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  • Thread Starter nitnelav


    Great! Now, when you go to your site, what do you see? The install page?

    No; it’s still the same thing.

    Thread Starter nitnelav


    [root@hv public_html]# /sbin/service httpd restart
    Stopping httpd:      OK  ]
    Starting httpd:   [  OK  ]
    [root@hv public_html]#
    Thread Starter nitnelav


    [root@hv public_html]# apachectl status
                                       Not Found
       The requested URL /server-status was not found on this server.
        Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) Server at localhost Port 80
    [root@hv public_html]#
    Thread Starter nitnelav


    What happened when you re-started Apache? Also, is php-gd installed?

    Apache did not complain when I restarted it, but the restart didn’t affect anything.

    php-gd is installed too:

    [root@hv public_html]# yum install php-gd
    Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security
    Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
     * epel:
     * webtatic-source:
    Setting up Install Process
    Package matching php-gd-5.2.17-1.el5.vmbleed.x86_64 already installed. Checking for update.
    Nothing to do
    [root@hv public_html]#

    Thread Starter nitnelav


    Install php-mysql. Restart Apache.

    It’s already installed:

    [root@hv public_html]# yum install php-mysql
    Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security
    Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
     * epel:
     * webtatic-source:
    Setting up Install Process
    Package matching php-mysql-5.2.17-1.el5.vmbleed.x86_64 already installed. Checking for update.
    Nothing to do
    [root@hv public_html]#

    Thread Starter nitnelav


    Yes, install.php is inside /wp-admin/ folder; which is in the root/public_html folder for this website.

    [root@hv wp-admin]# ls
    about.php              customize.php           index.php            media-upload.php        nav-menus.php           plugins.php        upgrade-functions.php
    admin-ajax.php         edit-comments.php       install-helper.php   menu-header.php         network                 post-new.php       upgrade.php
    admin-footer.php       edit-form-advanced.php  install.php          menu.php                network.php             post.php           upload.php
    admin-functions.php    edit-form-comment.php   js                   moderation.php          options-discussion.php  press-this.php     user
    admin-header.php       edit-link-form.php      link-add.php         ms-admin.php            options-general.php     profile.php        user-edit.php
    admin.php              edit.php                link-manager.php     ms-delete-site.php      options-head.php        revision.php       user-new.php
    admin-post.php         edit-tag-form.php       link-parse-opml.php  ms-edit.php             options-media.php       setup-config.php   users.php
    async-upload.php       edit-tags.php           link.php             ms-options.php          options-permalink.php   theme-editor.php   widgets.php
    comment.php            export.php              load-scripts.php     ms-sites.php            options.php             theme-install.php
    credits.php            freedoms.php            load-styles.php      ms-themes.php           options-reading.php     themes.php
    css                    images                  maint                ms-upgrade-network.php  options-writing.php     tools.php
    custom-background.php  import.php              media-new.php        ms-users.php            plugin-editor.php       update-core.php
    custom-header.php      includes                media.php            my-sites.php            plugin-install.php      update.php
    [root@hv wp-admin]# pwd
    [root@hv wp-admin]#

    The index.php dile is also there:

    [root@hv public_html]# ls
    awstats-icon  index.php    stats            wp-blog-header.php    wp-config-sample.php  wp-includes        wp-login.php     wp-signup.php
    awstatsicons  license.txt  wp-activate.php  wp-comments-post.php  wp-content            wp-links-opml.php  wp-mail.php      wp-trackback.php
    icon          readme.html  wp-admin         wp-config.php.php     wp-cron.php           wp-load.php        wp-settings.php  xmlrpc.php
    [root@hv public_html]# pwd
    [root@hv public_html]#

    Any other suggestions?

    Thread Starter nitnelav


    You need to make sure the CentOS server has PHP installed on it and is running on PHP.

    I made sure of that; please see below:

    [root@hv conf]# php -v
    PHP 5.4.30 (cli) (built: Jun 27 2014 11:59:22)
    Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group
    Zend Engine v2.4.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies
        with the ionCube PHP Loader v4.4.1, Copyright (c) 2002-2013, by ionCube Ltd.
    [root@hv conf]#

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