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  • I too had this problem. Running WP 4.2.2 with multisite and Easy Watermark

    I am pointed here when trying to add the watermark Ver 0.6.0***/wp-admin/upload.php?page=easy-watermark&attachment_id=68&r=post&_wpnonce=c0c8ef2166

    And am encountered with this:

    You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.

    I am assuming something to do with multisite and the directory being different?

    I just woke up to a similar problem, do you use godaddy hosting? And to fix this, you say I must use their provided cpanel to add my new sites instead of using the sites feature in WP?

    I too have been unable to get NSU to work properly with PHPList.

    The best I got for my purposes was to use the plug-in “Shortcoder” and wrapped this code:

    <p>`<br />
    <script type=”text/javascript” language=”Javascript”>// <![CDATA[<br />
    function checkform()<br />
    {<br />
    for (i=0;i<fieldstocheck.length;i++) {<br />
    if (eval(“document.subscribeform.elements[‘”+fieldstocheck[i]+”‘].type”) == “checkbox”) {<br />
    if (document.subscribeform.elements[fieldstocheck[i]].checked) {<br />
    } else {<br />
    alert(“Please enter your “+fieldnames[i]);<br />
    <p> return false;<br />
    }<br />
    } else {<br />
    if (eval(“document.subscribeform.elements[‘”+fieldstocheck[i]+”‘].value”) == “”) {<br />
    alert(“Please enter your “+fieldnames[i]);<br />
    <p> return false;<br />
    }<br />
    }<br />
    }<br />
    for (i=0;i<groupstocheck.length;i++) {<br />
    if (!checkGroup(groupstocheck[i],groupnames[i])) {<br />
    return false;<br />
    }<br />
    <p> return true;<br />
    <p>var fieldstocheck = new Array();<br />
    var fieldnames = new Array();<br />
    function addFieldToCheck(value,name)<br />
    {<br />
    fieldstocheck[fieldstocheck.length] = value;<br />
    fieldnames[fieldnames.length] = name;<br />
    }<br />
    var groupstocheck = new Array();<br />
    var groupnames = new Array();<br />
    function addGroupToCheck(value,name)<br />
    {<br />
    groupstocheck[groupstocheck.length] = value;<br />
    groupnames[groupnames.length] = name;<br />
    <p>function compareEmail()<br />
    {<br />
    return (document.subscribeform.elements[“email”].value == document.subscribeform.elements[“emailconfirm”].value);<br />
    }<br />
    function checkGroup(name,value)<br />
    {<br />
    option = -1;<br />
    for (i=0;i<document.subscribeform.elements[name].length;i++) {<br />
    if (document.subscribeform.elements[name][i].checked) {<br />
    option = i;<br />
    }<br />
    }<br />
    if (option == -1) {<br />
    alert (“Please enter your “+value);</p>
    <p> return false;<br />
    <p> return true;<br />
    }<br />
    // ]]></script><br />
    <form action=”list000/?p=subscribe” method=”post” name=”subscribeform”>
    <p align=”center”><input name=”email” size=”40″ type=”text” placeholder=”Enter your email address…” />
    <script type=”text/javascript” language=”Javascript”>// <![CDATA[
    addFieldToCheck(“email”,”Email address”);
    // ]]></script>
    <input name=”list[2]” type=”hidden” value=”signup” /><input name=”listname[2]” type=”hidden” value=”newsletter” />
    <div style=”display: none;”><input name=”VerificationCodeX” size=”20″ type=”text” value=”” /></div>
    <p><input name=”subscribe” type=”submit” value=”Subscribe” /></p>

    If this code can somehow be incorporated into this plug-in, I think it should work nicely.

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