Forum Replies Created
Hi @dilshodwordpres,
The main reason you would see a “no HTML was returned” in place of the mark complete button on a lesson is if the lesson is set to free and you are viewing it as not enrolled/registered in the course.
The reason for this is because we do not have a way to track non-users/non-enrolled students in courses even if the lesson itself is free.
You can hide this by setting the “mark complete” block to visible only to enrolled students in that course.
I hope this helps,
Let us know if you have any further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @pranadacom,
Unfortunately, your site locks the lessons page (which is expected), so I’m not entirely sure what it looks like on the lesson page!
Could you, please, attach a screenshot? You will have to use a service (Dropbox, Drive, Imgur, CloudUp, etc…) to post a link to your screenshot.
However, this may be a theme issue. Can you tell us what theme you’re using? There may be a setting where you can set the theme to not display the sidebar on certain post types like pages. I know that themes like Divi, Astra, and OceanWP have these settings built into the page editor.
This could also have to do with the Lessons Sidebar under Appearance->Widgets on the backend. If there is a widget I the Lessons Sidebar that pulls from main site information, that could be what’s added to each lesson page.
If you can provide us with more information on the theme and screenshots that would help us give a more in-depth answer!
Let us know if you have any further questions!
Thanks and take care,
I’m so glad that worked to fix the issue! If you ever have anymore issues please let us know!
Shoot, I’m sorry about that WordPress takes away the ability to edit posts after a while and we, frustratingly, have no ability to modify or moderate content posted in the fourms.
The best way to get the information edited at this point, or taken down is to try contacting a forum moderator via the slack community in the
channel and let them know you require immediate modification of a post for privacy concerns.I apologize for the inconvenience!
Hi @pranadacom,
1.) I believe these were just linked pages that were manually put into the courses, there’s no block to add them.
2.) There’s some CSS in your Theme that seems to be overriding the icon settings. If you add this Custom CSS it should undo the Theme setting and have the image centered:img#grav-01e84971aa9b9319b8edd0be7eaaa1d7-0{
float: unset;
}3.) Thank you for the video. You’re not seeing the rocket icon because you’re using the Classic editor, so these settings are going to be set a little differently. First, the course instructor is located where you scroll down. On your screen it looks like Instructor is right under the Simple CSS box. As for the course information you will add this under the blue General Tab and on the Classic Editor sidebar with course categories, tags, and tracks.
I hope this helps!
Let us know if you have further questions!
Thanks and take care,
First, we aren’t able to edit your posts! However, if you scroll to the bottom of your original post you should see a little “Edit” link in the bottom right hand corner that will let you go in and remove the email address!
In terms of the site breaking when you’re not logged, thank you so much for the video!
From what you’ve shown us, this is a two fold issue that has to do with that theme not being compatible with LifterLMS and there being a sitewide membership restriction on the site.
The site wide membership is set under LifterLMS->Settings->Membership, which is keeping the site from being accessible to anyone not a part of that membership (with the exception of a few pages).
That, combined with the incompatibility with the theme is causing the site to break for logged out users, and is what you’re seeing in the console with all of the broken Javascript.
If you disable the Site Wide Memberships, does this alleviate the issue?
Let us know if the issue continues even with the site restriction turned off!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @dr_dad,
Do you want the text in the Access Plan removed or just formatted correctly? To remove it, just go into the course page and delete the description in the Access Plan and save the access plan there. To get it to format correctly, you should be able to transfer the information from the Visual tab on the Access Plan description to the Text tab that can read the HTML.
Is there another aspect that’s missing on the course page or a lesson page? If so, could you provide us with screenshots (via a service like dropbox so that you can link the picture onto the thread since there is no way on the forums to just upload pictures) so we can get a better idea of what you’re trying to set up?
Additionally, I noticed that you have all your lessons set to free and I wanted to let you know that if you set the lessons to free it does not require enrollment to go through the course. As a result, LifterLMS will not track student data for anyone that is not enrolled in the course.
If you want to require student enrollment to access the free course, you will want to turn off free lessons and just have the Access Plan set to no payment required.
I hope this helps!
Please let us know if you have any additional questions or if we can clarify anything further!
Thanks and take care,
We do have a setting that lets you set an open and close date for student enrollment in courses, and set a date for when the course opens and closes.
We also have prerequisite settings for students to progress through courses. Plus ways to bulk enroll students if necessary for switching platforms.
