Hi there, thanks for helping!
The website is not live but you can hit it in test at, your widget is in the sidebar showing a list of books that are not the correct ones.
The Goodreads shelf in question is at https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/23413932-w-j-lennox?shelf=currently-reading
In the Widget config, the Goodreads profile url for the owner of that shelf is: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7242227.W_J_Lennox and the name of shelf is ‘currently-reading’.
The GR profile url is a little strange, but when we queried this with GR they said that this is what they do with a profile that has initials in it (i.e. “W.J.”). Using a profile URL of https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7242227 gives the same page on GR but unfortunately if I use this in the Widget config it is still showing the wrong shelf.
Hope this helps, will keep an eye out for future replies so that I can respond more quickly next time…