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  • Thread Starter nici-


    Hi Tijmen,

    nope, unfortunately this didn’t fix it. I have a (very dirty) workaround now with adding ‘style=”height:100% !important”‘ inline to the custom template after $autoload_class.

    This overrides the — also set inline via the class — 350px. I am not sure, if the $autoload_class is needed here other than for the 350px? Could I just delete $autoload_class from my template here?

    However, for the moment I can live with this.

    I want to — again — say that I think your plugin is really amazing, also support and documentation ist great (when one is not temporarily blockheaded as I was initially ;-))! I was able to define custom meta fields, delete meta fields, I do not need from backend so my customer has a more straightforward backend form. I customized the search and excessively customized the store list…

    And again: I would go for Pro if you had one (I do not need any of the premium add ons). Or can I buy you a coffee? ??

    Best regards

    Thread Starter nici-


    Thank you Tijmen,

    I got everything sorted and made it as I want it:

    Only one thing is left: I need to change

    #wpsl-stores, #wpsl-direction-details, #wpsl-gmap {
    height: 350px !important;


    #wpsl-stores, #wpsl-direction-details, #wpsl-gmap {
    height: 100% !important;

    percentage, not px.

    I tried to delete any input in the options in the referring field, but then there is 350px set in again (by default, I guess?) As this is put in inline, I can’t override it by styles.css.

    Any hint for this problem? It is the only thing that stands in the way for a perfect frontend output…

    Best regards an sooo much thanks for your help!

    Thread Starter nici-


    Thanks, Tijmen,

    that means, I basically do everything in the function.php?

    Best regards

    Thread Starter nici-


    Dear Tilmen, thanks for your fast reply and your help!

    Actually I did not find out how to put Code into gist, so sorry. I try to put it here…

    What I did was:

    1.) Code in the function.php:

    ****snip ***

    add_filter( ‘wpsl_templates’, ‘custom_templates’ );

    function custom_templates( $templates ) {

    * The ‘id’ is for internal use and must be unique ( since 2.0 ).
    * The ‘name’ is used in the template dropdown on the settings page.
    * The ‘path’ points to the location of the custom template,
    * in this case the folder of your active theme.
    $templates[] = array (
    ‘id’ => ‘hbdb’,
    ‘name’ => ‘Holzbaudatenbank’,
    ‘path’ => get_stylesheet_directory() . ‘/’ . ‘wpsl-templates/custom.php’,


    return $templates;

    add_filter( ‘wpsl_thumb_size’, ‘custom_thumb_size’ );

    function custom_thumb_size() {

    $size = array( 200, 300 );

    return $size;

    add_filter( ‘wpsl_store_meta’, ‘custom_store_meta’, 10, 2 );

    function custom_store_meta( $store_meta, $store_id ) {

    $store_meta[‘excerpt’] = get_the_excerpt( $store_id );

    return $store_meta;



    In custom.php in /themes/zakra-child/wpsl-templates/ I have inserted the complete clone of store-listings-below.php (nothing changed in it so far):

    *** snip ***

    global $wpsl_settings, $wpsl;

    $output = $this->get_custom_css();
    $autoload_class = ( !$wpsl_settings[‘autoload’] ) ? ‘class=”wpsl-not-loaded”‘ : ”;

    $output .= ‘<div id=”wpsl-wrap” class=”wpsl-store-below”>’ . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t” . ‘<div class=”wpsl-search wpsl-clearfix ‘ . $this->get_css_classes() . ‘”>’ . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t\t” . ‘<div id=”wpsl-search-wrap”>’ . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t\t\t” . ‘<form autocomplete=”off”>’ . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t\t\t” . ‘<div class=”wpsl-input”>’ . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t\t\t\t” . ‘<div><label for=”wpsl-search-input”>’ . esc_html( $wpsl->i18n->get_translation( ‘search_label’, __( ‘Your location’, ‘wpsl’ ) ) ) . ‘</label></div>’ . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t\t\t\t” . ‘<input id=”wpsl-search-input” type=”text” value=”‘ . apply_filters( ‘wpsl_search_input’, ” ) . ‘” name=”wpsl-search-input” placeholder=”” aria-required=”true” />’ . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t\t\t” . ‘</div>’ . “\r\n”;

