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  • Thread Starter Nina15


    I figured it out and fixed the issue. Nothing wrong with wph. Siteurl and Home, however they are defined, must exactly match. Thanks for the great plugin in many aspects.

    Thread Starter Nina15


    Thank you. This does the trick. I’ll create a new thread for another issue.

    Thread Starter Nina15


    Thank you for your response and sorry for late response – it seems I am not receiving WP support notifications. I have created custom taxonomies in functions.php as follows:

    add_action( ‘init’, ‘build_taxonomies’, 0 );
    function build_taxonomies() {
    register_taxonomy( ‘mycusttax’, array(‘post’,’mycpt’), array( ‘hierarchical’ => true, ‘label’ => ‘My Custom Taxonomy’, ‘query_var’ => true, ‘rewrite’ => true ) );
    and also attached to a post type using CPT UI plugin.

    Are you suggesting that the shortcode works only with certain types of custom taxonomies and if so which global or associated with a cpt?

    I have started receiving this error as well on an install and configuration that has been working fine until just recently and yes allow_url_fopen is set to “on” using php 5.4.43

    With this error the image is not generated but all other fields are imported.

    @djuric can you kindly investigate further to find the cause of this?

    Related to this, is there perhaps other ways to connect to the server without the need to set the allow_url_fopen to “on”? Random reading here and there suggests some security concerns.

    Many thanks.

    Thread Starter Nina15


    Thank you for the tip. While the shortcode syntax as you provided may well be valid, unfortunately it does not get parsed at all (neither does the before_title=”<h3>” after_title=”</h3>”) so somewhere in the code this is not being picked up. I have tried with hierarchical custom taxonomy specific to a supported post type and also with global custom taxonomies – it won’t filter, i.e. shows all events. I have also tried actual taxonomy names rather than slugs and no luck. Here are some examples for Custom taxonomy with slug “event-type” and Term slug “talk”:

    [events_list tax_name=”event-type” tax_term=”talk”]
    It lists all events same as [events_list]

    [events_list tax_name=”event-type” tax_term=”talk” cat=”business”]
    It lists events with category “Business” but does not include event “Talk” custom taxonomy.

    Unless I am doing something wrong here there needs to be some issue with the code and hope you can look into this when you get a chance.

    Once all sorted out I’d be happy to help with a quick tutorial. Thanks again.

    Thread Starter Nina15


    Perfect addition to the already amazing mix. Thank you – works great.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Z-URL Preview] UI Question
    Thread Starter Nina15


    I use BuddyForms by Themekraft which is a commercial product and fairly sophisticated. Cannot speak of other frontend plugins available freely (like WP User Frontend and a few other) but only assume they are custom post types as well. Perhaps this thread will generate more comments from others on the subject.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Z-URL Preview] UI Question
    Thread Starter Nina15


    Thanks for the troubleshooting tip. Replaced as suggested and set option 4 (media button row) gives empty i.e. the button shows as “Add Preview ()” in the cpt form and sure enough shows “Add Preview (post)” in new post editor from the backend.

    This may be fine for the intended scenario of using the plugin from the backend. Not sure if I am at odds here or there may be a genuine need by others to be able to display the button on a frontend form. This is your call to make.

    Your tip above gave me the idea of using the related action hooks with a helper script, injecting the media button into the form while selecting one of the TinyMCE options (row 1,2 or 3). Just need to find out why enqueue action is not firing when the action is copied to the script – perhaps a matter of adjusting the priority. This is a work-around but somehow manageable.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Z-URL Preview] UI Question
    Thread Starter Nina15


    It works well for making the media button globally available and restricting it to post/page. But on further testing and spending days trying to figure out a way to apply the media button to a specific custom post type (and the frontend post and editing plugins are commonly custom post types anyway) I declare total defeat! This may have something to do with “typenow” as you mentioned above. Any pointers on how to include a specific post type while excluding post and other post types is greatly appreciated.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Z-URL Preview] UI Question
    Thread Starter Nina15


    Sorry just jargon! I meant frontend forms such as those from BuddyDev and BuddyForms and the various Custom Post Types I got dealing with book reviews etc.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Z-URL Preview] UI Question
    Thread Starter Nina15


    Yes, this does the trick. It removes the button on FE forms where not needed. Initially I though CPT had something to do with it but you are right, prior to V1.3 the button was globally applied to any form that uses wp-editor with media row enabled. The specifity you applied restricts it to Post or Page (on the backend only I believe) as it should. Thank you again for all the great work and being responsive to user feedback.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Z-URL Preview] UI Question
    Thread Starter Nina15


    The media bar addition is a great enhancement – works very well. But I have a few questions. Would appreciate directing me in the right direction:

    1) Once enabled, the button in the media row appears on all editor instances, i.e. all editors created by other plugins. Obviously this is disruptive where a link preview is not needed or simply messes up a custom CPT integrity) How can this be limited only to post editor in the admin area knowing that once needed on a particular instance the button could then be pragmatically added (this part is beyond the scope of this question).

    2) In case this is not achievable (or not readily available), can the button in the media row be hidden by css and how?

    Thanks -n

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Z-URL Preview] UI Question
    Thread Starter Nina15


    Great idea which has been thought through with a working model already available to adopt but requires integration and thus beyond average user’s reach. If you are curious and don’t mind AngularJS & Bootstrap just check out I’ve known about this for a while but don’t know how to put it to practice. Perhaps this sparks new ideas!

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Z-URL Preview] UI Question
    Thread Starter Nina15


    All good. I’ll close this thread myself as it started as a question and morphed into a feature request. Perhaps in due time. Thanks again for your engagement.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Z-URL Preview] UI Question
    Thread Starter Nina15


    Thank you for actively looking into this. Not sure if we are talking about the same thing when you mention adding text button with a label – my original suggestion was to have a button with a label next to the Add Media button (above all the buttons) as some plugins do. This way the label can be descriptive and the button more prominent (so no need to change the icon in the first place). Is this possible at all?

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