Forum Replies Created
Thanks for the fix, once i replaced TinyMCE everything works as it should(visual editor too) ??
About the last part, there’s line at the head section:
<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */var Enlighter = {languages: {"CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)":"css","HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)":"html","Java":"java","Javascript":"js","Markdown":"md","PHP":"php","Python":"python","Ruby":"ruby","Shell Script":"shell","SQL":"sql","XML":"xml","C":"c","C++":"cpp","C#":"csharp","NSIS":"nsis","Diff":"diff","RAW":"raw","No Highlighting":"no-highlight","Generic Highlighting":"generic"}, themes: {"Enlighter":true,"Beyond":true,"Classic":true,"Eclipse":true,"Git":true,"Mocha":true,"MooTools":true,"Panic":true,"Tutti":true,"Twilight":true}, config: {theme: "enlighter", language: "xml", linenumbers: , indent: 1}};/* ]]> */</script>
Should i be worried about it?
Ok so there’s list of plugins i’m using:
* Arconix Shortcodes
* Contact form 7
* Custom Meta Widget
* WordPress Download Manager Pro
* Drop Shadow Boxes
* Easy Fancybox
* Post Layout
* RAW html
* Smooth Scroll Up
* Sweet Captcha
* Tablepress
* TwentyTwenty
* UK Cookie Consent
* User Role Editor
* WordPress SEO(Yoast)
* WP-Syntax(i already tried disabling this one)
* WPDM – Archive Page(WordPress Download manager extension)
* WPDM – Image Button(WordPress Download manager extension)Inactive:
* Enlighter
* Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions
* TablePress Extension: Responsive Tables
* WP Super Cache(i removed and disabled all caching functions)i know it’s hard to belive, but i’m actually need all of those(maybe except Raw html, but i need to rebuild content to remove this one) ??
and error from dev console: So if i activate plugin and try to edit it with visual editor it looks like this: if ill try to switch to text editor it looks like this: you can see there’s 5 words but editor shows none and i can’t edit this page.
I need to click on text editor, close editor, then click edit on page again, to even have possibility to edit page.
2. While loading page it looks like this: after 1-2 seconds it looks ok:’m using arconix shortcodes also – it was using
shortcode, but i filtered it in functions already.I can give list of plugins i'm using, if it helps.
* I'm using latest version of WP.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Arconix Shortcodes] code shortcodethanks once again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Arconix Shortcodes] code shortcodeThanks for the answer.
btw. is there way to remove that shortcode? Some plugins i was trying had problem with style loading(or something like that).
No big deal – it works normally, but it’s giving kinda “weird” behaviour on page load.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Disqus Comment System] Comment on disqus using wordpress login?thx for the reply.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Disqus Comment System] comment replies do not appear on siteI have similiar problem on my website as well(for about year) – it sometimes help to click on comment permalink. But doing it for multiple comments is kinda unconvenient.
I’ve send ticket to support(via and still waiting on some word from them, at first i thought it’s related to posts/pages with large comment database – but i saw few websites with really large comment databases, where users where commenting actively all the time and there was not problem at all – i think it’s somehow related to wordpress plugin itself.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] Changing behaviour on filteringOk, thanks for the answer ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Arconix Shortcodes] Suggestions for few new shortcodes2:
3. Something like that:
this shortcode should overwrite any margin/br rule and put specified white space, there’s example for that kind of tag for html:
unfortunely it does not work in modern browsers(except chrome from what i saw).
4. Sorry, i missed it somehow.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Arconix Shortcodes] After 2.0.0 update – few questionsok good to know and thank you for your time ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Arconix Shortcodes] After 2.0.0 update – few questionsah, so after all it’s easier to just use 1.2 i’ll just probably go with it…
just tell me – is there anything in 2.0 that i will specifically miss in older version?(like optimization or something)
I have no problem with adding classes to CSS, if it would not be a half-measure, but from what i understand it still would be just temporary.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Arconix Shortcodes] After 2.0.0 update – few questionsyes i installed 2.0.1 and icon aligment fix worked for new layout, for old i’m still fighting with it does not unfortunely :\
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Arconix Shortcodes] After 2.0.0 update – few questionsCopied included file in theme root folder and no effect :\
Also i checked chrome dev console – no errors regarding icon, from what i saw icon still uses class:
from font-awesome, is it as it should be?there’s no image reference in dev console – just like something is overwriting it.
I was happy with 1.2 yes, but in future when you will update it to newer versions, then it might be problem later with WP incompability etc. and i would like to use this plugin on other websites as well ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Arconix Shortcodes] After 2.0.0 update – few questionsOk so once again regarding point nr 5:
I used old css file and boxes layout work as it should, problem is that images still does not work…I just copied “images” folder to my template root folder then changed paths in css file from:
and it still does not want to read those images – what i am missing?
EDIT: Ok, two other problems:
Tabs now looks like this: there’s still icon issue with old css: Plugins
In reply to: [Arconix Shortcodes] After 2.0.0 update – few questions3. I think that simple screenshots like in here:
would be sufficient ??
5. The thing is i would like to have pre-2.0.0 boxes layout ?? The new one is not really cooperate with my template style – and if possible i would like to make it without reorganizing whole CSS.