    if ( $wpsl_settings[‘radius_dropdown’] || $wpsl_settings[‘results_dropdown’] ) {
    $output .= “\t\t\t” . ‘<div class=”wpsl-select-wrap”>’ . “\r\n”;

    if ( $wpsl_settings[‘radius_dropdown’] ) {
    $output .= “\t\t\t\t” . ‘<div id=”wpsl-radius”>’ . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t\t\t\t\t” . ‘<label for=”wpsl-radius-dropdown”>’ . esc_html( $wpsl->i18n->get_translation( ‘radius_label’, __( ‘Search radius’, ‘wpsl’ ) ) ) . ‘</label>’ . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t\t\t\t\t” . ‘<select id=”wpsl-radius-dropdown” class=”wpsl-dropdown” name=”wpsl-radius”>’ . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t\t\t\t\t\t” . $this->get_dropdown_list( ‘search_radius’ ) . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t\t\t\t\t” . ‘</select>’ . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t\t\t\t” . ‘</div>’ . “\r\n”;

    if ( $wpsl_settings[‘results_dropdown’] ) {
    $output .= “\t\t\t\t” . ‘<div id=”wpsl-results”>’ . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t\t\t\t\t” . ‘<label for=”wpsl-results-dropdown”>’ . esc_html( $wpsl->i18n->get_translation( ‘results_label’, __( ‘Results’, ‘wpsl’ ) ) ) . ‘</label>’ . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t\t\t\t\t” . ‘<select id=”wpsl-results-dropdown” class=”wpsl-dropdown” name=”wpsl-results”>’ . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t\t\t\t\t\t” . $this->get_dropdown_list( ‘max_results’ ) . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t\t\t\t\t” . ‘</select>’ . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t\t\t\t” . ‘</div>’ . “\r\n”;

    $output .= “\t\t\t” . ‘</div>’ . “\r\n”;

    if ( $this->use_category_filter() ) {
    $output .= $this->create_category_filter();

    $output .= “\t\t\t\t” . ‘<div class=”wpsl-search-btn-wrap”><input id=”wpsl-search-btn” type=”submit” value=”‘ . esc_attr( $wpsl->i18n->get_translation( ‘search_btn_label’, __( ‘Search’, ‘wpsl’ ) ) ) . ‘”></div>’ . “\r\n”;

    $output .= “\t\t” . ‘</form>’ . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t\t” . ‘</div>’ . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t” . ‘</div>’ . “\r\n”;

    if ( $wpsl_settings[‘reset_map’] ) {
    $output .= “\t” . ‘<div class=”wpsl-gmap-wrap”>’ . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t\t” . ‘<div id=”wpsl-gmap” class=”wpsl-gmap-canvas”></div>’ . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t” . ‘</div>’ . “\r\n”;
    } else {
    $output .= “\t” . ‘<div id=”wpsl-gmap” class=”wpsl-gmap-canvas”></div>’ . “\r\n”;

    $output .= “\t” . ‘<div id=”wpsl-result-list”>’ . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t\t” . ‘<div id=”wpsl-stores” ‘. $autoload_class .’>’ . “\r\n”;
    $output .= “\t\t\t” . ‘

      ‘ . “\r\n”;
      $output .= “\t\t” . ‘</div>’ . “\r\n”;
      $output .= “\t\t” . ‘<div id=”wpsl-direction-details”>’ . “\r\n”;
      $output .= “\t\t\t” . ‘

