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  • Mindfill


    I was able to follow the instructions from step 1: Options/Manual Archive Extraction…and it worked!



    I am getting the same error although I begin with a clean folder with only the zip file and installer.php in the root folder. After the browser error, I look at the server and Duplicator has already unzipped the contents and the wp-config file. When I delete it and run Duplicator again, it creates a new wp-config file and I get the same error. Thoughts?

    Thread Starter Mindfill


    Nevermind, I solved it—I didn’t need to use Query Wrangler Widget options, went with a shortcode to apply a filter to the current post/argument:

    [query id=12 args=”p={{post:ID}}”]

    Initially that also didn’t work but then I realized that no shortcodes of any kind were working
    in the sidebar, and I added into functions.php

    add_filter(‘widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’);

    And now the power of Query Wrangler is unlocked!

    Thanks Jonathan–that worked. It was indeed a conflict with Custom Content Shortcodes. Good to know that for the future. I disabled it and the content of QW came back up. Thanks!

    I have another site in which Query Wrangler is also not working. But the Plugins are a little different. Do you know about any conflicts with these?

    Thanks so much for your help!

    Advanced Custom Fields (4.4.5)
    Advanced Custom Fields: Date and Time Picker (
    Advanced Menu Widget (0.3)
    AJAX Hits Counter + Popular Posts Widget (0.9.9)
    Category Posts in Custom Menu (1.2.1)
    Category Posts Widget (4.1.4)
    Custom Post Widget (2.8.4)
    Disable Comments (1.3.2)
    Display Posts Shortcode (2.5.1)
    Genesis Simple Menus (
    Hello Dolly (1.6)
    Intuitive Custom Post Order (3.0.7)
    Jetpack by (3.8.2)
    Lazy Load (0.6)
    List Plugins (1.4.3)
    PB Responsive Images (1.4.2)
    Post Content Shortcodes (0.5.6)
    Query Wrangler (1.5.38)
    Regenerate Thumbnails (2.2.6)
    Related Posts Slider (2.1.1)
    Responsive Lightbox (1.6.6)
    Scroll To Top (2.1)
    Simple Image Sizes (3.0.9)
    Under Construction WP (1.0.2)
    W3 Total Cache (
    WP-Optimize (
    WP-ShowHide (1.04)
    Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (4.3.1)
    Nav Menu Images (3.2)
    NextGEN Gallery by Photocrati (2.1.23)
    NextGEN Gallery Optimizer (2.1.2)
    Post Content Shortcodes (0.5.6)
    Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (4.3.1)

    Thanks for your response, and a great plugin!

    1. not using any Query Wrangler templates in the theme.

    2. Looking at the source code, I can see the textwidget where Query Wrangler is supposed to be executing, and its not coming up there.

    3. I created generic Query Wrangler queries, they do not show up anywhere on the site in widgets pages etc. The shortcode also does not appear.

    4. Can’t get any query to work. But they work inside the Query Wrangler preview.

    5. I installed the plugin called “list plugins” and it spit this out

    Advanced Menu Widget (0.3)
    Busted! (1.4)
    Contact Form by BestWebSoft (3.97)
    Custom Content Shortcode (3.2.9)
    Genesis Simple Edits (2.1.4)
    Huge IT Slider (3.0.6)
    Jetpack by (3.8.2)
    List Plugins (1.4.3)
    Meta Slider (3.3.6)
    Nav Menu Images (3.2)
    Query Wrangler (1.5.38)
    Regenerate Thumbnails (2.2.6)
    Responsive Lightbox (1.6.6)
    Scroll To Top (2.1)
    ShareThis (7.1)
    Simple No Comment (1.0)
    Under Construction (1.16)
    W3 Total Cache (
    Widget Context (1.0.3)

    Having the same issue. Query Wrangler shortcodes working fine before, content recently disappeared “on its own.” Site is running PHP 5.6. When I am working in the Query Wrangler interface I can see the content on preview but I can no longer see it on the live site.

    Thread Starter Mindfill


    Ok, I figured it out from this thread:

    I guess it’s not a complicated thing to exclude a category in this situation, just have to add one line:

    if($category->name !== ‘Uncategorized’)

    So the code now looks like this, and it works!

    if ( is_single() ) {
    $categories = get_the_category();
    $currentID = get_the_ID();
    $parent = get_cat_name($category[0]->category_parent); 
      if ($categories) {
        foreach ($categories as $category) {
    if($category->name !== 'Uncategorized'){
          // echo "<pre>"; print_r($category); echo "</pre>";
          $cat = $category->cat_ID;
            'cat' => $cat,
            'post__not_in' => array($post->ID),
    'post__not_in' => array($currentID),
          $my_query = null;
          $my_query = new WP_Query($args);
          if( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
     echo '<h4>more projects from</h3>';
    echo  $categories[0]->cat_name ;
            while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post(); ?>
              <p><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php  the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title();?></a></p>
          } //if ($my_query)
        } //foreach ($categories
    }//$category->cat_ID !
      } //if ($categories)
      wp_reset_query();  // Restore global post data stomped by the_post().
    } //if (is_single())
    Thread Starter Mindfill


    Yes, I am using the default gallery shortcode. Also have tried adding Nextgen gallery in the post, but that also seemed to embed images into the content field. What I need is images and text divided into separate fields they can be turned on and off with Query Wrangler in different widgets. What image system would you suggest?

    Another thing I tried was making a custom field using Advanced Custom Field plugin displaying just the text in a post, and creating a code in Query Wrangler where I could display it as a widget using your suggestion [query id=2 args=”p={{post:ID}}”] //
    However, I could not get the custom field, or any custom field to display.

    Thread Starter Mindfill


    Hey Jonathan,

    Ok, tried the callback field with the_content. It seems to do the same thing as the Post Content field, namely display the entire content of the post.

    I have text, a code for the show/hide plugin, and image galleries with multiple images embedded in posts. I add the image galleries using the standard genesis gallery system, through the WYZWYG interface, not shortcodes.

    What I would like to do is- using the contextual filters system you suggest above- display the full text with html formatting in one widget, and only the image gallery of the same post in another widget. So far following your suggestions, I have the complete content of the post replicated in both widgets. Have tried the post excerpt field to display only text, but it seems to strip the html formatting and I don’t know where to control the length of the excerpt.

    Do you think its a question of adding the images to posts in a different way to accomplish this?

    Thanks, Noah

    Thread Starter Mindfill


    Hey Jonathan,

    Thanks for helping, and for making Query Wrangler- I have found it super useful getting up and running on WP. Right away, placing [query id=2 args=”p={{post:ID}}”] in the widget worked- it pulls up content from the same post as I wanted. My next question is, how to control this content with a finer grain ? In Query wrangler, I added the field for post content, but is there a way to separate the text from the image gallery inside the content, as in Drupal you could display the body and images as separate fields?

    Thanks again, Noah

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