Forum Replies Created
@@iroshd2020 we cant replicate your issue using default wp themes. May I know the WordPress version you are using? Coz it might be the WP version you have.
@peps23 you can reser all settings from the Settings –> Tools –> Clear All Setting in the AAM Dashboard.
And I would recommend you redoing all changes you made especially with capabilities so its all clean when you deactivate the plugin.
please refer here –> for the list of AAM shortcodes.
hi @iroshd2020,
Can you try to use a default theme and refresh the AAM Dashboard? Coz I am suspecting that this display issue is due to the theme you are on.
Please update me
hi @kaenor restricting roles/users per Category/Term is a function only available in the premium version (Plus Package)
I see. Philip, so if you are adding custom menu with functions with Admin Menu Editor does it have custom capabilities for each created menu? Coz if it does, then manage those custom menus by adding the custom capabilities for each function/menu you created. Just add them manually on the Capability lists.
I thought so. So that page seemed to be displaying all the items with products as a category in you woocommerce.
Managing Terms ( or Categories ) that includes the shop categories should be a feature in the AAAM Plus Package. The free version doesnt allow us to control/manage the categories/terms.
oh I see. make sure you have properly setup AAM for multisite then.
This might help –> that we are able to help out. ??
hi @philipnormandin I am not sure if I am on the right page here. So you are trying to hide a Menu you created on Admin Menu Editor using AAM? Is this the case?
Can you be more specific please on the issue. If you can provide an example then that would be very helpful.
@gonzalosp what are the capabilities related to users have you checked for that Role you created? Coz this is clearly some issue with missing capability that you have added to that new Role.
Make sure the Role has these:list_users
delete_usershi @alpesh_p2010,
I believe this only happens if that certain plugin has its own custom capability for its function.
So if that plugin uses a different (custom) capability for its permission than the ones you have already set ( which are most likely wp standard capabilities) then there is really a need for you to manually add that capability for that new plugin that you recently install to be able to manage it for that role.
So just add by creating a new capability under he Capabilities Tab on AAM and you should be able to manage that new plugin functions.
hi @xk8,
Please try to clear your cache after the update. That usually clears issues right after the update.
For manage the UPDATE function for users/roles from the backend you need to manually add the Capability for these functions. Below are the 3 update capability that wordpress have:
update_core –> for updating wordpress
update_plugins –> updating plugins
update_themes —> updating themesSo to add the capabilities and manage refer to this –>
Hope this helps
hi @stefvanriet,
when you say shop pages? Do you meant just the one “Shop” page or are you referring to the category pages for the shop? coz both may require different actions.
For the single SHOP page since it is a regular page it should be manage just like regular pages though.