Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WP & SMF Bridge errorHave a look at this thread.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Request for Expanded User ManagementI agree that the User Interface could do with some improvement.
For me, the most important change would be to be able to sort according to different criteria.
I use my WordPress installation for a Scuba club with 200 members. Within those 200 members there are different membership levels, defined by different roles (e.g. “Committee Member”) in WordPress.
Problem is, to see all the Comittee Members, I have to page through 4 screens – why can’t I sort them by Role? It would also be useful to know the total number of each type of member.
Before the User screen was multi-page, I had a plugin which would sort by any column, and report the number of users for each role next to the Role name. However, when it became multi-page, I couldn’t figure out how to rewrite it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Userextra plugin problemWorked out the problem – a rogue Space had crept into the top of the plugin text.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Viewlevel Enhancement pluginFrom the WordPress Wiki:
From a coding perspective, actions and filters are identical. The add_action function is nothing more than an alias for the add_filter function.
So I wouldn’t have expected cramoisi’s solution to work. I’ve been snowed under at work this week, so haven’t had a chance to look at it, and next week I’m on holiday. I promise to look at it when I get back. My index.php is heavily hacked, and I’m using about 9 different plugins & hacks, so that’s probably why it works for me. I’ll try installing it on a clean WP installation when I get back from holiday. Thanks for your patience!
Neil.Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Images in Posts??I think what Tom’s asking for is an easier way to do it. For example, instead of (or as well as) the IMG quicktag, you could have a quicktag which, when you click on it, gives you the file upload dialog box, uploads the specified file to the uploads area, and automatically inserts a link to the file into the post. That way, it’s all done in one go, without having to remember to upload the picture before you start writing the post, or remembering what the file’s called.
It would be a rather nice hack/plugin if someone were to write it…Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Viewlevel Enhancement pluginSorry – I haven’t been monitoring this thread (I wish the WP developers would implement a “subscribe to thread” option!).
Firstly – yes, Ringmaster, I admit it, I used your Adhesive plugin to work out how to do it for Viewlevel.
Secondly, the errors. Not sure why this is happening, although my version of WP is fairly heavily hacked, and this is my first plugin, so it’s entirely possible that it’s something I’ve screwed up! Unfortunately, I’m away for the weekend, but I’ll try to investigate next week when I get back.
Neil.Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: WordPress Blog vs. WordPress CMSI’m using WP as a limited CMS on my site, and I agree to some extent with paticoflange. My index.php and CSS has been completely rewritten, and I’ve got almost a dozen plugins and hacks, some of which have been taken from other people, and some of which I’ve hacked myself.
I looked at a few CMS systems, but none of them seemed to give me exactly what I wanted, and the big advantage of WP is that it’s reasonably simple to learn to hack.
The reason for all the hacks and plugins is that I want to allow users who are not at all computer-savvy to post articles. I don’t want them to have to learn about the intricacies of (X)HTML, CSS, RSS, Pingbacks, Trackbacks, and the like, otherwise no-one will make any posts.
WP is working well for me, but I dread the day that WP1.3 is released – upgrading is going to be a nightmare!Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Automatic creation/update of .htpasswd fileOK, Since no-one’s replied, let’s ask a couple of specific questions:
- Does anyone know whether the user ids and passwords in the user table could be used to create a .htpasswd file to control access to a directory?
- Which admin .php file(s) would I need to add a hook into, so that I could write a routine which gets called whenever a password is changed?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Word Press Email Notification Plugin v1.4Chances are it’s another plugin interfering with it. Try turning off all your other plugins, and see if it works. If so, turn your other plugins back on one by one, making a test post again after each one, until it stops working.
Then look at the source code for the last plugin you turned on. Two things to check:- Look for the
call. The second parameter is the routine that gets called when a post is published. Make sure that this routine returns the$post_ID
to the caller – there should be a line near the bottom which saysreturn $post_ID;
If there’s no such line, then add it immediately before the closing brace ( } ). - Try altering the priority of the
) call – the email notification plugin is priority 5, so try altering the other plugin to be 4. If that doesn’t work either, change it to 6.
It took me a while to figure this out – in my case the plugin that was interfering was the Viewlevel plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Viewlevel Enhancement pluginI can’t recreate the above problem, so I guess I was mistaken. If not, let me know.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Adhesive: A new sticky WP pluginOn the ordinary edit page (not the advanced edit), I’m getting the “sticky” box right at the bottom of the page. Should it be there?
…and why is there a bit of code which says:
if ($_GET['action'] == 'edit' || get_settings('advanced_edit')) {
echo 'var placement = document.getElementById("poststatusdiv");';
} else {
echo 'var placement = document.getElementById("poststatusdiv");';
This seems a little strange, to say the least!Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: User Levels and Comments – thoughts…didn’t see where to register…
That would be the link under the search box titled “Registration”.
There’s an Admin option entitled “Any Register Member Can Publish Articles”. If uncheck the box, then any users who register are created as Level 0 users, and cannot make new posts. (If the box is checked, then new users are created as Level 1).
Have you seen the “Kittens Friendly Comments” plugin? This seems to do at least some of what you’re after…When a new comment is posted, this plugin checks to see if the authors email address has been use to submit a comment that was previously approved. If it hasna€?t, it will be flagged for moderation, and you can decide what to do with it. If a comment is submitted by someone whoa€?s been approved in the past, the comment posts as normal, with no intervention from the user or adminsitrator.
I don’t think it would be too difficult to write a plugin which would only display the comment form to logged-in users, but I’m not sure there’s really a great need for it.
Neil.Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Small visual (?) bugProbably worth raising this in the bug tracker.
Neil.Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Editing only author’s own postsI agree.
What would be really nice on that page too would be a way of sorting the list, for example by clicking on the column to be sorted.
Likewise on the Authors page.Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Email Blog SubscriptionNo, this is no good either. I don’t want to have to force people to sign up with a 3rd-party service, particularly one which may well become a paid subscription service at some point.