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  • Thread Starter nickspeld26


    Hi all
    Yes its all working for over a week now so I think that was the problem
    sorry for late response was waiting to make sure it kept working and then forgot to update ticket
    tx for the help

    Thread Starter nickspeld26


    Hi all I manually updated the site carefully following
    I had trouble deleting some folders from my server, turns out was hidden htaccess files I had to manually delete then I could remove the folders.
    It worked for 4 days, had my editor back, thought I had fixed it then problem came back.

    Went back and forward with Sucuri (as I have paid for firewall that I thought caused the problem, they say it isn’t but have been helpful) and my hosting provider. Same issue that access to timymce was being blocked, all folder and file permissions were correct.

    Now my hosting provider has said they noticed a htaccess file recently created (I didn’t so am assuming some automatic wordpress thing) and that the server they have us on does NOT support htaccess so they said a possible solution is to move me to cloud hosting, that does support htaccess and later versions of PHP. Sucuri agrees this is a good idea.
    I am still waiting for the transfer to see if it fixes problem.
    As a total noob in all this I think the htaccess file might be the key issue, since I had to delete them to update, then it worked for 4 days or so then stopped working, maybe that was when it autocreated a htaccess file for some reason and since my server didn’t support them it stopped me from accessing tinymce (the editor)
    As I said I’m a noob so if htaccess files are always there in the fresh install, or if they have always been used the same way in prev wordpress versions then its probably not that, I just find it maddening to not know why what I did fixed it for 4 days only.

    Anyway hopefully going to new server hosting that supports htaccess and later php will fix the problem for good, I’ll let you know, if you have any more comments or advice re above info pls let me know

    Thread Starter nickspeld26


    ok thanks bit nervous with this so just reading everything and have backed everything from ftp and the database up, just now having a problem that I can’t delete even empty directories from my ftp(tried their interface, ftp in browser and FileZilla) I am following that up with my service provider now (they don’t know, are escalating ><)
    so I’ll get back to you
    tx again

    Thread Starter nickspeld26


    After playing more with file permissions (making tinymce 747) when I run the console I no longer get the 403 file forbidden message but the rest is the same.
    Seems like a problem with Uncaught ReferenceError: tinymce is not defined

    here is a copy paste of the console info

    load-scripts.php?c=1&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,quicktags,jquery-ui-core,underscore,th…:9 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1
    post.php?post=4280&action=edit:2285 GET 
    post.php?post=4280&action=edit:2285 GET 
    post.php?post=4280&action=edit:2287 Uncaught ReferenceError: tinymce is not defined
        at post.php?post=4280&action=edit:2287
    (anonymous) @ post.php?post=4280&action=edit:2287
    wp-langs-en.js?ver=4403-20160901:235 Uncaught ReferenceError: tinyMCE is not defined
        at wp-langs-en.js?ver=4403-20160901:235
        at wp-langs-en.js?ver=4403-20160901:519
    (anonymous) @ wp-langs-en.js?ver=4403-20160901:235
    (anonymous) @ wp-langs-en.js?ver=4403-20160901:519
    post.php?post=4280&action=edit:2282 Uncaught ReferenceError: tinymce is not defined
        at Object.load_ext (post.php?post=4280&action=edit:2282)
        at post.php?post=4280&action=edit:2292
    load_ext @ post.php?post=4280&action=edit:2282
    (anonymous) @ post.php?post=4280&action=edit:2292
    util.js:210 Google Maps API warning: NoApiKeys
    TA.j @ util.js:210
    (anonymous) @ js?v=3&sensor=false&callback=google.loader.callbacks.maps:129
    (anonymous) @ js?v=3&sensor=false&callback=google.loader.callbacks.maps:49
    (anonymous) @ js?v=3&sensor=false&callback=google.loader.callbacks.maps:46
    (anonymous) @ js?v=3&sensor=false&callback=google.loader.callbacks.maps:49
    _.F @ js?v=3&sensor=false&callback=google.loader.callbacks.maps:48
    (anonymous) @ js?v=3&sensor=false&callback=google.loader.callbacks.maps:49
    _.v @ js?v=3&sensor=false&callback=google.loader.callbacks.maps:34
    mc @ js?v=3&sensor=false&callback=google.loader.callbacks.maps:49
    (anonymous) @ js?v=3&sensor=false&callback=google.loader.callbacks.maps:129
    util.js:210 Google Maps API warning: SensorNotRequired

    Really stuck and need to be able to edit posts, if anyone has any more help or suggestions it would be a great help

    Thread Starter nickspeld26


    hi TP
    thanks for getting back
    As mentioned in my first post I already checked the “Disable the visual editor when writing” on my profile, it was unticked, when I tick it and check back I can see the text editor only, when I remove the tick, save and check back I cannot see anything again, the visual editor, all its buttons and the text editor are blank
    (but word count and front end page show text is all still there)

    I followed steps in the post you linked in my first message with no luck.

    1 tried multiple browsers (chrome, edge), same problem
    logged out, cleared cache in both, logged back, same problem
    I’m not using any caching systems like cloudflare

    2 I changed wp-config.php file to define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true);
    Didn’t fix anything so changed it back.

    3 I opened the console to try and identify, no errors until I go to edit post then get errors, pls see original post for error text.

    File permissions
    I wasn’t too sure about this and had someone check for me, they said “checked the FTP and couldn’t find a .htaccess so no deny rules.
    Also the permissions for the location and file accessed appear to be correct (644)”

    still no luck. Don’t know what else I can do?

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