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  • Plugin Author Nico


    The 10.2.1 release was hold back by an automated test that just randomly failed, and I missed that. It’s now set to required in both files.

    Had the same issue. WP is up to date. Commenting out line 62 of the settings.php fixed it temporarily.

    //add_action( ‘admin_head’, array( wp_script_modules(), ‘print_import_map’ ) );


    Double check if your WP, actually, really updated. As @tbob21 confirmed above, this function is part of WP 6.5+ and is loaded early on when WP “Loads most of WP” in load.php I think. If your site does not load this, something is very weird. Open a proper support ticket. People keep just ignoring the sticky threads, it’s annoying.

    Plugin Author Nico


    This is a non-critical “error”. It’s more of an internal check to see if ARVE would work without oEmbed.

    Your site has WP_DEBUG enabled or is in development mode / environment, otherwise the error would be visually hidden. It this a production site? Should probably not be that way.

    Anyway, it will be fixed soon. Thanks for reporting.

    Plugin Author Nico


    I don’t believe you are running the latest WP version. I marked 6.5 as required inside the readme. Not sure if WP just lets you update the plugin anyway, or did you use some unusual means to update the plugin?

    I just released another update that additionally set 6.5 as required in the main plugin file, that I forgot to set, that may be the reason it let you update anyway. So you need WP 6.5 at least but better go with latest 6.5.4. (6.6 is in beta and out soon btw)

    Plugin Author Nico


    I had a guess based on the fact that the core function wp_get_current_user not available in your case, I made some code execute later in 10.0.5 I just released.

    If 10.0.5 does not fix your issue, please file a proper support ticket and fill out the form with the information it asks for …

    Thread Starter Nico


    I already have that option enabled, in fact, you created that option after showed you how to enqueue the script only when SC actually loads. Not idea why you went with this manual solution. It could be automatic for everyone without any option.

    Anyway, is that not for frontend only? I think it has absolutely nothing to do with the issue I am having. It’s on the admin screens. On all of them!

    So no, this does not resolve it.

    Thread Starter Nico


    No, I did not confuse WP release, it says here

    Last updated:4 days?ago

    Seems you just updated the readme or something that shows it as updated. I assumed it’s a new version.

    You did not really clearly confirm if the issue I was explaining later on is going to be fixed. Again, the deprecation notices can be suppressed, they cause “header already send” issue that is normal, and they can mess things up. BUT even when suppressing this, there is a different issue. So I do not know what “the issue” is you talking about. Deprecation notices are not a big deal, the other thing is.

    Thread Starter Nico


    I reported this 1 month ago. This was set to “resolved” even though it’s not!

    The fix will included in the next version.


    Last version was released 3 days ago and it’s still not fixed.

    Not sure if this is the same thing but even when I suppress the deprecation notices

    error_reporting(error_reporting() & ~E_DEPRECATED);

    Supportcandy fucks up my admin. There is like a space on the top of the sidebar, when scrolling you see it’s wrong.

    I can not type spaces in the post titles, it scrolls down instead. And its cause by Supportcandy, no other plugin active, deactivating it makes these issues go away.

    Plugin Author Nico


    I can not tell you what is wrong based on looking at your site the HTML output is messed up after percentage symbol in the code. There might be another plugin or your theme interfering and breaking the HTML. Something that tries to change inline style.

    Try disabling other plugins to see if that makes the error go away just to find out if there is an incompatibility. You can also use WP Rollback to roll back to the version that worked.

    If you need more help with this, file a proper support ticket, fill out the form on

    You could also try the latest cutting edge version.

    Plugin Author Nico


    Actually good that you mention my site, indeed I kind of forgot about that. ARVE Pro actually has a feature that detects when the video ends and puts it back on the original Lazyload state, with thumbnail and title you can customize. So it seems I forgot that ARVE Pro actually supports exactly what you are looking for. No related videos in the end, and you do not have to edit your embeds if they are done with WP. The feature and setting is called “Reset after played”.

