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  • AITPro thanks for the heads up

    I can confirm through replication that on Windows 10

    using the latest version of XAMPP for Windows 8.1.1
    Running Apache 2.4.52, MariaDB 10.4.22, PHP 8.1.1

    There are a series of Critical Failures when trying to install
    WordPress version 5.8.3
    such as

    Deprecated: Return type of WP_Hook::current() should either be compatible with Iterator::current(): mixed, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute s

    there is success when trying to install


    XAMPP for Windows Current Release allows you to choose your Package based on the version of PHP Versions available are 7.4.27, 8.0.14 & 8.1.1

    I did not test with 7.4.27 yet

    The problem seems to be that WP 5.8.3 has deprecated PHP code

    This is an important consideration when you are developing local and uploading to your hosting service. You must make sure that the correct PHP Versions are available or you will need to adjust your install of wordpress to match your hosting service.


    This is an important consideration if wp5.9 requires PHP 8x and can not fall back to 7.4 gracefully then users should not upgrade to wp5.9 or they will have problems with their website.

    I am in the process of taking control of and upgrading some much older WP installs and this is good information to have.

    I think I am going to have to do partial upgrades to remain compatible with the PHP on the Hosting Site for now and then for safety sake turn off auto updates.

    I will also have to install the 7.4 version of XAMPP to be compatible with their hosting company. Then I can see how far I can get with WP and the current Plugin List for their sites.

    Thank you again AITPro

    Thread Starter Davod


    thank you for your reply but you don’t seem to understand my use of images are in post images and not galleries of images.

    The posts are how to articles and the image brings context to the how to article such as providing step by step help information in text and then showing the task being completed with an image.

    I am not building a fu fu artsy la la bullshi… site to sell scented lotions and candles. HAHAHAHAHAAHA

    no offense if that is what you do.

    Also i have been doing this since before wordpress was wordpress so i am fully experienced in developers that suddenly with no announcement walk away from their projects. That and server load is of extreme importance.

    but thank you again

    I might look into those options if i ever start selling scented candles and pashminas

    Honestly i truly appreciate your reply. If nothing else it allows me to explain again a little better that I am not looking for a frontend solution I am looking for a method of sorting thousands of images while writing posts in a way that won’t take me 25 minutes to scroll through a media library just to insert a contextual image to explain a difficult concept.

    thanks again

    turn off your plugins by renaming your plugin directory

    if that does not work

    turn off your individual theme by renaming its directory ..

    2010 2011 2012 should all work .. but if you are using a different one rename it.

    this should get you in

    then turn on each plugin one at a time.

    [ Really poor attempt at humor moderated just in case ]

    do you have Javascript enabled … You probably have a Captcha that you need to fill in that you are not seeing.

    This is a needed feature for anyone with more then 50 images which is most of us…

    I am not sure if this is in the core update path now because of the way images are stored when uploaded but it is really something we all could use.

    I have seen one other plugin that sorts files in folders but it is too complex for new users to understand also im not sure it integrates well with WP

    We all need to complain until the Core Team adds this feature to let us simply add a category and sort images by it so we can find them..

    Thread Starter Davod


    oh also thanks to MadLems on IRC for suggesting Tweetable
    I was going to try a different one but I am happy using Tweetable


    I don’t mean to be such a hardass
    Actually I appreciate all the work that goes into writing a plugin
    I have written some apps over the years I know how much time goes into it

    On the other hand finding out you just upgraded to something that no longer works.. that will make your day.

    Anyway Thanks Alex while it lasted .. you make good stuff
    Just did not like this upgrade..

    Thread Starter Davod


    yea update …

    plugin is not hooking in 3.4.2

    Just getting the standard Press This interface
    Which does not include setting publishing date time
    So thats a real drag for me because i usually sunday or tuseday nights I will set a dozen posts to publish over the next few weeks.

    anyone having a problem with 404’s is having a press this link problem

    read that … it fixes it…

    yes this is sad.. I am wondering if it has to do with a js file conflict … even with all plugins off and default theme I can not get it to work on a specific install…
    But on the same server on another install it works

    I copy over the files and it still does not work

    I reverted back to 1.3 and 1.4 of RSC

    I turned off captcha
    I … gees i think i did about everything

    No logs no error just no redirection after pressing submit.

