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  • Thread Starter nicholaspyers


    Well, that didn’t last long… spam has started to seep through on the Contact Form ??

    Thread Starter nicholaspyers


    At this stage I’ve REMOVED the reCAPTCHA keys from the Integration menu under Contact Form and added a basic quiz to my forms.

    This is currently working… but lets see how much spam sneaks through.

    Ideally it would be great to get CF7 working properly with reCAPTCHA again.
    This site never had a v2 key… so that is NOT the problem.

    Looking through recent questions, it seems a number of sites are having problems with CF7 and reCAPTCHA… now I don’t know enough about how CF7, reCAPTCHA and Akismet Anti-Spam work together… but it would be nice if the CF7 developers at least acknowledged in their FAQs that there is a potential problem with this common combination and list potential solutions — would save many of us a lot of headaches.

    The code to use in CF7 would be

    <label>Which animal do you like the most? </label>
    [checkbox* animal use_label_element exclusive free_text default:0 “cats” “dogs” “hamsters” “elephants” “cows” “other”]

    See the Checkboxes, Radio Buttons and Menus link above for details on what each command means.

    Thread Starter nicholaspyers


    The error comes up when you install and activate Ninja Forms in WordPress.

    Also, reCATACHA is now blocking messages on my contact form again.

    At this stage, I think I’m going to have to look for a new Form plug-in… there have been far too many issues with CF7 over the last year or so… first the problem of not working with Safari for file uploads, now the ‘supposed spam’ issue. I seem to be spending more time finding work arounds than developing the actual forms themselves.

    The error messages are useless and non-informative… and the FAQs which we are directed to for so called more information are just as unhelpful.

    WHEN it works CF7 is great… but recent versions have introduced far to many issues.

    The Register form will need to be filled in by about 100+ groups and I need them to be able submit it the first time WITHOUT hassles… yes it is a looooong form… but unfortunately that info needs to be collected. I don’t want them coming in, entering the details and then getting a non-descriptive error message and giving up.

    As to Flamingo, I’m not planning on keeping it installed… it doesn’t save the attachments… and assumes you have the default fields of [subject], [your-name] and [your-email] used in your form… rather than using what is actually sent as the subject and from email address.

    Thread Starter nicholaspyers


    I followed the link @the9mm supplied… where they suggested removing the recaptcha keys for a few days… and did that (well actually it was disabled for about 4 weeks… it’s taken me this long to get back to the problem)

    It fixed the problem… so I’d suggest the problem is the recaptcha keys.
    Removing and re-adding them seems to fix the problem.

    @takayukister could I suggest you add this problem and solution to your FAQs

    Thread Starter nicholaspyers


    Thanks Takayuki,

    I’ve read the FAQ… they don’t really provide a solution.

    The major problem is EVERY form submission is been blocked from sending.
    I use different email addresses in the email field. I write proper sentences.
    I don’t use words like ‘test’ in the subject or text

    I have another more complex form over at
    This too gets mark as spam

    CF7 works fine on other sites I manage, including

    Thread Starter nicholaspyers


    I’ve now REMOVED the file upload option from the form… far from ideal for us, but Far too many people were reporting errors with the uploads…

    For every successful form submission, I was getting 2 reporting errors…
    most errors were “There was an error uploading the file.”

    Thread Starter nicholaspyers


    Did that and the form works… switched backed to Mega Magazine and it doesn’t

    However, I’m using Mega Magazine on other sites (using the same hosting company and the same set of plugins)
    Uses a different theme from the same Theme Developer… works
    Different host

    Thread Starter nicholaspyers


    Thanks Neil,
    But it is yet another plug-in to deal with.
    Mind you, there seem to be some great features in there… shame they can’t be rolled into the main plug-in

    Thread Starter nicholaspyers


    Thanks Neil… had a look.

    Removing the File Upload in not an ideal solution (we want/need the photo)
    and the problem occurs when a file IS selected and when one is NOT.

    We already suggest users use a different browser… NOT a viable option for most iPhone and iPad users… and less than optimal for Mac users.

    Can an option be added to the GUI of Contact Form to turn OFF Ajax (I have about half a dozen other sites that use Contact Form 7 and don’t really like modifying the .php files directly unless I really have too)
    Auto-detect Safari users and switch off Ajax just for them?

    I’ve also taken Jonburr’s suggestion and reported the bug to Apple.

    Thread Starter nicholaspyers


    ps: it would help if the link found on that reads “If you use a free lite version, please ask your question in the appropriate forum on” pointed directly to the WP Support forum for Penguin

    Rather than having search for Penguin, select thePenguin Theme link, then scroll down that page to the Support button.

    Thread Starter nicholaspyers



    I don’t believe it to be a theme related problem.

    I suspect it is a functional issue with the core WordPress code itself.

    Same problem on two of my sites…

    Discovered as I was creating a new form… then went back and checked previously created form on a different website, that worked previously… Now it’s broken on that site ??

    Running Safari 11.1 (13605. on Mac OS 10.13.4.
    Same problem occurs on my iPad running iOS 11.3 (15E216)

    Works fine in Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.18954, under Windows 7

    So I suspect it a “bug” in Apple’s Safari, rather than Contact Form 7

    For some reason Daisy Themes dropped their own support forums, which were excellent and we got prompt, helpful responses from their support team.

    Now they are relying on the support forums here in… Which would be fine… IF they participated in answering queries.

    Apart from the great looking themes they supply, the level of support they provided was a key factor in choosing Daisy Themes for my site

    Have a look at my recent thread on this topic

    The CSS code supplied there worked a treat for me… Except I changed the colour to blue on my site

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