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  • LOL, so true ?? Most refreshing reply I’ve read in ages.

    Welcome to Open Source plugin development I guess ??

    Hi there, this is much appriciated!

    My code is the following:

     // Profile page contact form connect to profile id
    add_filter( 'ninja_forms_submit_data', 'my_ninja_forms_submit_data' );
    function my_ninja_forms_submit_data( $form_data ) {  
     			$profile_id = um_profile_id();
    		 	$user_info = get_user_meta($profile_id, 'user_email', true);
    	// IDs
       foreach( $form_data[ 'fields' ] as $key => $field ) { 
       if( $key == '47'){
         $form_data['fields'][$key]['value'] = $user_info; 

    // Form settings.
    $form_settings = $form_data[ ‘settings’ ];
    // Extra data included with the submission.
    $extra_data = $form_data[ ‘extra’ ];

    return $form_data;

    And it results in being able to send the contact form submission to myself if visiting my own profile logged in, all else fails although the code to retrieve the user id etc works on the page.

    I have a feeling that this has something to do with the URL /admin/wp-admin.php from where the profile page is actually rendered, but I’m not sure and not capable to do something with this.

    I have created a hidden field placed in the ‘to’ field of the form which I’m using the ID (47) to target the filter to. Unfortunately the original code on NF (using key) did nothing for me.

    Thanks for any help!

    This is driving me insane, I am using the Ninja Forms filter above to populate a hidden field which I have added to the recipient field, but although the below code renders the correct profile email on the page itself I can seem to use it in the filter: it either returns the logged in user email or nothing at all when not logged in..

      function store_profile_id(){
    			global $ultimatemember; 
    			$profile_id = um_profile_id();
    		 	$user_info = um_fetch_user( $profile_id );
    		 	$send_to_emous =  um_user('user_email');
    	echo $send_to_emous;


    All my above ideas have been the worst, they work but not as expected. The post meta key gets updated each time the page gets hit and therefor it is possible (and actually very probable with larger sites) that while a visitor is filling in the form, another will visit another profile page and change the recipient email address for all forms :))

    @suiteplugins Thank you for your suggestions I will check it out!


    In hindsight it was not a good idea to update admin_email each time a form was send, been working on this too long. Status is now ‘work around’ using the following code which updates a post meta field. Would love to hear feedback on this solution and possible better ones.

    I have used the ACF plugin to add a custom field (key: custom_meta_key_emailz) to the profile page but of course native WP fields will work as well.

    I use Ninja Forms and set the “to” address with merge tag {post_meta:custom_meta_key_emailz}

    Code functions.php:

    // Send email to profile owner
    add_action('um_main_profile_fields', 'update_admin_email', 101);
    function update_admin_email() {
            // Get member email
       	$profile_id = um_profile_id();
    	$user_info = get_userdata($profile_id);
    	$send_to_emous = $user_info->user_email;
            // Get custom field ACF
            $custom_emailz = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'custom_meta_key_emailz', true );
            // Update field ACF, alter in case of native fields
            update_field('custom_meta_key_emailz', $send_to_emous, 2411);
            // Optional to check: 
    	// echo '<p style="color:red;">$custom_emailz: ' . $custom_emailz . '</p>';

    It will update the meta key “custom_meta_key_emailz” to the member address on this page, thus rendering the correct email address in the “to” address.

    Anyone who would like to have a contact form on the profile page and have it send to the owner of the profile (member):

    I use Ninja Forms and set the ‘to’ address with merge tag {wp:admin_email}.

    Then add this code to functions.php:

    add_action('um_main_profile_fields', 'update_admin_email', 101);
    function update_admin_email() {
    	$profile_id = um_profile_id();
    	$user_info = get_userdata($profile_id);
    	$send_to_emous = $user_info->user_email;
       	update_option('admin_email', $send_to_emous);
    	// Optional to check: $email = get_option('admin_email');
            // Optional to check: echo '<p style="color:red;">' . $email . '</p>';

    It will update the site admin email address to the member address on this page, thus rendering the correct email address in the ‘to’ address.

    Thread Starter Nick van de Veerdonk


    Thank you Mike, and thanks for a great plugin!

    Thanks @patunl, that did the trick!

    Plugin Author Nick van de Veerdonk


    Hi @kotlyarov,

    This is strange… I never had this issue before. In any case you can change the slug to add the slash, like so: [amp-sitemap append=’/amp’ ]

    Hope this helps and you will consider changing that brutal 1 star review ??

    Thread Starter Nick van de Veerdonk


    Thank you Michael!

    Thread Starter Nick van de Veerdonk


    Hi Michael, excuse me for late reply! Thanks for your follow up on this, I see now. I was hoping to create a CSS selector/PHP conditional for a different page style by making it a custom post type but the way this works does not make for a good fit.

    Thanks again for your help and a fantastic plugin!

    Thread Starter Nick van de Veerdonk


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    Thread Starter Nick van de Veerdonk


    Hi Michael thank you for your swift reply!

    Got them pretty permalinks (/postname) and yes I’m flushing like a madman ??

    Thanks again!


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    Hi I was wrestling with this myself and was able to solve this by setting the emails to plain text instead of HTML. You can do this under ‘Advanced settings’ at the bottom of the email action. (reply email, admin admin email etc.) Hope it helps!

    Plugin Author Nick van de Veerdonk


    That’s weird.. I will take a look at this, can you provide me a link to the site just to be sure?

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