Forum Replies Created
what are the task that you schedule? have you try to disable all?
I created the cronjob file for a test and i forgot to delete it. have you play with cronjob?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PlayPress] autoplay and autoresume on reload pageYour second suggestion is rather more ambitious, I’m afraid – but I’m sure there are other plugins that will let you do this.
can you suggest me some audio wp pluing with autoplay, html5 and resume support?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy] Widgets Lose Drag-and-Drop Under 3.5-RC1i created new admin user with your email. do you received something?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy] Widgets Lose Drag-and-Drop Under 3.5-RC1is it permission issue? i try to reset.
p.s. i send you an email with pw and user to login into
AFTER RESET: nothing happen…errors remain:(
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy] Widgets Lose Drag-and-Drop Under 3.5-RC1i’m testing 0.8.5 version. Your support is great!!!!
after test:
– on width all plugin disabled (except infinitewp) and after delete and reinstalled the plugin:“Fatal error: Class ‘Easy_2046_builder’ not found in /home/ on line 34”
-on https://www.ristorante-rolando: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/ on line 93
hi i’m try to use nextgen gallery image as featured image in simple press elegant theme.
With template gallery page (page-gallery.php) in simple press there is a loop that display posts by thumbnail:example:
in this post there is a nextgen gallery so i would like use one of nextgen images as featured image. I know that simple press use two function to display the thumbnail:
print_thumbnail()the support doesn’t offer any aid. how can i apply the above trick ( ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy] Widgets Lose Drag-and-Drop Under 3.5-RC1i’m controlling easy on each my website and i get this error:
– in “Fatal error: Class ‘Easy_2046_builder’ not found in /home/ on line 34”
– in “Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/ on line 92”
– in remain the drag and drop disfunctionForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy] Widgets Lose Drag-and-Drop Under 3.5-RC1nothing, the problem remain. what have i inspect in firebug?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy] Widgets Lose Drag-and-Drop Under 3.5-RC1i update my wp version to 3.5.1. i’ll test again easy. Thanks for the support.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Filebase Download Manager] problem with png image downloadnothing?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WOW Slider] setting wowslider> is it possibile to have slideshow clickable?
It’s possible to add individual link to each image. Select image by clicking in WOWSlider app. and specify link in “Url” field.thanks for the replay, i would like to insert url image from wp and not from wow app (on the pc) beacouse before insert the slider i don’t know the url of the images in the slider on wp.
> and is it possible to use a image of wowslider as feature thumbnail?
I’m not sure that understand you correctly… Thumbnails in WOWSlider slideshow were developed for navigation within slideshow only. It’s impossible to use them in another way. Click on main image in WOWSlider will not call pop up window. You can get a result like demos on our website only. my post i would like to insert a slideshow gallery so i would like to use an image of this slide show like feature image that will use in a loop. but if i understand with wow slider this is not possible. so i’ll test visual lightbox.
this is my target:
– insert a gallery-slideshow in each post;
– use an image of gallery-slideshow as thumbnail-featured image in loop (feature image + post title + excerpt)Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy] Widgets Lose Drag-and-Drop Under 3.5-RC1I installed Easy under WordPress 3.5 RC1. Theme widgets could not be dragged. I disabled Easy and widgets returned to normal.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy] Widgets Lose Drag-and-Drop Under 3.5-RC1drag-n-drop issue
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slideshow Gallery LITE] multiple slide uploadhi, please delete my precedent post “good plugin but”. i would like to know if somebody can upload more slide contemporary. i can’t do this by Manager slider.
some opinions about this?