Thanks very much for replying. I’ve a glass of my favourite beverage to hand, whisky, and I may need a few! Tried to sign in to the forum, but got a message saying no user of that name existed, but happily going to my profile worked. Now I’m past that hiccup, I’ve looked at GoDaddy, and its fee is to high.
A WP blog has the features I need, and costs only £2.25 a month, and there’s an invitation to start, but all I’m seeing about using WP makes it sound fiendishly complex. It says you can use your own domain on a blog, yet it’s on the .com page, and somewhere else on WP it says only .org sites allow that.
Weebly offers a site, with my domain name, for £3 a month, maybe that’s the best choice for me, but thanks for helping.