function wpcr_comment_tut_add_title_to_text($comment_text, $comment){
      $wpcr_options = get_option('wpcr_settings'); // no need for $wpdb
      $rating = array( // all rating values combined for better filtering afterwards
        'enable' => apply_filters('wpcr_options_checkbox1', $wpcr_options['checkbox1'], $comment), // "Enable rating" possible overwrite on per post_type basis
        'text' => '', // added to $comment_text
        'star_pos' => 'above', // default stars position
        'filtered_comment_content' => $comment_text, // Was allready filtered
      if ( $rating['enable'] ) { // "Enable rating"
        $rating['rating'] = get_comment_meta($comment->comment_ID, 'rating', true);
        if ( $rating['rating'] ) {
          $rating_inner_text = '(' . $rating['rating'] . '/5)';
          $rating['text'] = '<div class="cmstr-out"><span class="wpcr_author_stars" data-rating="' . $rating['rating'] . '" ></span></div><span class="tval">' . $rating_inner_text . '</span>';
          if ( isset($wpcr_options['cmstr_pos']) && $wpcr_options['cmstr_pos'] === 0 ) {
            $rating['star_pos'] = 'below';
          if ( $rating['star_pos'] === 'above' ) {
            $comment_text = $rating['text'] . $rating['filtered_comment_content'];
          } else {
            $comment_text = $rating['filtered_comment_content'] . $rating['text'];
      return apply_filters('wpcr_comment_tut_add_title_to_text', $comment_text, $rating, $comment);

    This is now how my theme works (with getting all the rating values, its much smaller):

    add_filter('wpcr_comment_tut_add_title_to_text', 'myTheme_comment_rating_comment_text', 10, 3);
    function sandbox_comment_rating_comment_text($comment_text, $rating, $comment){
      $profile_post_ID = 1234; // on profile page or descendants
      $star_pos = isset($rating['star_pos']) ? $rating['star_pos'] : 'above'; // default stars position
      $enable_rating = isset($rating['enable']) ? $rating['enable'] : false;
      if ( $enable_rating ) { // "Enable rating"
        if ( isset($rating['rating']) ) {
          $post = get_post();
          $parents = get_post_ancestors($post);
          $parents[] = $post->ID;
          if ( in_array($profile_post_ID, $parents) ) {
            $star_pos = 'above';
          if ( $star_pos === 'above' ) {
            $comment_text = $rating['text'] . $rating['filtered_comment_content'];
          } else {
            $comment_text = $rating['filtered_comment_content'] . $rating['text'];
      return $comment_text;
    Thread Starter netzgestaltung


    Hi there,

    i think i need to test the code a bit more to get it working in all circumstances.

    i’ll update you here with a new post then.

    Thread Starter netzgestaltung


    hi there,

    the previous one was the filter with my template logic – its different on the profile page.

    this is the function.php full code for function “wpcr_comment_tut_add_title_to_text” i would suggest:

    function wpcr_comment_tut_add_title_to_text($text, $comment){
      $wpcr_options = get_option('wpcr_settings'); // no need for $wpdb
      $enable_rating = apply_filters('wpcr_options_checkbox1', $wpcr_options['checkbox1'], $comment); // "Enable rating" possible overwrite on per post_type basis
      $rating_text = ''; // added to $comment_text
      $star_pos = 'above'; // default stars position
      if ( $enable_rating ) { // "Enable rating"
        $rating = get_comment_meta($comment->comment_ID, 'rating', true);
        if ( $rating ) {
          $post = get_post();
          $parents = get_post_ancestors($post);
          $parents[] = $post->ID;
          $rating_inner_text = '(' . $rating . '/5)';
          $rating_text = '<div class="cmstr-out"><span class="wpcr_author_stars" data-rating="' . $rating . '" ></span></div><span class="tval">' . $rating_inner_text . '</span>';
          $comment_text = get_comment_text($comment);
          if ( isset($wpcr_options['cmstr_pos']) && $wpcr_options['cmstr_pos'] === 0 ) {
            $star_pos = 'below';
          if ( $star_pos === 'above' ) {
            $text = $rating_text . $comment_text;
          } else {
            $text = $comment_text . $rating_text;
      return apply_filters('wpcr_comment_tut_add_title_to_text', $text, $comment);

