whooami & macmanx :
WP1.5 was my first install & nearly everything worked, it is impressive. Now there is a minor new release, fine. I don’t want to remove complete dirs and upload others. I’m mostly interested in fixing the security issue before it’s too late. I understand that the only way is to upgrade. And then my feeds won’t work anymore. ( I have got many ! ).
So the situation is : I need to choose between a (unpublished does mean Dangerous ! ) security bug and unworking feeds.
I am very grateful to all WP developers but I must honestly say that this is less impressive. Usual guidelines are :
– security must be fixed asap.
– other features must wait before thorough testing is over
Doesn’t matter if we wait 3 more weeks for the non-critical update and it should never be mandatory.
But really, many thanks whatsoever !