    Can you link that demo page you are talking about? I am just curious how they do it.

    Plugin Author Nico


    You sound like you think this is possible with another plugin or something. I doubt it is, but if you find a solution, let me know.

    Plugin Author Nico


    You do not need to edit your embeds, ARVE automatically adds parameters to the embed URLs you can edit them on the setting page. Defaults below already includes rel=0, but YouTube sucks, they removed that feature. They now force related videos on the end now. What this setting does now it shows only related videos from the same channel, not from other channels.

    Plugin Author Nico


    My apologies, this was not intended to happen. You sound like you assume this was done on purpose. That was obviously not the case.

    You could have contacted me and asked about it and for a refund, but apparently it’s more important to you to leave a negative review because of a mistake.

    “Needless to say”, I disagree it could have been the case that you after 4 years still use ARVE Pro and are happy with the plugin and want to receive all the updates and/or support the work I do on it. So it was needed for you to say, and I am assuming you do not use ARVE Pro anymore? Or are you cancelling because you did not receive emails about the subscription you signed up for each year?

    I think I found a misconfiguration. My site was supposed to send renewal notice emails that will inform subscribers 1 week before the subscription is about to renew, so they have time to cancel if they so choose before they get charged again. Apparently this was not happening in for your account. Again, my apologies, but this could have been handled in a much nicer way on your end.

    Plugin Author Nico


    Wow! I have been running this plugin for years and I have never seen someone that upset about a message the appears ONE single time!

    All you would have to do it close the message, and it will never show up again.

    I wish I could make people like you see it from the other side. It’s crazy how entitled some people feel for great software, then get totally for free, and they freak out like crazy when they see an up-sell ad that actually supports it. Like, really, how does it offend you so much that you have to click an X once?

    I maintain and give free support for this plugin, I do not know how effective that ad is, but I like to think it’s given me a few sales that I need and deserve! Because more than 99% of people do not have a pro subscription. I actually just did the math, the plugin is installed on over 40k sites and I do not have 1% of that as pro subscribers.

    It’s awful enough that people just take free software for granted and never give back anything, and I honestly was in that crowd before I became a developer of open source myself. But the others at least just click the X and not complain. But there are a hell of a lot of awfully ungrateful people out there. The difference between them and you is, they are ungrateful in silence. To go out of your way and leave a negative review because I am trying my best to be able to maintain this plugin is really uncalled-for.

    I love how you put features in quotes like they are not real or not worth paying for. They absolutely are. But thanks for the spell check, I guess.

    And you tagged your “review” with “abuse” ?? that is funny. I am watched a few Soft White Underbelly videos in the recent days. I am glad I am the type of “abuser” who dares to show ads in his software, rather than the other type, the real ones you know.

    And to the others reading this, don’t be that guy! I have to think about maybe reducing the text a little, never want so see anything like this again. I am not sure if it really matters how big it is, 99%+ people close it right away anyway, so does it really matter how much text is in there? Honest question.

    I actually have some understanding, but nothing like that I would justify this kind of reaction. I know dashboard messages and ads in WP can get annoying but, again, try to see it from the other side.

    Furthermore, I know WordPress devs are planning and working on the?WP Feature Notifications?(formerly WP Notify) project that will address and manage Dashboard notifications better and give developers an API to register messages, and they will not pile up and clutter up your Dashboard that much from what I can tell. Last change on Github was 4 months ago, so it’s looks like it’s not moving that fast, but when this lands in WP developers like me can use this new API. But do get your hopes up that all the plugins will instantly have better messages once this comes out, but at least for ARVE I will make sure I will use this new API when it comes out.

    Plugin Author Nico


    This plugin does not feature any “import of videos”, so no.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Nico.
    Plugin Author Nico


    Sorry no this plugin is for embedding single videos or playlists. I am not sure what you are looking for exactly. But like creating a new post for every video on a channel with that video. Or like adding all videos from a channel to a post is currently not possible.

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