I am using a WP theme that has featured tabs
(https://www.elegantthemes.com/preview/MyProduct/) those 3 grey tabs show featured content, but the featured image on those tabs comes from the wodpress featured image.
I want the featured image to come from a get_post_meta like the tab tittle, but i am not sure on how to chnage the code… can anyone help me?
$arr[$i]["tabtitle"] = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Tab', $single = true);
$arr[$i]["permalink"] = get_permalink();
$arr[$i]["thumbnail"] = get_thumbnail($width,$height,'thumbnail alignleft',$arr[$i]["fulltitle"],$arr[$i]["tabtitle"]);
$arr[$i]["thumb"] = $arr[$i]["thumbnail"]["thumb"];
$arr[$i]["use_timthumb"] = $arr[$i]["thumbnail"]["use_timthumb"];
$ids[]= $post->ID;
endwhile; wp_reset_query(); ?>