Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Roost Web Push] W3 validation errorThanks for the link. We’ll comb over the thread as well to see if we can glean anything that may be of value for us to improve on.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Roost Web Push] Footer text inside WordPress editorSorry, for the confusion created by this. The wording there wasn’t right and the double-link might have been too much. We’ve changed it to better fit the purpose of reaching users who expect web push to work without JavaScript.
We also don’t think noscript tags confer any SEO value, which is why we embedded it there. There are quite a few other SaaS companies that do use them. Google does as well for their retargeting tags.
We take guidelines and terms of service (Google and others) very seriously.
Thanks for bringing your concerns to our attention.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Roost Web Push] W3 validation errorHey mackaaij,
We just pushed an update that encodes the URL. You can grab v2.1.8 now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Roost Web Push] Crashes right column when create article pageWe just released an update to the plugin that I believe will fix this issue.
v2.1.7 is now available for download.
Please keep us updated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Roost Web Push] Panel errorsWe just released an update to the plugin that should resolve this issue for you.
v2.1.7 is now available for download.
Thanks again for the heads up.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Roost Web Push] Panel errorsHey igneous,
This is related to another issue that we are aware of, and will be fixed in the next version of the plugin. An update will be in the near future, but we do not have a date yet.
Sorry for the inconvenience you are experiencing with this. We’ll resolve it soon.
Feel free to ask any other questions or hit us up directly at [email protected].
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Safari notifications (Mac OSX Mavericks) Plugin?You are welcome! We are constantly trying to improve and extend the functionality of our service and our plugin.
Thank you, Konradson, for the kind words.
Any thoughts or suggestions, please hit us up at [email protected]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Roost Web Push] Allow users to be notified only about certain post types?Hey shibbymintay,
This is certainly something that could be accomplished with a little plugin hacking and our API.
I do not know if we will work this into the plugin or not as it starts to get into what we consider more of a premium feature, like we include with our Roost Plus plan.
I know it’s not completely the same but we will be adding categories from the website owner’s perspective into the plugin. This way you can send notifications for posts only in category X or Y.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Roost Web Push] Crashes right column when create article pageAre you still experiencing this problem?
As stated above, we can not replicate. I do have an idea of what could potentially be causing this issue. I will be making some changes for the next version that will hopefully eliminate this.
Please email us once you find these messages so we can test.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Roost Web Push] Crashes right column when create article pageHey pb81,
We just tested this out and can not replicate the issue. My guess is that it may be caused by a conflict with your current theme.
Glad to help you get this figured out. Could you email me at [email protected]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Roost Web Push] Footer text inside WordPress editorResolved — Appeared to be an issue with conflicting style of the theme and a non-prefixed class in our plugin.
Fixed in v2.1.6.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Roost Web Push] Adding new subscriptions to iPhone Roost appThere were a handful of reasons we made the decision, one of them being the potential future support for push notifications on browsers to mobile devices. If / when that happens, there would not be a need for a native app.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Roost Web Push] Adding new subscriptions to iPhone Roost appThe Roost iPhone / Android native app has been discontinued. It is still around to support some legacy accounts.
Mobile Safari, on iOS, does not yet support push notifications, as Safari on the desktop does. (In case that is what you meant above.) We have not yet seen anything in iOS 8, but are still hopeful Apple may include push notifications to mobile Safari before shipped.
To use the ‘link’ method for desktop browsers, you need to enable this setting, then make sure you put a class of roost-prompt-wp on the button or link. It should look like this:
<a href="#" class="roost-prompt-wp">Receive Desktop Notifications</a>
If you would like more info or to chat in detail, hit us back up at [email protected] .
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Roost Web Push] Footer text inside WordPress editorHi miguelgaton,
I’m not sure I follow what you mean.
Could you provide me with a screenshot of what you are seeing and also let me know what version of WordPress you are using?
You can post here or catch us at support [at] goroost [dot] com
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Roost Web Push] They put their own logo in the push banner.Hey 15458434,
First, thanks for the rating and review. Feedback of any kind is extremely valuable to us.
I wanted to comment on the title. We have, as of a month ago, removed the Roost logo from the prompt. Your logo and your brand are now all that is shown.
The reason we placed navigation in the main left-hand menu as opposed to a sub-item in settings is because we provide more functionality than just managing settings. The ability to see detailed metrics and send notifications just didn’t feel right buried.
Happy to chat or answer any questions – just hit us up at [email protected].