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  • Will do, thanks for the quick reply!

    Codex still hasn’t documented these functions, and previous_post/next_post are still in there with no suggestion that they’re deprecated.

    So can I take it that developers have changed their minds on this and I’m OK to use previous_post instead? Or would I be better off delving into the functions file to find which parameters are taken by previous_post_link?

    (I suppose I should do the latter anyway and document my findings on Codex for the benefit of the community, but theme competition deadline is in a week’s time so I’d prefer to minimise the detective work right now.)

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: WordPress credit

    It is usually required however when you use another person’s theme (unless they state otherwise)

    This only applies if they’re using a CC licence (which is officially disapproved of, by the way). If they’ve released the theme under GPL they can’t require a linkback any more than wordpress can. They can only ask for it nicely and threaten bad karma if it’s removed ??

    Personally, I always use <i> for non-English phrases, because as you say <em> is unsemantic. Italicising foreign words is just a typographical convention, so gets a purely presentational tag. For titles I use <cite>, which may not be a perfect solution but is the best I have been able to find.

    It got replaced by the new image uploader on the post page. If you want the old upload page back (seems a lot of people do), there’s a plugin here.

    Take a look at the ‘Classic’ theme that comes pre-installed with WordPress. It has a couple of problems but it’s much simpler and easier to work with than Kubrick.

    @jonathan: there have been some issues with Dreamhost telling wordpress users that they’re using up too many server resources. That said, I’m with them and haven’t had any problems so far.

    If you don’t delete the files you may still get spammers posting through them, and while the comments won’t appear not everyone wants their database getting clogged up with them.

    Thank goodness it’s not just me who hasn’t found the option to change the destination directory. I feel slightly less inept now ??



    Well if can come down on people for using images in a clearly commercial manner, then why can’t any of the theme and plugin editors whose works are being “redistributed”?

    I don’t think you’re allowed to specify non-commercial use under the GPL or any GPL-compatible license. One of the many reasons I don’t make themes anymore.

    A post on Ryan’s blog back when 1.5 was still firmly in beta is not exactly the most obvious place to find information. I wonder why none of this stuff is on codex? Maybe the localization team assumed that any non-English speakers would just use Kubrick, or that it was asking too much of theme developers to get to grips with the translation process.

    Thanks for the info anyway; I wish someone had been able to point me to an example .pot file back when I was doing themes. Hopefully somebody else will find it useful.

    When I was developing themes I took care to avoid hardcoded English, though unfortunately that’s not possible with my generic templates. It’s too bad that other designers can’t do the same. That said, I did find information about internationalising themes really hard to come by and was never (for example) able to find out whether I needed to produce a separate file with all the translatable strings, or how to make such a file.

    What we really need, of course, is some kind of quality-controlled list of themes guaranteed to work in multiple languages, contain all plugin hooks, work in all major browsers and validate as xhtml and css. (I’m not for a moment suggesting that all themes should have to conform to this standard to be listed at the codex or other repositories. That would be kind of fascist. But there is, I think, a role for a reliable list of stuff that won’t break.) Unfortunately, the sheer number of themes and the time and effort that would be required to check them all makes this a pipe dream.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Backup Sob Stories

    I am too paranoid about losing data to have any sob stories of my own, but one of my online friends lost all blog entries from her first year of college when her database got hosed. We were able to recover most of them from the bloglines archive, but nonetheless it sucked.

    Let’s just do what WE individually can do to help, whether it’s donate direct to any of a number of relief funds, or post up links etc, or comb our addy books for potential sponsors.

    Rhetoric has a place, but I’m not sure this is it

    Seconded. Instead of saying ‘isn’t it great that these people chose WP for a worthy project that’s getting worldwide media exposure, we should help out however we can’ people are bitching and whining and doubting the validity of the original poster’s request. Don’t you realise every visitor to the site would have seen that it was powered by wordpress? Isn’t that worth anything, even goodwill? I knew wordpressers were allergic to anything remotely resembling a request for money, but some of the comments here leave a very nasty taste in my mouth.

    (Yes, I am British, and no, I probably shouldn’t have added to this thread, but the cynicism of some of the posts here just astounds me.)

    I take it you’re looking to give up wordpress and switch to blogging exclusively on livejournal? (I can’t see any other reason for wanting to transfer your archives there, since presumably anyone who wanted to read them would be able to do so on your wordpress blog.) If you find an answer I’d be interested to hear about it; I have over four years of entries in my diary and if I could import them into my lj it would save me from crossposting hell.

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