        ‘ . “\r\n”;
        $output .= “\t\t” . ‘</div>’ . “\r\n”;
        $output .= “\t” . ‘</div>’ . “\r\n”;

        if ( $wpsl_settings[‘show_credits’] ) {
        $output .= “\t” . ‘<div class=”wpsl-provided-by”>’. sprintf( __( “Search provided by %sWP Store Locator%s”, “wpsl” ), ““, “” ) .'</div>’ . “\r\n”;

        $output .= ‘</div>’ . “\r\n”;

        return $output;

        **** snap ****

        Now I tried to find out where to

        “If you’re already using a custom search results template, then just include line 26 – 28 IN YOUR EXISTING TEMPLATE CODE to make the post content show up.”
        ( )

        and then change ‘description’ into ‘excerpt’ in these lines like you described here:

        Where I fail is: Where exactly should I put the three line of code (26-28) into the template file?

        Your code example on the link above shows not the template, but the function.php code which is completely other than the template code. As I use a custom template, I only need theses three lines, you wrote, and put it into the TEMPLATE (or did I misunderstand this????).

        So to where in the template do I put it? There ist nothing similar to the (function.php) example given in the ‘store-listings-below.php’ template code…

        I want to use the custom template in order to reorder the store info output. Plus I might have to use some additional meta data etc. so I thought a custom template would be best to do all of this. But in the tempate given (store-listings-below.php) I can’t locate the output of all the single data fields, like phone, address and so far where I – as I think – will have to style an include fields as to my needs…? (Unfortunately my php skills are limited, but normally I recognise placeholders in templates and can reorder these.)

        That written, your how-to for custom meta data also shows the referring template parts as defined in function.php:

        My aim is to show architectural locations. I’d like to list the category, would love to have tags, like to have something like architect and year of building, will not need opening hours… So a couple of customization ahead.

        Therefor I wanted the custom template to edit all this/insert the created fields there. Wrong?

        Best regards

        Thread Starter nici-


        Oh, I forgot – another thing:

        I’d like to define a special media size for the store locator list (or use the medium size instead of the thumbnails. How can I replace the thumbnail with one of the other media sizes like medium or medium_large or custom type in my template?

        And last not least, I forgot: I think store locator is a great thing, I really really like it. I’d go for Pro if there is one?

        Best regards,

        Hi bapakrob,

        may I ask you, if you succeeded in this? I’d need to do the same…

        Best regards

        Thread Starter nici-


        Thank you so much, this is exactly what I was looking for. I must have been blind ;-(

        Great thanks!

        Best regards



        Finally I got it to work – or the hoster did, to be honest:

        Turned out it was a problem in hosting – the module imagick WAS enabled and GD, which I HAD checked of course, but there was a conflict with PHP and imagick, which I could not see.

        So in case anyone else runs into this specific problem: I found out that it must be the hosting by deleting the whole website, installing a fresh wordpress and UM – and nothing else. The problem was still there.

        It did cost my thousands of nerves – and the project months! But this way I could get the hoster to (refusingly) look into it and find the problem!

        Best regards


        I still have the same trouble with profile images, all attempts to uplaod an image results in “Your image is invalid!”. Did all the testing, stripped down the page to twentysixteen and twentyseventeen with disabling ALL Plugins except UM – to no avail.

        Switched rights of the uploads/ultimatemember directory to group -> can write – no avail.

        The site uses avada with fusion, no caching plugins (exept the avada one) and asgaros forum.

        phpinfo says gd and imagemagic are on.

        So I am really stuck here and do need the functionallity for this site. My customer won’t accept it without profile images.

        Could you tell me where the profile images should go exactly and with which name? So I could test uploading an image via ftp, just to start on this end?

        Best regards,

        Thread Starter nici-


        However, Media Gallery is now hidden – don’t know why, I didn’t change anything. Thanks anyway.

        So only the profile picture upload probem seeks to be solved…

        Thread Starter nici-


        Hi Ultimate Member Support,

        For 2.) Theme is Avada, I have deactivated nearly everything but to noch avail, image error message still there. I will try it again.

