Forum Replies Created
Another suggestion: If you use any type of minify or combining, exclude vslider js. Just another one I learned the “long” way.
Also, go back to 4.1.1 as 4.2 has even been pulled from download. You might have to do a reset in the configs and start over…
See Here…
Delay between images: 3000
Delay beetwen squares: 3000As I am not one to give up this easily, I went ahead and just went back to 4.1.1. Then hit the “reset” button on the options page. Rebuilt my slides, and they are back. Not wanting to do a database restore, I will just leave it at that.
If you have an upgrade instruction sheet, that would be helpful otherwise I will have to stick with this version and ignore the upgrade notification in the dashboard.
When I upgraded, I did not see any instructions for existing plugin users, so I just went ahead and upgraded, as I do with all my plugins and themes.
Thanks, and my apologies for the bash. Not what I fealt like dealing with after a long weekend away.
Unfortunately, I already tried that, and my settings were still wiped out. I loaded older version, and re-configured some images, but nothing shows up. Most likely because of the lingering DB entries.
I most likely would need to go through database and pull out all vslider tables and re-install this plugin to get it to work.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] Cache plugin slowing down site??? Please help.This is because your cache has been cleared and has to rebuild, I am assuming.
Visit your page a couple of times, check other pages, then retest.Always use the same test location as well.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] Cache plugin slowing down site??? Please help.toango, if you are on a shared host, I would also recommend disabling database caching as well.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MP3-jPlayer] [Plugin: MP3-jPlayer] Player not working in WP 3.4I just tested this as well, if you want to remote host your files.
Just replace with your site, and also the mp3 directory if that is not what directory they are in.[mp3-jplayer tracks=”,,,,,
” width=”200px” height=”77px” pn=”n” mods=”y” vol=”45″ pos=”rel-R” list=”n”]Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MP3-jPlayer] [Plugin: MP3-jPlayer] Player not working in WP 3.4Try this:
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”FEED:/mp3″ pick=”5″ width=”200px” height=”77px” pn=”n” mods=”y” vol=”45″ pos=”rel-R” list=”n”]
Place your 5 mp3 files under the /mp3 directory, which is in the same directory with wp-content, wp-admin and all the other wordpress directories.
chmod your mp3 directory to 755
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MP3-jPlayer] [Plugin: MP3-jPlayer] Player not working in WP 3.4Post your shortcode – maybe someone can pick it up.
I am using this plugin successfully twice, one for a shoutcast stream, and the other for an mp3 folder.
I’ll try to help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MP3-jPlayer] [Plugin: MP3-jPlayer] Player not working in WP 3.4Spoke to soon. It seems to be working again. It seems that WP-minify needed to be re-enabled since I was using that with W3 Total Cache (without minify). I disabled it a couple days ago, and went with W3 by itself (with minify).
WP-minify must have kept some settings, because when I went back to the old way, everything now works.
I have to say, these minifying programs are very tricky, to say the least.
I can confirm that MP3-J is working on WP 3.1.4. Just make sure if you are using any caching plugins, to exclude jquery and mp3-jplayer, including CSS.
To the posters above, try including a link to your site, so someone can take a look at the code.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MP3-jPlayer] [Plugin: MP3-jPlayer] Player not working in WP 3.4Any updates on this? I too have the same issue. I originally thought it was my W3TC plugin or maybe Cloudflare, but after removing minify, caching, and Cloudflare, it still does not work.
Now on a fresh new copy of 3.4.1, with no plugins installed, it works fine. No errors in Firebug.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Admin page columns messed up with 3.4I too had the same exact problem after upgrading yesterday (6/13/12). Could not change the columns, and also in the Themes section, it would show two themes screenshots, and would not let me view live preview. I also noticed that if I changed to default 2011 theme, everything looked normal. This led me to my theme, which I use Graphene plus a child theme.
So I deactivated the child theme, and used the parent Graphene theme, and things still looked “normal”. This led me to the child theme.
I backed it up (only had style.css and a couple changes in the functions.php file) and created a new child theme. Activated it, things were still normal.
So one by one I uploaded my old child theme files until I found the culprit which was the functions.php file.
I had two options in there. 1. Remove admin tool bar for non-amins, and 2. Remove the query after all scripts. (ex.
I had to remove the query customization and now everything looks normal, using my child theme. I will have to find a workaround for this because all my caching is wrapped around the no query.
I would suggest testing your theme files as the Theme Diva suggested!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TubePress] [Plugin: TubePress] Ban Certain VideosThank you for the quick reply. I have tried to use the double quotes in the plugin setup – (YouTube search for) and when I save the settings, the box empties. So am I correct to assume that you can only do this in shortcode, or am I missing a setting somewhere?
Any ideas on how to limit search results to English only?
Thanks again.
Adding those ip’s seems to have did the trick. Even when I was having to disable cloudflare, and wait 10 minutes, the results were iffy. As soon as I made these changes, no errors in smushing files (single or bulk).
This is a relief, because having to manually send them up each time, was getting a little time consuming. ??
Note edit: I think is having service issues tonight (4/26/12), as I have completely errored out on a couple tries, and both times, I attempted to open their website, and it timed out.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] Permalink ChangeNo ideas? Any troubleshooting assistance would be greatly appreciated.