Is that what you’re looking for?
Please let me know if I can answer any further questions!
Thanks and take care,
I’m sorry you’re having this issue!
I know for Spanish there are a couple extra steps you will need to take to get the site translated as the WordPress Language directory for Spanish is not above 90%. There are instructions on this here if you have not already added the .po files:
However, to have a WordPress site run in multiple languages you would want to use a plugin like PolyLang: to accomplish this.
I apologize if I gave you more information than you needed here!
Let us know if you have any further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @cupcakes99,
If you remove the My Membership endpoint under LifterLMS->Settings->Accounts. This should keep the My Membership endpoint from showing up on the BuddyPress memberships, since that is the endpoint that it is pulling from.
Are you having issues with it showing up even after removing this endpoint?
Let us know and we can continue to try and help you troubleshoot!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @learneratheart,
I’m sorry you’re having this issue!
Could you please post a copy of your LifterLMS System Report along with your question. When posting your report, please follow the Also if you can provide of screenshots of the issue you’re seeing that would be extremely helpful as well in case we need to try to recreate it locally on a test site. (To attach images please use a service (Dropbox, Drive, Imgur, CloudUp, YouTube, etc…) and post a link to your screenshot or video.)
In order to try and recreate this locally and determine if this is a bug, can you tell us which text block you are seeing this show up on? Meaning: is it the paragraph, heading, quote, html, media & text, ect. The closest we can get to recreating what you’re doing on the site the easer it will be for us to test the issue!
Let us know if you have any further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @bogatajtadej,
I’m so sorry you’re having this issue!
First, in order to determine what could have caused the quizzes to gain settings that you hadn’t put in yourself could you please post a copy of your LifterLMS System Report along with your question. When posting your report, please follow the Also if you can provide of screenshots of the issue you’re seeing that would be extremely helpful as well in case we need to try to recreate it locally on a test site. (To attach images please use a service (Dropbox, Drive, Imgur, CloudUp, YouTube, etc…) and post a link to your screenshot or video.)
In terms of the quizzes with detached/attached/clone in the title what these mean is: if a quiz is detached it isn’t displayed in any lesson. If a quiz is attached that means it is displayed in a lesson. If a quiz is a clone, that means it is a duplicate of the quiz with the same name. The way the quiz system works, you can only delete quizzes that are attached to a course.
Based on the information you’ve provided the best way to figure out (and delete) the quizzes with the errors is to attach them to a lesson in the builder and if it is the wrong quiz then delete it from being attached to the lesson to eliminate confusion and make sure you have the correct quiz saved in the system.
That said, if you can provide us further information we may be able to give you a more direct solution!
Let us know if you have any further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @dantheman1981,
I’m so very sorry that your reply went unnoticed in the old thread!
Since it was marked resolved we didn’t look into it again. If you ever run into that again from a time lapse between replies don’t hesitate to start a new thread and link to the old one as you’ve done here!
This line of code:
/* Clean Up Members Dashboard */
.llms-access-plan-featured, .llms-my-certificates, .llms-my-achievements {
display: none;
}Is likely what’s causing the certificates to be hidden with the .llms-my-certificates being specified.
Can you try removing this CSS and see if you get your certificates to display?
If you have any further questions please let us know.
Again my deepest apologies for missing your previous responses!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @riflefish1,
Unfortunately no, there’s no way to skip this page at this time.
This page and the main quiz page are technically on the same page, and the first one you see is linked to how the lesson is marked complete.
For now, there’s no way to separate these pages and jump straight to the quiz.
I apologize for the inconvenience!
Let us know if you have further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Hi @miso872,
Unfortunately, we don’t really have any kind of code to show just the student grade on the front end.
There’s information on how students can see their grades here: if this is helpful?
Let us know if you have further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LifterLMS - WP LMS for eLearning, Online Courses, & Quizzes] CertificateI’m sorry for the delay in response!
I have spent some time trying to create this issue and I’m really now sure what’s causing this to happen.
You may have to go in with some custom CSS under the @media option to address just the print screen if nothing else is going wrong with it. This document tells you how to find the CSS you need to address: and tells you how to add the CSS.
There is information on the @media rule here:
The issue, I am pretty sure, is just that the theme is not set up to be compatible with LifterLMS so our settings probably are clashing with their base ones.
Let us know if you need further help with the CSS and we can take a further look!
Thanks and take care