Nirav Mehta
Forum Replies Created
Hi Ben,
Is everything working now?
Hey! Do try the latest 1.8.9 release. Should fix issues with colors now. We’ve even added color selectors for both message body and CTA button now.
To understand the problem correctly..
You are using a shortcode to embed your autoresponder form within an Icegram popup message. And the quote used for parameters in this shortcode are changing to MS Word’s smart quotes, instead of simple double quotes. Because of this your subscription form is not showing, and the shortcode is showing as text in the popup.
Is that so?
What happens when you edit the shortcode within Icegram message and save it? You should be able to update them in the message body editor’s “Text” tab.
If it still does not work, contact us using the form here –
Provide us your WordPress URL, and admin login credentials and we can take a look.
@bowo: Icegram will break if jQuery is not loaded.
We will test Icegram with both plugins you mention, and will see how best to make them compatible.
Icegram adds additional JS to the end of body after checking the kind of messages to be shown on this page.
We want to make sure performance does not degrade though.. We actually implemented a full “lazy load” mechanism for Icegram in the latest 1.8.9 version, but had to keep it turned off by default because making an AJAX request to WP backend would add 1 second of round trip time on average.
In any case, will check this further and revert ??
@ben: Thanks for bringing this up.
Currently there is no way to stop prefixing the WordPress URL. We will consider a workaround in an upcoming version.
Hi Ben,
Please clear cache and try again. Especially if you are using a caching plugin on your site.
If it still does not work, please contact us via and provide us your WordPress install details, and link of the page where you’ve setup an Icegram campaign but it’s not showing.
We use Icegram with WooCommerce on our own site, so we can confirm that Icegram’s latest version works with core WooCommerce and some of the plugins we are using.
Can you tell me what payment gateway are you using? Can you send us your custom gateway plugin? We can take a look and resolve the issue then…
You can do it from: We’ve now added a feature to change text and background colors for both message body and CTA button.. That will make it super easy to customize colors!
@sandeep: Assuming your question is more about WordPress plugin development than Icegram itself. has started showing “Active Installs” of a plugin. They track plugin usage – because they get auto update requests from all WP powered sites.
If your plugin is hosted at (like Icegram), there is no way for you to track which sites are using it.
You may ask your users to subscribe to a newsletter or put a referral link and then track some statistics on your side to understand who’s using your plugin. But you can’t force them to do this.
If you sell / distribute plugins from your own site, you can override the WordPress update process to send automatic update checks to your server. And then you can get a better grip on who’s using your plugin. A lot of plugins do this – WooCommerce, ThemeForest and even ourselves (for Store Apps’s premium plugins) do this. You can even use serial keys to validate users.
Hope this helps.
That was a design choice we made to make Icegram compatible with themes that used a fixed floating nav bar.
Still thinking about the best way to work with both situations – with and without fixed top nav..
Will keep you posted.
For 1: That was intended to be a feature, but looks like it’s not gone well with users!! We basically added some logic to automatically pickup a complimentary color for the CTA button based on the selected background and text colors.
We are rolling back this “automatic” color creation, and will add an explicit color selection for CTA button in the next release. So that should fix first problem.
For 2: That is also a change we made to accomodate people who reported problems with their theme navbars. When the navbar was fixed – hovering at top – the earlier design of Icegram did not work. We are figuring out a way to deal with these two kinds of situations – without introducing additional settings.. Will keep you posted.
Third: I am curious – you are using both Icegram and Optin Monster on your site. Can you take a few minutes and tell us reasons for using Optin Monster?? If not here, feel free to submit your feedback here:
1. CTA color: You can add some inline CSS in message body that could override default Icegram CSS to change the color / hover color.
2. Use the CTA Actions addon to open the link in a new tab.
Icegram does allow embedding inline JS or CSS. But you need to use the “text” tab in WP editor. If you switch to “HTML” tab, WordPress messes up the JS/CSS code you’ve added.
Additionally, any JS code you add, will be executed on page load. So if you want delayed execution, you’d need to tap into Icegram’s JS events or do something when a button / link is clicked within an Icegram message.
Thanks for a glowing five star review! Appreciate it.
Integration with membership plugins is on our roadmap. We can not promise when it will happen though!
Icegram does allow third party plugins to add targeting rules though.. So you can indeed write another plugin that adds Paid Membership Pro support even now!
We’ve found the cause of this problem. Happens with specific themes. Changing the theme or background color will provide a temporary solution. We will include the correct solution in the next update.