Forum Replies Created
umm ok
Some images I upload with FTP because they are old and they are generic type images…
I insert them into my posts with href=”/images/thisone.jpg”
On the same post i will often link to a remote image and use Hot Linked Image Cacher to pull the image to my site and store it.
the plugin Hot Linked Image Cacher will choke on my local images because it does not know how to handle a relative url /images instead of http:/
It makes no sense for me to continuously upload images that I will reuse again and again… and the wordpress gallery is not built to handle lots of images… it is easier for me to look at my local directory on my computer .. find the image and use the /images/sub/subsub/subsubsub/imagename.jpg then to roll through page after page of images in a gallery… however please do not suggest NextGen.. it is also more time consuming then finding the directory on my computer that matches the directory on my webserver to insert relative image urls.
with that said … what needs to happen is an edit that will overlook urls that do not start with https:// because relative urls are pointing to images that do not need to be redownloaded and cached on the server.
ah sorry found it in general support
It is a URL problem with how the URL is escaped in the javascript linkhttps://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/press-this-results-in-404?replies=22
This will help anyone that is getting the 404s with both the plugin and the default [Press This]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Old Post Promoter (OPP)] [Plugin: Old Post Promoter (OPP)] Twitter Passwordsyea just de-installed and cleaned out the DB
then reinstalled and the fields that should hold the oAuth Keys are not being created when options are updated.
However some keys are being saved and the plugin is pushing posts to the top of the site loop …
so its just tweeting thats not working.
I have to write a relatively long technical document that will probably take me the rest of tonight & most of tomorrow but then I will take a quick look and see if the ability to function has been added to the plugin or if the oAuth twitter update is not able to work.
I wont have time to take a real look at the code for a couple day so if you are having the problem too .. dont wait for me and post they answer if you find it…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Old Post Promoter (OPP)] [Plugin: Old Post Promoter (OPP)] Twitter Passwordssadness I am also not having my oauth keys presented in the plugin settings page
I also dont see where it is being saved in the database But I do see old settings showing my twitter username and pass in the options table bte_opp_twitter_username
Going to try uninstalling and reinstalling and take a look at the plugin code.
well I tried to apply a filter but I have not had success yet
If you need a fix edit line 489 in TwitterTools to be
// $url = apply_filters('tweet_blog_post_url', get_permalink($post_id)); $url = apply_filters('tweet_blog_post_url', get_settings('home') .'/?p='. $post_id);
I am going to try to figure out why $post_id does not get picked up when I put it in the functions.php file
probably a global thing
function ttpidurl($url) { $url = get_settings('home') .'/?p='. $post_id; return $url; } add_filter('tweet_blog_post_url', 'ttpidurl');
I am just about to deploy a site with more then 50k posts
I would like more info about this
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [plugin: FeedWordPress] plugin triggered a fatal error (after upgrade)!same for me wp2.9.2
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.I also Get error on AutoUpdate install
The plugin does not have a valid header.
then the update fails
Need this for ContactForm7 the older version i have does not work with the updated contactform7
hey thanks that is helpful
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin Contact Form 7] – Recover lost emailIf you mean the email that you want the form sent to that info is in the contactform7 table under mail but you should know that email address
If you mean the email that a visitor entered when they sent the form to you then I don’t believe that information is stored in the database
Ugg forget thinking about this….
Problem must have been with auto updates… I deleted all files and did a fresh install and it seems to be working now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Auto-Schedule Posts] Doesn’t do exactly what it says…Ah i see the problem
/* captured a publish_post event – set publish_time_gmt to ‘9999-12-31 09:59:59’ and publish_time to the gmt offset of that */
function drip_publish() {
$query = “select id from $wpdb->posts where post_date_gmt > ‘9999-12-30 9:59:59′”;It cant find the post if its not looking in the right location / date
This would be a useful plugin if it worked as advertised
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Auto-Schedule Posts] Doesn’t do exactly what it says…Hmm my posts are publishing to 1970 like yours but they do not update to become published at a current date.
I grab RSS Feeds and publish 5 to 10 posts at a time which I wanted to spread out to post one every 10 minutes or something.
this thing seems to just predate the post and then do nothing.
very strange
A better name for this plugin might be
TimeWarp Your Posts hehThe Offender seems to be
#TB_window {margin-left: -125px; width: 250px; margin-top: -145px; display: block;}
still can’t find it in the code
As you can see in this screen shot
Click on a Date in the Widget
The info about the event goes to the bottom left of the page
and is in Negative position to the browser so you can not see the infohttps://i41.tinypic.com/33kf0hd.jpg
Switched to WordPress Default 1.6 Theme for debugging
Also I Tried IE and FireFox