Forum Replies Created
Hi @romanbritons,
Just a heads up, if you’ve purchased a LifterLMS add-on or subscription via you should not post here. Instead, open a new support request from your account dashboard.
At this time we don’t have a way to specify this in the course catalog. This specification would have to be made in the title or by sorting the courses into categories that users can filter to see courses on sale or free.
I apologize for the inconvenience!
Please let us know if you have any further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @akanitony,
Just a heads up, if you’ve purchased a LifterLMS add-on or subscription via you should not post here. Instead, open a new support request from your account dashboard.
A member of the support team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
That said, at this time we do not have an email verification set in LifterLMS.
As an alternative you could go into your LifterLMS->Settings->Accounts and turn on the setting for Disable Usernames so LifterLMS creates the username for the student that they receive in the Student Welcome Email found under LifterLMS->Settings->Notifications.
I hope this helps!
Please let us know if you have any further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @jjcstudios,
I wasn’t able to see the page you linked above. However, I was able to get that code to work on the other course you have on the site.
You may be able to get more insight on this button by using these steps:
You may also want to doublecheck the post id as well.
I am happy to take another look if you can publish that course or remove any viewing restrictions as well.
Let me know if you have any further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @rubidze,
Can you provide us with your system report: and a link to the page you’re experiencing this on!
Just a heads up, if you’ve purchased a LifterLMS add-on or subscription via you should not post here. Instead, open a new support request from your account dashboard.
A member of the support team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Hi @jjcstudios,
You just need to make sure you specify the link button. So after your page id it should look like this
a.llms-button-action.button {CSS}
For a less code involved method you could also use LifterLMS Labs: to easily change the button colors to match your site theme!
I hope this helps!
Please let us know if you have any further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @zainirfani
Thank you for the other pages!
This actually looks like a bit of a known issue with Bootstrap. I will bring this up with our development team for review.
In the meantime this code:
[class*=col-][class*=llms-] {display: block; max-width: none; padding-right:0;padding-left:0;}
should work to display the pages properly.Please let us know if you have any further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @benmccreery
I’m sorry you’re having this issue!
From what I can see there is no Access Plan on the Membership:
I, unfortunately, can’t see the backend of the site to see the set up! I’d be happy to look over screenshots if you can provide them using a service like imgur to check the settings.
However, to with with Auto Enrollments even with free courses/memberships there needs to be an access plan: this is what associates the enrollment with the membership and will trigger enrollments.
I hope this helps!
Please let us know if you have any further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @rubidze,
LifterLMS does have a public voting board to allow users to voice their desire for certain features that can move them up in priority!
However, this feature request is still being reviewed internally by the development team at this time. It will then be up to them if/when this feature will more permanently be added to the development roadmap.
We have some information on how we handle feature requests here:
I’m sorry I’m not able to offer you a more immediate solution!
Please do let us know if you have any further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @zainirfani
Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like you’ve removed the pre-formatting. Can you try again?
I can see here that the pre-formatting is still there:
If you remove the pre-formatting the issue goes away and the images align at the top: you can send me a screenshot using a service like Imgur, Dropbox, or Pastebin, of the text box with the code I can highlight which part you need to remove if that would be helpful!
Let us know if you have any further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @zainirfani
It looks like you have some kind of preformatting around the shortcode.
If you go into that page and edit the content around the shortcode either by in the Classic Edit switching to Text or in the Gutenberg editor clicking the three vertical dots on the upper right hand side and selecting Code editor, you will want to look for something like this
on either side of the shortcode.This is what is adding the preformatting and making page look strange with the ordering of the courses.
I hope this helps!
Please let us know if you have any further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @rubidze,
This is certainly a feature I can bring to the attention of our developers as a requested feature for them to look into implementing!
At this time however we only have results clarification for incorrect answers. Any custom modifications that you would like to implement to extend this function are possible but we do not offer customization in support. However, LifterLMS is open source and you can find the codebase on Github if you are or have a developer on your team that would like to make the modifications!
I apologize for the inconvenince!
Please let us know if yo have any further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @nusratnew
We are happy to help you with this! We have some documentation here that you can check out for lesson sidebars here:
First, however, if you’ve purchased a LifterLMS add-on or subscription via you should not post here. Instead, open a new support request from your account dashboard.
A member of the support team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Hi @zainirfani,
You can use this code here: just remember to replace all of the company/business information with the actual fields you would like to add. The company/business is an example to help guide you through the code.
I hope this helps!
Let us know if you have any further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @xdmahi04,
This is likely happening because you have a crossing of the LifterLMS Dashboard with WooCommerce’s My Account page.
What you will want to look for is that the LifterLMS Dashboard is set under LifterLMS->Settings->Accounts and has only the LifterLMS shortcode [lifterlms_my_account] on the page in that setting.
Then you will want to go into WooCommerce under WooCommerce->Settings->Advanced and make sure the page set for WooCommerce’s my account page is set to a different page from what is in LifterLMS’s settings. Then you will want to make sure the WooCommerce my account page has only the WooCommerce my account shortcode.
Please let us know if you have any further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @thomei,
Any course you create you will have to create an access plan for enrollment. In the access plan you can select No Payment Required.
As a heads up, if you want lessons to be free themselves any quizzes you place on them will not be able to be taken. Free lessons also do not track progress for unenrolled users.
That said, to hide the “free” label you will want to use some custom CSS to set it to display none! This should work:
span.llms-icon-free { display: none !important; }
We have information on adding CSS here:
You can remove all checkout gateways by going into LifterLMS->Settings->Checkout and if it is not already done, disable the manual gateway.
Let us know if you have any further questions!
Thanks and take care,