Hi @nicolaskulka,
I have the same problem. Impossible to reach the control panel and the site is down.
here is the message i Got from WP:
Une erreur de type E_COMPILE_ERROR a été causée dans la ligne 36 du fichier /home/nicomahebf/www/wp-content/plugins/wps-hide-login/vendor/nicolaskulka/wp-dismissible-notices-handler/includes/helper-functions.php. Message d’erreur : Cannot redeclare DNH() (previously declared in /home/nicomahebf/www/wp-content/plugins/wps-bidouille/vendor/NicolasKulka/wp-dismissible-notices-handler/handler.php:629)
I already read the upper posts but I don’t know how to fix that… i saw you asked to “go to support advanced-responsive-video-embedder plugin now” but i don’t understand what and where (do you hve a link?) and I don’t know how to access the admin panel. I just can get into the folder thru Filezilla; Please, help me, I’m totally lost….
Thank you in advance,