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Hi @sndwrdprss,
Thank you for the system report and screenshots!
I think what’s wrong here is that you have the access plan id instead of the course id for the pricing table. The id number you want to put into that shortcode, you can find in the browser bar when you are editing the course page. It will look something like this: /post.php?post=404&action=edit The number you want to put in the shortcode is the number after post= on your course editing page.
Let us know if swapping out those numbers helps or if we need to find you another solution!
Thanks and take care
Hi @sndwrdprss,
I apologize for the confusion, if you’re not using the current WordPress block editor you won’t see that option! Here is a link to the shortcode you can use:
If you the pricing table still does not show up after adding this code can you provide us with a system report: through this method:
Also any relevant screenshots would be helpful as well, you will just have to use a service (Dropbox, Drive, Imgur, CloudUp, YouTube, etc…) and post a link to your screenshot.
Let us know if you need further assistance!
Thanks and take care,
You can find it here: or in the block editor under LifterLMS Blocks.
I hope this helps!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @sndwrdprss,
You will want to create an access plan for the course!
There will be an option for “no payment required” when you create the access plan that you will want to check. This will create the enrollment button while keeping the lesson free!
Save the access plan, update the course and you should see the enrollment button show up on the page.
If it does not, then you will want to add the pricing table option in the course editor by clicking the little plus button on the left hand side of the editor and selecting the pricing table. (This should be created automatically though with the access plan.)
I hope this helps!
Let us know if you have any further questions!
Thakns and take care,
Hi @l9ssowkn5tqnkn,
You will have to install and activate the lifterlms-customizations.php as a plugin. You can find that for download here: There will be a link in that section where you can download the proper file.
As Thomas mentioned, if you need any assistance with actually developing the code you need please don’t hesitate to reach out to the LifterLMS experts program: These are all developers in good standing with LifterLMS that can help you develop the code you need to correct this issue!
Let us know if you have any further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @riflefish1,
Unfortunately at this time we do not have support for Polylang.
Compatibility with multiple languages is on our road map for future development but currently isn’t prioritized so we can’t provide an ETA.
I’m sorry for the inconvenience.
If you have any other questions please let us know!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @0rbita,
While LifterLMS itself has no built in system that does this, there are WordPress plugins that can track users logging into accounts.
This plugin: is just an example of one that can prevent concurrent logins and discourage login sharing.
There are others that can be investigated on WordPress as well!
I hope this helps!
Let us know if you have any further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @funianrun,
I’m glad you found a solution! My only suggestion when using this method is to use the filter to add this to a custom plugin file: This way you will not lose the change when you make any updates to LifterLMS! There’s some more information on using filters here:
Additionally it might be worth it to checkout LifterLMS Labs Super Sidebars:
I hope this helps!
Let us know if you have any further questions!
Thanks and take care,
- This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Natalie.
Hi @0rbita,
But even though new enrollment triggers are available to every member, they still receive the message that the class can not be seen anymore, that the time to watch it is expired.
This sounds like there’s a setting on the course itself that restricts access based on a time period. Do you have any settings enabled under the restrictions tab on the course editing page that could be affecting this?
There is an option to have courses open for only a certain period of time, and once that time is up the course closes regardless of enrollment.
Let us know if this helps or if the issue still persists!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @mel4dia,
That’s so strange it’s only happening on you and your business partners systems! I wonder if it may be a network issue or something corrupted in the files local to your systems.
I’m sorry we weren’t able to find a solution for you! Please let us know if you encounter any other issues we can help you with!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @mel4dia,
I apologize for the delayed response!
There are a couple other things you could try to rule out conflicts but you’d definitely want to set up a staging site first: so you can do things like switch off the theme and turn off all other plugins without affecting your live site.
If there’s nothing showing up in any error logging, then I suspect there’s some kind of conflict somewhere that’s causing the message to pop up.
I’m sorry we couldn’t find you a direct solution for this issue!
Please let us know if you have further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @prwilliam,
I apologize for the delayed response!
Thank you for the screenshots and system report!
I noticed two plugins that might be causing this issue. The first is your caching plugin. The main thing with any caching plugin that you want to keep in mind is that you don’t want to cache certain LifterLMS pages or it will cause inaccurate loads:
The other plugin I noticed that could be causing an issue is the Redirection plugin.
Can you try temporarily disabling these two plugins and see if the issue gets resolved?
Let us know if this helps or if we should continue troubleshooting!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @hamlet237,
I apologize for the delay in response.
Also, I believe I might have misunderstood your question initially.
Just to clarify you’re wanting to allow the user the ability to select more than one option from the dropdown menu? If this is the case, this code won’t do that. Creating a multiple select is a big more involved. You would want to use something like this:
?><form action="c3.php" method="post"> <select name="ary[]" multiple="multiple"> <option value="Option 1" >Option 1</option> <option value="Option 2">Option 2</option> <option value="Option 3">Option 3</option> <option value="Option 4">Option 4</option> <option value="Option 5">Option 5</option> </select> <input type="submit"> </form><?php $values = $_POST['ary']; foreach ($values as $a){ echo $a; }
(This is just an example, you’d have to format it!)
With this type of PHP select multiple you would have to have the user hold down control/command to select more than one.
The select box you’re working with here just allows you to provide multiple options, where the user can pick one.
The easiest method might just be to have this be text input box.
I apologize for the confusion here!
Please let us know if you have further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @gamat6,
I apologize for the delay in response!
Unfortunately, no there is no way on the course catalog to show the multiple authors. The additional instructors will show up on the course page itself.
We do have a way to remove course instructors from the catalog, however there’s no dynamic way currently to display more than one.
I apologize for the inconvenience!
Please let us know if you have any further questions!
Thanks and take care,
I apologize for the delay in response and I’m sorry you’re having this issue!
First, I just want to recommend the User Switching plugin: for testing. This makes it a bit easier for you as an admin to switch into a student account to see what they see when needed.
To solve the looping however, I have a few questions to try and pinpoint the issue.
Does it give you any warnings when it loops you back like missing password or unable to login? Also where are you trying to login as the student? From the student dashboard page: or a different login page? If you’re trying to login from a created page, can you link us that page so we can rule out any javascript errors or out of place settings?
Let us know if you have any other questions!
Thanks and take care,