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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rackspace CDN] Site Temporarily UnavailableI started getting this issue a couple of days ago, does anyone know how to resolve this?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Responsive header image slider] changing transition speedFrom the WordPress dashboard, go to the plugins menu and click on “Edit” below the responsive image slider. From there, you should see “responsive-header-image-slider/js/jquery.slides.min.js” over to the right side. Click on that link, edit the file, then click the Update button.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BadgeOS] BadgeOS causing conflicts with custom meta boxesThanks again Michael!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BadgeOS] BadgeOS causing conflicts with custom meta boxesWorks perfectly! Thanks so much for sorting that out, phenomenal support! I’ll have the beta installed now, so I will let you know if I encounter any issues before release.
There is one other tweak I’ve had to make to BadgeOS because of a conflict, so I figure now might be the time to bring it up while you are prepping this release. This one may be one of those you just aren’t able to fix, because it might be needed for something that I’m not aware of…and I think this is probably a fringe case that won’t affect many other people.
I use a plugin called iMember360 (premium plugin) that allows us to turn off wpautop on our WordPress posts/pages. wpautop is the function within WordPress that automatically inserts page breaks and paragraphs whenever there is a line break in your code…which works great when you are just typing text in a WordPress post, but not so good when you include a page in PHP or Javascript that is clearly going to have a lot of line breaks in it. I turn off wpautop on pages that include any kind of script, because it will often mess up the way content should be displayed, and sometimes break the script altogether (since it is adding <p></p> tags in the middle of some Javascript code). Here’s an example (left is with wpautop off, right is the same page with wpautop on…you can see how its just adding random line breaks).
Now, the problem with BadgeOS is that it runs a content filter on every single page, and then spits it back out through wpautop regardless of whether we have it turned on or off. So what I’ve had to do is go in and modify two lines of code in content-filters.php to disable this (holds true in the new beta that you sent me as well)…
Line 122
From: return wpautop( $content );
To: return $content;Line 144
From: $newcontent .= wpautop( $content );
To: $newcontent .= $content;To duplicate this, I think you will probably need iMember360 (or some other plugin that allows you to disable wpautop from the post), and some kind of PHP include script (I use “Include Me” by Stefano Lissa).
But before you go through the trouble, I would just ask why wpautop is even necessary in your script? I’ve taken that line of code out, and it has had no impact on my other posts, so it seems like WordPress is already handling that…not sure if sending it back through that function is even necessary.
It’s a really easy update here on my end, so if its too much trouble duplicating it, don’t even worry about. Thanks for all of your help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BadgeOS] BadgeOS causing conflicts with custom meta boxesThat is correct…I am trying to create page content, but for some reason that page content is being attached to the BadgeOS log posts rather than the page itself.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BadgeOS] BadgeOS causing conflicts with custom meta boxesThanks for the quick response.
Test 2: 2312 post type is a page, 2313 is a log entry
Test 3: Line 27So with our meta boxes, nothing is saving correctly. You can enter anything you want into a text field, click on “Update” for the page, and WordPress will say your updates are saved, but the text field will be empty. For whatever reason, when the logging for BadgeOS is enabled, the details for that text field get saved to the log entry instead of the actual WordPress page. So in test 2, I need those fields to attribute to post 2312 (WP entry), and not 2313 (BadgeOS log entry).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BadgeOS] BadgeOS causing conflicts with custom meta boxesThis is the plugin I am using for Meta Boxes in case that is needed to test.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Responsive header image slider] changing transition speedOpen up the /js/jquery.slides.min.js file, and look for this in the first few lines:
Change the speed number higher to make it slide slower, change it lower to go faster.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Responsive header image slider] Missing argument 2 for wp_kses()Hello everyone,
It looks like the plugin isn’t passing the required parameters into the wp_kses() function. To fix it, open up your plugin file, located here:
And change the following two lines:
update_post_meta( $post_id, ‘rsris_slide_link’, wp_kses( $_POST[‘rsris_slide_link’] ) );
update_post_meta( $post_id, ‘rsris_slide_embed’, wp_kses( $_POST[‘rsris_slide_embed’] ) );
update_post_meta( $post_id, ‘rsris_slide_link’, wp_kses( $_POST[‘rsris_slide_link’], wp_kses_allowed_html( ‘post’ ) ) );
update_post_meta( $post_id, ‘rsris_slide_embed’, wp_kses( $_POST[‘rsris_slide_embed’], wp_kses_allowed_html( ‘post’ ) ) );
That should fix it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP YouTube Lyte] Only see [videotitle].mp4I added the code in manually and was able to get it to work, but you’re likely correct about the wp_footer call. Thanks for the quick response!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP YouTube Lyte] Only see [videotitle].mp4Another update…if I manually add the styles, everything works. Something is preventing it from writing to the header I assume?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP YouTube Lyte] Only see [videotitle].mp4Just wanted to add after some additional troubleshooting, if I manually add the script to my header (along with setting bU var manually), the script side works but the stylesheet still doesn’t seem to work.
There’s now a black box, but if you click the box it does load the YouTube video correctly.