Forum Replies Created
From your description you run a full stack Nginx platform. On such system, there is no access from PHP ( that means WordPress which imply our plugin too ) to the Nginx configuration file ( /opt/bitnami/nginx/conf/nginx.conf ). For that reason the WP Hide outputs the message you noticed“Unable to automatically deploy the rewrite rules, manual action required! Check Setup menu for instructions on how to add the rewrite rules on your server.”
As you already
As the server support instructed, you should add the rewrites you see at the Setup interface at wordpress-https-server-block.conf / wordpress-server-block.conf ( or create a new file where to add the rewrites, then call it higher in the config file, where the above 2 files are being invoked ).
Further make sure you restart the Nginx service, for the rewrites to load, you should be able to do that usingsudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh restart
If can’t figure out how to complete the set-up, since you own the PRO, consider to contact us and someone will help right away,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Hide & Security Enhancer] Critical problem with cache status cache sizeHi,
You can choose the optionIn Place & Encode Inline
at WP Hide > General JavaScript > JavaScript PostProcessing available since version This will avoid the cache size issue.
Alternatively, you can exclude the in-line dynamic JavaScript’s, through the Exclude section at WP Hide > General JavaScriptThanks
When using the CSS and JavaScript post-processing with Replacements, the plugin saves locally the processed data in a form of cached objects, for later usage, to prevent re-processing. So, when the plugin engine parses a content, if a specific asset is found to be already processed, it loads it from the cache. If not being found, it processes it and saves it into the cache.If there’s a string/value which changes within the JavaScript code, like a timestamp value, or a unique hash, this will make the plugin to always generate a new cache for this particular code, making the cache size to grow unexpectedly. Such code can be found inline on the HTML page code.
The solution for this would be to identify this particular JavaScript codes, which should be found within the outputted HTML ( temporary turn off the JS processing to see the code ) then add a representative static part from it at General / JavaScript > Exclude JavaScript Block from processing.
Or simply switch to In Place instead Combine, then check the cache ( at /wp-content/cache/wph/ ) and compare similar size files to find the dynamic data, then add a chunk of it’s static to the above exclude option.
If for some reason can’t figure out, contact us and we will check it for you.
Sorry for the issue, apparently some of the WordPress components ( e.g. do_action() ) are not available at the time the wp-hide run.
Since you own the PRO can you contact through the plugin website, for a fast support?Thanks
Sorry for the issue, after de-activating the plugin if you are still redirected to the old admin URL, should be a cache issue. Try to temporarily disable the cache plugin and see if works fine.
The WPBakery ( visual composer ) should work just fine with WP Hide, can you try to disable some of the options and see if there’s something in particular that cause the problem? Ensure you’re not blocking the JSON service which the other plugin use.
Might help trying to also clear the browser cache.
Also if you use the pro, make sure you get in touch and someone will assist further.Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Hide & Security Enhancer] Plugin not remove commentsHi,
Can you temporary disable the cache plugin and check the front side if comments are stripped off?
What cache plugin you use?Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Hide & Security Enhancer] Cant Hide Sahifa Theme And All PluginsI still see the default URLs, most probably the cache of WP Rocket is still not cleared. See with the plugin website on how to clear that.
Also disable the WP Rocket minification/combine options ( e.g. CSS and JavaScript )Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Hide & Security Enhancer] Robots.txt needs to change?Hi,
As default the robots.txt do no contain any reference to the default WordPress directories, possible there is an active plugin on your site which add that, try to figure out which one is and disable the setting for this particular function.
Or attempt to manually remove those.Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Hide & Security Enhancer] nginx replace the following lineHi,
Can you try to use Simple Rewrites instead? See WP-Hide > SettingsThanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Hide & Security Enhancer] Block default wp-login.php NOT WORKINGHi,
There must be something on the server side which prevent this block rewrite to run as expected. What system you use e.g. Apache, LiteSpeedThanks
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WP Hide & Security Enhancer] Seems abandoned but I hope not…Hi,
I understand. That’s weird, i couldn’t find anything in our Spam either.
Can you try again through the contact at https://www.wp-hide.com/contact/ please make sure the form is not returning any error when submit.
Also send a separate e-mail to [email protected] with CC to [email protected] If possible use an e-mail on a different provider than your default ( e.g use yahoo.com, google.com etc )Thanks
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WP Hide & Security Enhancer] Seems abandoned but I hope not…Hello,
Sorry for this but we never received any support message from your side, where exactly you tried to contact? Se previous reviews, we always provide excellent support.Try to send your support through our contact at plugin website, or send to [email protected]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Hide & Security Enhancer] Login URLHi,
On most servers this should work just fine, you just have to give it a try. If not working, just append the .phpThanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Hide & Security Enhancer] Compatibilidad con wp fastest Caché y rank mathHi,
There should be no impact whatsoever on Page-rank and / or any SEO perspective, the plugin changes only site assets urls but all actual site urls ( pages, archives, posts etc ) will stay the same as before.The plugin works fine with WP Fastest Cache, there is an integration file included in the package which ensure of a smooth interaction with the cache code.
This is not actually possible through the free code, you may want to check with JavaScript PostProcessing functionality available in PRO https://www.wp-hide.com/documentation/general-javascript-combine/ which relocate everything ( including in-line JavaScript ) into static cached files.
This is not possible to achieve through the free code, but available on the PRO through JavaScript Pots-processing https://www.wp-hide.com/documentation/general-javascript-combine/Thanks