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  • Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, @timholz, actually we do, but the latest developments in the image formats have been kind of overwhelming, so we wanted to wait a bit and see how things evolve and which formats will gain in popularity.

    Thank you very much for your support!

    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, @jladkins0824,

    I think this has to do with your theme, its layout and its CSS. Even if you had the the Adaptive Images plugin enabled, it would not be able to help in this issue. I am not sure how I could help any further…


    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, @jladkins0824,

    Are you using the Adaptive Images plugin in your website? Can you point us to a specific page and image where we could see the issue you describe?


    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, @jc123, thank you for your message!

    The bit of code you see in your htaccess file is added automatically by the Adaptive Images plugin. It is required so that the plugin can function when the web server is Apache (or compatible servers, like Litespeed). So, if this bit of code is already there, you do not need to add anything more to it.

    The discussion in this thread was mostly about NginX and how it should be configured. Actually, you may want to read my message some days ago here where I explain it more thoroughly.

    As far as how to test, you can look at the “How to test” section in the main plugin description page. Inspect element should show the correct image if all things are set up properly and all caches have been cleaned. But you need to look at the dimensions of the downloaded image, not its url (the url will remain the same).


    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, @hristo-sg,

    Thank you for the clarification!

    Does this mean that requests to image urls with GET parameters will can be set up to be propagated to the origin server as separate requests, thus allowing the origin server to serve different images according these parameters?


    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, @remmar00,

    The code necessary for NginX appears in the plugin settings page after you save them in the success message. You do need to tweak it a little bit according to your specific installation, though.

    The code for the htaccess file is in the same place!

    However, you shouldn’t need to set up Apache and NginX at the same time. Your main web server is one and that is what you need to set up.

    So the first thing you need to do is clarify with Siteground which one is your main web server. NginX or Apache?

    There is a case where they might be using NginX on top of Apache, as a caching server. This is an entirely different case altogether in which NginX acts like a small CDN. This case is only experimentally supported by our plugin, if you enable the CDN support option in the plugin settings page. And you need to make sure with Siteground that NginX allows cache busting on image urls via GET parameters. (Experimental does not mean that something will break, but the plugin might miss some images and not downsize them.)

    Let me know if I can help any further.


    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    I just wanted to add that Lighthouse cannot detect what our plugin does because it analyzes the code in a generic manner. Our plugin actually serves smaller images on smaller screens, but only when actual smaller screens send requests. A tool like can detect that.

    But, of course, I understand how Lighthouse and Cloudflare have their importance these days and we are working towards newer versions of the plugin that will accommodate these needs. But we need some time for this still!

    Thanks for the chat and for the offer though, I appreciate it.


    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, @roadlink, thank you for your email!

    I am quite sure the issue is not the lazy loading of the images, because the plugin works on the server right at the point where the image requests are handled.

    I think the issue is the combination with Cloudflare. If you are indeed using it, then I am afraid that our plugin cannot work with it. We have tried to explain this a bit in the description of our plugin, but it is a little tricky. CDNs like Cloudflare completely intercept image requests, so our plugin does not get the chance to handle them. Sorry if this is not very clear.

    This is the reason why we have marked CDN support as “experimental” in the plugin settings page. You can enable this setting, but only with CDNs who keep url parameters on image requests. If you can configure Cloudflare to do this then it should work and then you can check it out.

    Let me know if I can help any further.


    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, my friend,

    Are you sure the issue was due to the Adaptive Images plugin? Because many things can interfere. In any case I suggest that you submitted a ticket to the support forum first, so that we could investigate the issue further. I would really love to find out what the problem is and help.


    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, @mike-a,

    Thank you for your message and for sharing all this info with us!

    I see from your page that the content is delivered via Nginx, although your debug info mentions Apache. This probably means that in your setup Apache is the main application server, but Nginx is used as a proxy/caching server in front of it. Is that correct?

    So you have three options:

    • Remove Nginx and use only Apache, if this is supported by your hosting environment.
    • Remove Apache and use only Nginx, if this is supported by your hosting environment. In this case some additional setup is required manually in the Nginx conf file (we mention it in the message that appears in the /wp-admin after you save the plugin settings.
    • Use Nginx as a CDN. In order to do this you need to enable the CDN support parameter in the plugin settings page. However, this is an experimental feature.

      Let me know if I can help any further!


    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, my friend,

    Sorry to say, but not yet! Trying our best… ??


    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, again,

    One thing that is tricky with solutions that tamper with images is “how” you test them in order to trigger any results at all! Usually, I prefer the service, as it has a lot more settings than any other of its kind. And, of course, because it is an open solution.

    But, yeah, CDNs are a special case in their own right.

    Thank you for using our plugin. We will try to do our best to add more features and CDN support in the future!


    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, @maxgorky,

    Thank you for your email!

    The Adaptive Images plugin works nicely with Litespeed and its internal cache. This is what our tests have demonstrated.

    Also, WordPress cache plugins should not usually interfere with it, because they operate on a different level. At least when the cache plugins do not mess with image delivery. And they usually don’t.

    However, CDNs are different thing because they deliver the images themselves and oftentimes do not allow WordPress and the plugin to do anything about it. For this we have developed an experimental mode, called CDN support in the plugin settings page. It is experimental in that it doesn’t always resize all images and some of them are delivered in their original sizes. We are still working on this feature, it is tricky to overcome. You may give it a spin and let us know if and how it works for your setup.

    Let me know if I can help any further!


    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, @drdisability,

    Thank you for your message!

    It seems that your file system is setup in a way that does not allow write permissions to files and directories that the Adaptive Images plugin needs in order to function properly. The issues are:

    1. The directory /var/www/wp-content/cache cannot be created. We need to be able to create directories and subdirectories in there, in order to save resized versions of images.

    2. The .htaccess file is not writeable. We need to be able to write in it, in order to redirect image requests to the plugin, so that it can handle them.

    Is this something you can configure for yourself? If not, then you should consult your hosting provider for assistance.

    Let me know how it goes and if i can help any further!


    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, my friend,

    NginX requires manual changes in its configuration file both when installing and when uninstalling the Adaptive Images plugin. The NginX configuration file cannot be automatically edited by the plugin itself, like the htaccess file in Apache.

    So, you need to add the bit of code that you have already added when installing the plugin and then remove that bit of code when uninstalling it, because it is no longer useful.

    You can make some tests and test this process if you would like in advance. Other than that it should all work smoothly.

    Let me know how it goes!


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