        For 1.) Images will be uploaded through Asgaros Forum. It is wanted that users can upload pics in the forum. Is there a way to deactivate the WordPress Backend totally? I linked the “profile”-Link from the Asgaros forum to UM profile page. So “normally” a user wouldn’t see the WP backend.

        Info: Asgaros forum links users to the wp backend user profile for editing user infos, so normally users would be led to the backend. By linking Asgaros profile links to UM profile I keep users in the frontend. So far so good, but user can type in /wp-admin as URL destination in Browser and thus access the backend anyway. I’d love to “close away” the backend totally for special user role

        Best regards,


        YEAH! Using UM profiles instead of Asgaros user profile is EXACTLY what I need to have in my customer’s website!

        Thank you very much for this code, I will give it a try.

        Question: Did you manage to nail the mail link problem?

        Best regards

        I have the same problem – revslider not showing.

        Disabling Autoptimize restores the revslider. So I had to disable autoptimize, which is really bad as I use it to cut Google Fonts because of DSGVO/GDPR.

        Is there a hint as to what to do to be able to use both, revslider AND autoptimize?

        Best regards

        Thread Starter nici-


        Nein, nein, es ist alles migriert und ich bin die Codes nicht durchgegangen, aber denke jetzt mal, dass es passt.

        Es sind wirklich nur die beiden Artikel, bei denen es nicht funktioniert hat und wo ich nun vor dem Problem stehe, die Codes zu erhalten, wenn Krimskrams nun abgeschaltet wird.

        Aber eine andere Frage habe ich doch noch, das kam nun n?mlich auf: Worthy wurde gew?hlt, weil diverse Autoren in dem Blog schreiben. Nun ist es so, dass man manchmal einen Beitrag in Abwesenheit des eigentlichen Autors eingeben muss. Dann w?hlt man halt den Autor im Autorenfeld des Artikels entsprechend. Allerdings: Wenn man dann eine Z?hlmarke zuweist, wird offenbar doch eine Marke eines anderen Autors genommen — so ist es jedenfalls gerade in der Urlaubszeit einmal passiert.

        Als Workaround legt nun die Autorin “leere” Artikel an, die wir dann befüllen. Dann sollten die Marker passen. Aber komisch ist es doch, dass falsch zugeordnet wurde?

        Herzliche Grü?e

        Thread Starter nici-


        Super lieben Dank für die Geduld mit mir und die tolle Erkl?rung.

        Also für meine neuen Artikel muss ich mir eine neue Z?hlmarkenliste besorgen, als CSV. Und die übergebe ich dann voller Vertrauen in Worths H?nde und hoffe, dass es keinen Schindluder damit treibt…(?) – kapiert.

        Ich probiere das aus!

        Aber was mache ich nun mit den beiden Uralt-Artikeln, die ja Z?hlmarken haben, noch Krimskramsm??ig. Die verlieren die, wenn Krimskrams nun weggel?scht wird. Und wie bekomme ich nun diese beiden ALTEN Z?hlmarken dann wieder rein? Geht das über Worthy oder muss ich dann dort die Z?hlmarken einfach von Hand in den Artikelcode reinschreiben?

        Oder hat man beim Zuordnen von Z?hlmarken aus dem Importbestand die Auswahl, WELCHE der hinterlegten Marken man zuordnen m?chte? Dann müsste ich doch die beiden alten Marken in die CSV schreiben k?nnen und dann kann ich sie gezielt dem jeweiligen Artikel zuordnen, zu dem sie geh?ren – richtig gedacht?

        Herzliche Grü?e

        PS: In der übersicht von Worthys Backend stehen die alten http-Marker allerdings tats?chlich eben mit der http-URL drin. Und die werden dann im Quelltext dennoch als https-Links ausgegeben? Das w?re ja super. Gucke mir das morgen mal an.

      Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 55 total)