Hi Milan,
Here is the little snippet to prevent notification sending when WPML duplicates posts. You just need to add it to your functions.php file.
* Block email sending for post translations using WPML
* When WPML is about to duplicate post, we add a filter to prevent Notifications Center to send any email
* @update 2016-12-18
add_action( 'icl_before_make_duplicate', 'prefix_add_notificationscenter_filter_for_wpml', 10, 2 );
function prefix_add_notificationscenter_filter_for_wpml( $master_post_id, $lang ) {
add_filter( 'voynotif/notification/sending/auth', 'prefix_block_wpml_translated_posts_2', 10, 2);
function prefix_block_wpml_translated_posts_2( $status, $notification ) {
return false;