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  • Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Nginx is indeed trickier than Apache because its configuration file is not editable, unlike the htaccess file of Apache. Can you confirm that the server’s configuration file has been manually configured to add this stanza:

    location / {
    rewrite .(?:jpe?g|gif|png)$ /wp-content/plugins/adaptive-images/adaptive-images-script.php;

    Of course the correct version of it might be slightly different depending on your actual setup!

    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, @mikeacevedo, thank you for reaching out!

    The plugin is indeed under development although we cannot catch up with the pace of the core updates. However the API that we are basing our code on has not changed much during the years. We are working on a new version though, indeed!

    Are you using Apache (or an Apache compatible like Litespeed) server? Or are you using NginX?

    Thread Starter Takis Bouyouris



    Thread Starter Takis Bouyouris


    Well, why would it do that? It is not the “generator” of the website, it’s just one small portion of it. Can we remove it?

    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    And a correction: the Adaptive Images plugin does take into account browser window size dynamically.

    Is there a support question I can help with?

    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, again, indeed our plugin was initially based on the original solution, as we state in the FAQ and in the credits. Of, course the original solution was not a WordPress plugin and, in any case, our solution has come a long way since that point with lots of added implementation details and features.

    As far as CDNs are concerned, your explanation pretty much sums up what we know and is the reason why CDN support is still a feature we are working on. In that direction we have developed a special, yet still experimental mode, called CDN Support, which one can find in the plugin settings. We are still working on this, though!

    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello there, my friend, you are always welcome to dig into the plugin’s code to find more about the details.

    However, the main idea of the plugin is to work transparently and independently of any application-specific details like the srcset. What it actually does is read the size of the device on the client level via Javascript and then set this in a cookie that is always read by the server. So the server knows what size of image to use.

    This also gives more flexibility, because not all srcsets are defined correctly and not all srcsets are close to all device sizes.

    And the tests show that, well, it works and without posing much load on the server side.

    Hope this helps! ??

    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Instant results was indeed part of the idea, thank for saying so @kgbgrafix, we appreciate it!

    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, my friend, thank you for reaching out!

    Cache and performance plugins oftentimes offer too many features in their effort to provide a more complete service. I believe Litespeed has a whole special section dedicated to images. You need to disable that section altogether, so that Litespeed will stop manipulating image requests to your website.

    Let me know if I can help any further!

    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, my friend,

    Thank for reaching out!

    I took a look at your test website and it seems that there is some service or plugin which intervenes and catches image requests and transforms them to webp format on the fly. If that is the case then that solution cannot work together with the Adaptive Images plugin. Only one of them will get the chance to handle image requests at each time.

    Let me know if I can help any further!


    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, @kcwebguy,

    Thank you for reaching out and taking the time to test our plugin!!

    First of all Gtmetrix might not be able to even detect that the plugin is working because it is intentionally functioning as unobtrusively and transparently as possible. This means that Gtmetrix is analysing your website contents but it is not running your website in an actual device with an actual browser. So, when our plugin sees requests coming from such a test it appears to it that a random desktop machine is requesting images and, therefore, does not try to resize them.

    Instead, I would recommend a tool like and a test with an actual mobile device, if you want to get real metrics.

    However, it is relatively easy to test the plugin with your own browser, as it is explained in the “How to test” section of the plugin page here

    Lastly, when the plugin actually works as designed, it only resizes images if an when they are requested by smaller devices. So, until then, the cache can remain empty and, even when it is populated, only the requested images will be added to it (and kept for later usage, of course). And, if an image is small enough for the requesting devices, then it might not need to be ever resized at all!

    At the moment, I see that you have opted for another image resizing solution (Optimole) which uses its own CDN to deliver images. Even if our plugin is active it cannot function at the same time with such a CDN. If you would like me to give it a test you would need to leave only our plugin active and no image CDN solution. Which was our intention to begin with, that is to provide a self hosted, no cost, image resizing solution.

    Hope this helps!

    Let me know if I can help any further.


    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, Pat,

    If the database has stopped registering media files altogether, then something else must be going on. The Adaptive Images plugin does not touch the wp_posts database table, or any other table, apart from saving its own settings in wp_options. But you never know…

    I’ll wait for the test environment, I am really curious to find out what’s going on!


    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, @blackcapdesign,

    Once again, thank you for sharing this info. It all seems in order and is baffling me. Plesk or Cpanel or whatever other control panel should not matter.

    What I find very weird is that in the debug info, the plugin sees that the image path is /wp2022/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/filename.jpg yet it cannot locate it on the disk. Does this ring any bell to you?

    Now I have run out of ideas here. All the other tests in various WordPress installation combinations I have conducted seem to work well with this version of the plugin. If it is possible for you to provide an isolated test environment, where I could do some in-depth a debugging, I would be happy to do so. You may contact me at info [at] nevma [dot] gr.


    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    @blackcapdesign, I am really sorry to hear this, too! I have conducted quite a few tests on the latest version and on different types of WordPress installations and it seems that the regular expression issue has been fixed.

    Would it be possible for you to make one more clean test? Also try to do a hard refresh on your website to make sure new requests are actually sent?

    If the problem persists, may I ask for some additional info? That would be:

    1. The bit in your htaccess file that refers to the Adaptive Images plugin.
    2. Add ?debug=true at the end of an image url and send me what you see.

    Thanks for the help,

    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    @kcwebguy, I am really sorry about that. The forum guidelines mention nothing about following up on a thread, if you have a similar issue to the one the thread discusses. Actually this should be the correct way to go! Anyway, feel free to start a new thread, if you would like, please!

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