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  • Thread Starter nicksoph


    Thanks – that gives me lots to work with and knowing where it is based in the CSS is a great help.

    Thread Starter nicksoph


    I notice this is one of the few posts not to have received a reply – Does it not follow the correct form ? Should I have broken it up into individual questions or something?

    Thread Starter nicksoph


    Not sure if it will meet with any sort of sensible standard but I think the following meets my needs;

    <div style="clear:both">
    <div style="width: 30%; float: left; padding-left: 10px">[amazon asin=8172234996&template=image]</div>
    <div style="width: 60%; float: right; padding-right: 30px"><p>text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here text goes here </p></div>

    Thanks for the info Paul, I had misread the docs and mistakenly understood that the default settings were configured to make use of your credentials.

    Having set up the keys it works as expected.


    I have just installed to try out and not yet entered personal Associate ID’s.

    It seems not to do what I was expecting and wonder what I am doing wrong.

    Having created a new page for recommended books when I enter the example code ie. [amazon asin=B00HRUSWHY&template=thumbnail]

    I get the standard page header/footer/title and where I was expecting to see an image I receive the ‘Image Not Available’ place holder which if clicked takes me to the correct Amazon page. I wondered if my browser (Chrome) might be blocking so installed Firefox and get the same result and have tried other Amazon asin’s with the same result.

    Related page:

    What might be wrong that is preventing the images loading?


    Thread Starter nicksoph


    Thx for the speedy answer eminozlem. #647 fonts received!

    Sorry to have asked – I did search without success first.

    Thanks again

    Thread Starter nicksoph


    @acub – re logo:I could have said that better – think you have misunderstood – I may have said it clearer in the first post.
    if instead it had an intermediate stage where the logo went to the top (meaning above the above nav bar) and the nav bar narrowed but still showed the navigation links – that would be good?

    At the moment when I narrow my browser to about 800px (sorry I dont have a screen ruler) the logo goes to the top (which is fine) but we also lose the nav links, which seems to be a waste of screen because we have about 800 by 12 px showing only the ‘expand nav’ button. At that sort of res it would often be wide enough for all the nav links.

    Thread Starter nicksoph


    Responsiveness is a complex topic and one that I only have a limited knowledge of and none that relates to its technical complexity but my 2p’s worth goes;

    Its about making the ‘best’ use of screen real estate, which includes the aesthetics which effects any of the other choices.

    Currently the minimised nav bar can take up a significant area with nothing on it except the 3 bar menu button – ie, even if the screen is wide enough to take the 9 items on chappie’s nav bar, it wont unless the logo will fit on the same horizontal line,

    How the nav breaks onto 2 lines is a question even if the page is being viewed full screen but becomes more likely to be important as the screen is narrowed. If it breaks onto two lines there are options – either it wraps with items that wont fit on the first line going onto the 2nd or there is a method to test whether it breaks onto 2 lines and if it does, it moves half the items on to the 2nd line.

    Giving a user the choice is normally done by having icons of phone, tablet, monitor which seems to work but can sometimes be counter productive – it uses real estate and requires that the user understands they have that choice.

    Thread Starter nicksoph


    Thanks rdell

    Just tried it by adding the line to the child’s styles.css and it works just as it should – and means that updates wont spoil it.

    thanks again

    Thread Starter nicksoph


    I managed to get the logo on the right by editing
    class-header-header_main.php – which Im sure isnt the right way to do it and am not recommending it as a solution but here are the edits I made to that file for reference. Please note this will break ie. not display the tag line if there is one set.

    function __construct () {
            self::$instance =& $this;
            //html > head actions
            add_action ( '__before_body'			, array( $this , 'tc_head_display' ));
            add_action ( 'wp_head'     				, array( $this , 'tc_favicon_display' ));
            //html > header actions
            add_action ( '__before_main_wrapper'	, 'get_header');
    		// moved line below and changed priority from 10 to 40
    		// add_action ( '__header' 				, array( $this , 'tc_logo_title_display' ) , 10 );
    		// commented out line below to make logo fit on same line
    		// add_action ( '__header' 				, array( $this , 'tc_tagline_display' ) , 20, 1 );
    		add_action ( '__header' 				, array( $this , 'tc_navbar_display' ) , 30 );
    		// moved line below from above and changed from 10 to 40
    		add_action ( '__header' 				, array( $this , 'tc_logo_title_display' ) , 40 );
    		//body > header > navbar actions ordered by priority
            add_action ( '__navbar' 				, array( $this , 'tc_social_in_header' ) , 10, 2 );
            add_action ( '__navbar' 				, array( $this , 'tc_tagline_display' ) , 20, 1 );
    Thread Starter nicksoph


    Hi Balint

    Sorry I cant really share the link – it is running on a virtual machine within my own Win 8 desktop but other than create a child theme and upload a logo it is unchanged from the current original Customizr theme.

    – below is the text from header.php

    Does that help?

    Best wishes

     * The Header for Customizr.
     * Displays all of the <head> section and everything up till <div id="main-wrapper">
     * @package Customizr
     * @since Customizr 1.0
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <!--[if IE 7]>
    <html class="ie ie7" <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
    <!--[if IE 8]>
    <html class="ie ie8" <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
    <!--[if !(IE 7) | !(IE 8)  ]><!-->
    <html <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
    <?php tc__f('rec' , __FILE__ , __FUNCTION__ ); ?>
    		//the '__before_body' hook is used by TC_header_main::$instance->tc_head_display()
    		do_action( '__before_body' );
    	<body <?php body_class(); ?> itemscope itemtype="" <?php do_action ('__body_attributes') ?>>
    		<?php do_action( '__before_header' ); ?>
    	   	<header class="<?php echo apply_filters('__header_classes', 'tc-header clearfix row-fluid') ?>" role="banner">
    			//the '__header' hook is used by (ordered by priorities) : TC_header_main::$instance->tc_logo_title_display(), TC_header_main::$instance->tc_tagline_display(), TC_header_main::$instance->tc_navbar_display()
    				do_action( '__header' );
    		 	//This hook is filtered with the slider : TC_slider::$instance->tc_slider_display()
    			do_action ( '__after_header' )
    Thread Starter nicksoph


    Thanks Wpyogi, that worked a treat.

    Thread Starter nicksoph


    Hi and thanks for the replies – I will ensure I learn about and use the Child theme and can understand the comment about the responsive theme but would still like to try and have the links on one line on reasonably large sized screen (which it doesnt now, even on a 24 inch high res display)

    The site can be viewed at

    Thanks again,

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