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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Moving Placement of MenuThank you for your reply.
I placed what you gave into the Advanced settings CSS but there is no changes. If you look at the site you will see. I even purged my cache and no changes were seen.I know I am unfamiliar with the terms etc but in any documentation on menus there are only 3 positions and I didnt realize “slider” had anything to do with menu.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Moving Placement of MenuThe virtue theme is is what I use, hence why I posted here in the Virtue theme part of the forum.
With the Virtue theme, they have 3 placements for the menu https://docs.kadencethemes.com/virtue-free/menus/
If you look at the site I am working on, the menu is in the secondary which is below the logo and above the Sitewide banner See the site link I gave of which the post is about. the site wide banner is the lighthouse.I was asking if there is any css that could be used to place the menu below the light house picture (sitewide banner…this is what virtue calls it.)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Moving Placement of MenuYes. the Secondary menu is located at the bottom of the header below the logo and primary menu. When I choose the secondary menu and put a colored background behind it shows on the top of the sitewide banner not below the sitewide banner where I would like it.
I would like the menu below the sitewide banner not below the header.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Sixteen] Subitem of main menu alignment wrongohhhh ok I understand what you mean, you are looking to change the drop down menu position on your primary menu of which you would need the code to do so.
Each theme is different. In finding the code snippet responsible for this is needed so you can change and replacing that code in a child theme or Additional CSS so that every upgrade you dont lose that code.
I know the twenty-sixteen I am building is that way but I have grown accustom to it and I realized the arrow showing to the right of the pop up is in alignment for me to move my curser down the list. https://melaniepbates.ca/oaigns.org/
Hopefully you will be able to find a code guru to help if your= really need it centered.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Sixteen] Category widgetBy default, all pages are given the order under Attributes of each page, placing 1- whatever, imputing the number the order you want. This is at the right had side of the post by clicking the cog wheel and under attributes.
If you haven’t placed that order while making pages, it can be time consuming to do, so there is a plug in to be able to drop n drag the order. https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/simple-page-ordering/
https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/simple-page-ordering-how-to-organize-wordpress-pages-with-drag-drop/You sure do have a ton of pages and categories. In looking at them, it sure was overwhelming.
I know it took a bit for me to find a way to organize my files of recipes, poems etc and searched the plug in pages to find a method that would help organize them all. I know I used a plug in that gave me a widget that listed the pages within a category in a widget which helped with my recipes page. That was Category Posts in Custom Menu https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/category-posts-in-custom-menu/
I have a ton of recipes and to organize them all into categories and recipes i used this plug on one of my sites ex https://melsgraphics.com/category/recipes/ I have all categories in a menu and when clicked on the category pops up and then I had a menu for that category of all posts in that category. My recipes are my blog. But I was able to use a category for poetry and make a menu of all poems in a menu for that page too.
Unsure if this will help…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Sixteen] Subitem of main menu alignment wrongIn rereading your post, is it you want a menu, that holds the category tile and the pages under it? That could be done with a plug in. https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/recent-posts-by-category-widget/ When making specific menus and labeling them, the widget helps you add those specific menu to pages (not sure if I am explaining…I am a novice too and still am learning.
I have used this plug on my site, to make a widget that holds a menu of a specific category on certain pages. I have used it on my site for my recipe page, my poems page etc and was able to add a widget menu and all posts be displayed under the category title. example
I used the default widget to show list of categories https://melsgraphics.com/category/recipes/
Then when clicked I used the plug in to make a widget of the posts.https://melsgraphics.com/category/recipes/breads/When I do not completely understand how to do something, I think outside the box to find something that works in looking at plugins that may work.
Not sure if this is of any help…hopefully someone else may….Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Sixteen] Display footer on all pagesI was able to have a footer on my twenty sixteen on all pages by using “Remove Footer Plugin” and was able to add my own footer to all pages ll pages Works like a charm https://en-ca.www.ads-software.com/plugins/remove-footer-credit/
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Sixteen] Subitem of main menu alignment wrongIn looking I seen this, would this help?
https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-add-categories-and-subcategories-to-wordpress/Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Editing Theme FooterIn looking at your site, What change you are describing sounds like it is in your footer and that should be found in the widget area.
It looks to be a mail or contact widget or perhaps an html one?
To ind that widget…go to Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets
There you will find all widgets. Your site looks like it has 2 or 3 footer widgets and the one you want to edit may be listed as #1 footer widget?
In clicking on the widget you should be able to edit the contact info then save.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Ten] Header image alt is empty after assignmentI always have to remember to add my alt’s when upping images in my media library.I added my own header image and had to add it in the library On the right you will find where you add the alternate text. Then when ever you use that image it will be added.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Ten] Add search buttonSearch bars are usually a widget, Have you checked to see if there is one chosen to be put in the appropriate widget you need? Admin panel > Appearances > Widget > find search and add to the widget location.
If you are asking if WordPress can do permalinks the question is yes, and very nicely I might add for the rewriting of the htaccess file is done through the admin panel now, not like years ago when you had to manually add to the htaccess file.
I love the usage of permalinks for it keeps the url’s nice and tidy.
I am sure you can read about it in the documentation for permalinks on WP here
Hmmm in rereading your long post, I see your issue is that the uploader for documents are not matching your urls in your old archives. I haven’t seen anything in WordPress to alter this. When I want pdf’s or mp3’s to have a particular url, I upload it through filezilla in the directory I want on my server…. where I can batch load and keep my urls the same when changing my site or html pages.
Hope you eventually find what you are looking for to make your work easier ??- This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by nsblue.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Seventeen] The same height of header image across pagesI know I had issues of wanting my headers all the same but shrunk on home page and was told that Twenty Seventeen headers are as you see it. The only way to change tis would be through the CSS Editor in the Admin panel….but as with all changes to the CSS, when an update occurs, you would lose it.
There is a plug in I used to be able to add overriding CSS and not touch the CSS Editor, and it will not affect anything to be changed when an update occurs. It is Simple Custom CSS
I hope this helps.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by nsblue.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Slimmy] Blog ProblemWOnderful Wonderful Wonderful!! Thank you so much.
I downloaded the plug in, and although it hasnt been tested for Slimmy I thought I would give it a try…. and it worked!!Thank so much Vetraz!!