    If all the form info is correct the Email will send
    If something is wrong then the user never gets an alert
    If the email sends there is no thankyou

    IDK it is very strange because even going back to an older version makes it choke…

    i will take another look around tomorrow but …
    it is very weird



    yea thats interesting.. i should try that maybe this weekend.. indexing does speed querys thanks for sharing

    Thread Starter Davod


    the quick fix for this

    If your blog is not in root
    and wp-contents is not /
    and your urls need the first directory added

    $sliderPicsHTML .= ‘<img src=”/’ . $dirresult[0]->path . ‘/’

    Find lines like that and change them to

    $sliderPicsHTML .= ‘<img src=”/wplocation/’ . $dirresult[0]->path . ‘/’

    where wplocation is the directory you have wordpress in

    I would also suggest that you do some editing of the css files but thats optional for your site. Mine needed some editing


    also if you want your slides to link to a Page or URL
    go into NextGen
    put the URL only into the DESCRIPTION box
    <a href="blah">blah </a>

    Still working on getting it to look good

    Thank You for making this plugin …
    Keep working on it .. it is good


    Thread Starter Davod


    yea i know
    maybe this is a difficult question to explain…

    I have 20,000 posts that have been posted over the past few years… I want to take some of them from past dates and push them into next week so I can use your plugin to arrange them for re-posting over the next month.

    unfortunately it is a very slow process to grab a group of posts from 2010 and put them in Next Week … that way they will be ready for arranging by using your plugin…

    Basically you have to quick edit each post .. change its date.

    You cant set the dates for a group of posts.

    Thread Starter Davod


    you put those two hashes // infront of a line in php and it comments it..

    You could also delete it if you want

    Updated versions of this plugin may not have this problem

    Comments in code are a good thing to get useto
    // something here describing this part of the code

    that way you know what modifications you made….

    remember though in php you have to be inside the actual php code.. template files can have a mixture of html and php

    // the code below says chicken
    echo “chicken”;

    // saying chicken has been turned off
    //echo “chicken”;

    the // turns the code into a comment

    Yea i had the white screen of death with 3.1.2 but 3.1.3 installed without problems

    If you need the older version

    If you need to fix your install then follow the normal steps

    disable plugins by renaming the directory
    disable your theme by renaming your current theme unless you are using the wordpress default themes.

    Even if you rename the theme folder you should still be able to login

    Rollback is tougher and you really need your old database
    If you did not make a backup then I would suggest that you reinstall 3.1.3 and hope it cures it.

    Delete the wp-admin and wp-includes folders
    delete your cache folders in your wordpress wp-content folder

    do a manual install
    goto website/wplocation/wp-admin/install.php OR update.php

    however before you update manually
    you need to backup everything you may have now

    Good Luck
    Wont be fun

    or join the irc chat on freenode #WordPress
    and I will try to give you a hand

    Thread Starter Davod


    honestly it has no revisions its a direct import from a csv file with no edits.

    but anyway
    The problem with caching is that I get hit by my host for the number of files i have… I mean caching I might as well just run the csv db through a php script and generate static html because there are going to be just as many or more files…

    Actually importing the csv which was an export from a mySQL DB into WordPress added 125 or so mb to the database.

    I should probably not use WP for this project and just setup a few tables and php templates and access the original db which is 50 mb.

    I would lose some functionality but it might actually function heh

    anyway anyone have any ideas Im up for listening

    Thread Starter Davod


    I have no revisions it is a fresh site with no edits

    I should have mentioned the

    Post Meta Table is pushing 3 million rows
    and like i said at most 10 custom fields per post and only
    State>citycat no denominations or size or any tags

    I am not sure how I can PreCache it if my host is crashing on the sidebar category menu… maybe I could hardcode it since I use Permalinks… it is a list of 50 states which point to subcats of cities.. I still have not even attempted to put a list of cities in the archives.php above the loop but I probably need to display that there as apposed to the sidebar menu.

    I will look into that precache feature maybe i could do it local then upload… but not sure.. but that would be the only way i could.

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