Forum Replies Created
“And? The price of the product does not make it a bad product.”
Who said that it did?
Although you already own WP Rocket, you’ll need to renew it every year. At the point of renewal, you’d save money by switching. That’s it: quite simple really.
Great, you have convinced me to buy something that does not meet my needs. Even though ZenCache is absolutely useless to me. Even though with my specific configuration WP Rocket is twice as fast as Zen cache…
… Your persistence has has swayed me!
I shall purchase a product that is of no value to me and use it to replace a product that does everything I need. Thanks!
Sure. I haven’t tested that myself, but I don’t see any problem with doing so.
Fantastic! Thanks so much for the quick response, this has save me a lot of headaches.
On the other hand, I’ve just taken a look at WP Rocket’s pricing and, in comparison to ZenCache Pro, it’s three times the price or more.
And? The price of the product does not make it a bad product. I use WP Rocket for very specific reasons. ZenCache is not capable of doing what WP Rocket does for me.
Also, I already own WP Rocket. If I bought ZenCache I would be spending more money…
… I really do not understand why you are being so pushy with ZenCache. I never asked for alternative caching plugins. I tested ZenCache and it simply is not for me.
Thanks for the response.
I do NOT recommend this however. Caching is disabled for some very good reasons, so please use at your own risk. i.e., a membership site is very dynamic by nature, so caching is disabled intelligently by s2Member, and only when necessary.
It is blocking caching for logged in users on every single page of my site. Even pages with no protected content at all…
Can I set the code above to not fire off on certain pages with is_page()?
Great, in this case, an answer that does not involve me buying an entirely different caching plugin would be awesome?
My response more directed at you. I asked a question and you gave me an unhelpful response that sounded like a sales pitch. I was asking if you actually spoke for the devs?
I am guessing you don’t though.
Well, what hack would I need exactly?
I do not want to use ZenCache. WPRocket suits my needs better. Do you speak for the devs?
I paid for s2member pro, I doubt that they would now hold me to ransom saying “you must pay us for ZenCache if you want caching!”
So, I am guessing that I can disable the DONOTCACHEPAGE constant via a MU plugin or something?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Inline Google Spreadsheet Viewer] How do I get rid of the green signs?Thanks man, you are one of the best plugin devs out there. Your responses are always so fast. Can I donate to you?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Polls] embed in postYeah, that sounds awesome. Thanks man.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] Why Has W3 Total Cache Stopped Development?I catch you out in a lie and your only response is “Thanks for the feedback.”….
Stay classy Willie Jackson.
Probably going to post this to Reddit.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] Why Has W3 Total Cache Stopped Development?I understand how it works.
You simply need to edit the readme.txt in the w3-total-cache folder so it says…
Requires at least: 3.2
Tested up to: 4.0Yours currently says…
Requires at least: 3.2
Tested up to: 3.9It would take you very little time to do this. It would also allow your thousands of users to update to 4.0 without concern of breaking their site.
Not sure why you are claiming you have no control over this. It is simple and takes no time at all.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] Why Has W3 Total Cache Stopped Development?Well… then update the WP plugin page so people know.
Also, stop taking peoples money for “plugin configuration” without actually doing the work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] Why Has W3 Total Cache Stopped Development?I will make the switch today. W3 Total Cache was stopping me from upgrading to WP 4.0, glad I can do that now. Thanks for the info gaspy.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] Why Has W3 Total Cache Stopped Development?–double post–
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] the plug in sucksYet they are still accepting payments for the “pro” version, pathetic.
I would understand if development stopped and the plugin was free. However, when you take peoples money, you have a duty to keep the plugin up to date.
If you message them on twitter “how do I buy pro?” they respond to you in under twelve hours. If you message them “why have updates stopped?” they ignore you.
The devs have become outright thieves. Charging for a broken product.