    if you had a github repository i would send you pull requests

    Thread Starter netzgestaltung


    Here is the result of my themes function, changing the $star_pos depending on a page id or on the setting

    function myTheme_comment_rating_comment_text($text, $comment){
      $profile_post_ID = 1234; // on profile page or descendants
      $wpcr_options = get_option('wpcr_settings'); // no need for $wpdb
      $enable_rating = apply_filters('wpcr_options_checkbox1', $wpcr_options['checkbox1'], $comment); // "Enable rating" possible overwrite on per post_type basis
      $rating_text = ''; // added to $comment_text
      $star_pos = 'above'; // default stars position 
      if ( $enable_rating ) {
        $rating = get_comment_meta($comment->comment_ID, 'rating', true);
        if ( $rating ) {
          $post = get_post();
          $parents = get_post_ancestors($post);
          $parents[] = $post->ID;
          $rating_inner_text = '(' . $rating . '/5)';
          $rating_text = '<div class="cmstr-out"><span class="wpcr_author_stars" data-rating="' . $rating . '" ></span></div><span class="tval">' . $rating_inner_text . '</span>';
          $comment_text = get_comment_text($comment);
          if ( !in_array($profile_post_ID, $parents) && isset($wpcr_options['cmstr_pos']) && $wpcr_options['cmstr_pos'] === 0 ) {
            $star_pos = 'below';
          if ( $star_pos === 'above' ) {
            $text = $rating_text . $comment_text;
          } else {
            $text = $comment_text . $rating_text;
      return $text;
      // return apply_filters('myTheme_comment_rating_comment_text', $text, $comment);

    kind regards

    Thread Starter netzgestaltung


    hi there,

    finally i got the first ratings to show:

    kind regards, tom

    Thread Starter netzgestaltung



    it started working “surprisingly” after configuring the plugin.


    Thread Starter netzgestaltung


    i now got my personal template code ready and integrated a “no text” version and the shortcode title

    you can grab it here:

    here is also some CSS i had to add to my template while the stars occur on different places on the page i am working on. The “article” selector is only there to overwrite the plugin CSS rules.

    article .wpcr_aggregate{
      margin:0 0 1em 0;
    article .title .wpcr_aggregate{
    article span.wpcr_averageStars{
    article .wpcr_tooltip,
    article .wpcr_inline,
    article a.wpcr_tooltip span.wpcr_averageStars,
    article a.wpcr_inline span.wpcr_averageStars{
    .content a.wpcr_tooltip span.wpcr_averageStars, 
    .content a.wpcr_inline span.wpcr_averageStars{
      margin:0.238095238em 0.5em 0 0.5em;

    maybe i can share the live url next week.

    top! exactly what i need right now, thanks.

    Thread Starter netzgestaltung


    i now added 2 functions + 1 action within

    the hooked function at ‘save_post’ now saves the zero value of ‘_wpcr_rating’ to every post that gets saved.

    it was neccesarry because WP_Query also filters posts when using orderby on meta_key/meta_value/meta_query arguments and sorting was not possible when having two clauses with EXISTS and NOT EXISTS compare operators

    // sets post_meta '_wpcr_rating' to zero when not having comments
    function myPlugin_save_post($post_id, $post, $update){
      if ( !$post->_wpcr_rating ) {
        update_post_meta($post_id, '_wpcr_rating', 0);
    add_action( 'save_post', 'myPlugin_save_post', 10, 3);

    for an initial handling i added a function that saves the zero value once to all posts that does not have it.

    // sets all existing posts '_wpcr_rating' meta field to zero, 
    // customize the query args, only use once
    function myPlugin_set_rating(){
      $args = array(
        'post_type' => 'my_post_type',
        'posts_per_page' => -1,
        'meta_query' => array(
          'rating_all' => array(
            'key' => '_wpcr_rating',
            'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS',
      $query = new WP_Query($args);
      if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
        while ( $query->have_posts() ) {
          update_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_wpcr_rating', 0);

    putted it together here:

    Thread Starter netzgestaltung


    i added the code to my snippets repository here:

    i added documentation to it

    i dont know if i will have time until friday to check the other orderby suggestions

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