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  • Oops – after criticizing Rich Reviews for not posting a summary of the problem, I’d like to edit that comment, but can’t see how to. I got terrific support from Rich Reviews, who sleuthed it out and discovered that my sub-directory site would not show reviews unless the “Review display order” in Options are changed from “Randomize” to “Newest First”, then they all showed up perfectly. Tech will work on getting this fixed in the next update.

    I love how easy it is to use, and how great it looks. Unfortunately, version 1.63 worked for about 10 minutes, then no longer would show the reviews in any pages. So I deactivated and deleted, and tried older versions.
    Version 1.60 also would not show up on my pages, but version 1.56 is showing up nicely. Unfortunately, version 1.56 is missing several of the cool features – I’ll keep a eye out, and try it again with the next new version.
    Here’s a link to previous versions to try if you’re having trouble with the latest version:
    This sounds like it’s been going on for a while – I’m disappointed that Rich Reviews hasn’t posted a summary of the problem.
    Come on, Rich Review! You’ve got a lot of us waiting! ??

    Thread Starter nnord


    I Found it!!

    Plugin: Format Media Titles: (5 stars by 9 people, 4 stars by 1 person, downloaded 1,846 times)

    It can be pretty tedious to have to manually edit the title for newly uploaded media items. This Plugin automates things by removing and replacing characters such as hyphens, and underscores, with spaces. The title can then be capitalized by a method of your choice:

    First letter of each word capitalized.
    First letter of first word capitalized only.
    All letters made uppercase.
    All letter made lower case.
    No capitalization. Title remains unchanged.

    You will especially benefit from this Plugin if your media files have descriptive names, as you won’t have to manually edit them at all after uploading them!

    Future versions of this Plugin will include:

    More choice of characters to remove.
    Optionally mirror the formatted title to the Alt text too.
    Batch format media existing media library titles.

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