Forum Replies Created
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: WP review at about.com@Jesuit: Hard? Whoot! WP is installed in the same directory, most people should not any issues with permissions etc. MT, on the other hand, is intalled in different directories (your CGI-BIN and HTML root), requires you to upload files in particular mode (binary upload breaks perl) and there are plenty of places where a novice can screw up when configuring his first blog … And unless you are using TypePad you would need your own server too.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: WP review at about.comForum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: WP review at about.comShort, sweet and mostly right. Seems like their primary problem with WP was lack of documentation and that sounds about right. 1.0.2 is lacking a few features that I was very used to with MT, but 1.2 will cover most, if not all, problem areas. I can’t wait for 1.2 ?? Those couple of weeks have really strecthed out.
Lastly, I want ecto and WP to work! Right now I can’t get them to work right and people who got it working keep complaining about various problems.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Center my image (Pictorials)If you still have my stylesheet around ??
Take a look at the .center class and you’ll see auto margins for left/right, then apply it to your images.
<img src="blah" class="center" />
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: CoppermineI’ve used both Coppermine and PHP Gallery. PHP Gallery is much much better overall, despite not looking very pretty out of the box. V 2.0 should bring a lot of enchancements and MySQL backend … I’m waiting.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: disable commenting on old postsExcellent idea.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Export from WordPressThere is WP backup script that makes a SQL dump with all your entries in there or you can do it by hand. Also check forums/features of the new blogging tool you are looking at … may be they have a WP import, although unlikely.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WP-vbnavi Parse errorMake sure that your my-hacks.php does not have any extra spaces or characters. Post first few lines of your my-hacks.php.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: XHTML Validation thoughtsThat’s very odd, because Mozilla usually renders everything properly and IE is the one to mess things up (at least in my case and IE 5.2 for Mac, I just gave up on that browser). Link?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: my-hacks.phpTry this:
Did you enable your my-hacks file? In Options > General Blog Settings > hack_file shoud be set to true.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: design helpYes, you can put comments in your style sheet. Just place them betwen /* YOUR COMMENT */
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: design helpDesign is a relative thing. However it is much easier to read black on white/light grey (like here in the forums), because our eyes are so used to this text/background combo. If you are set on changing the backgound you could use a very light shade of green like CCFF99, 99FF66 or 99FF99 … that way it will still be easy to read. If your content is hard to read people will get frustrated and leave, and we don’t wont that do we? ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: design helpI just looked at your style sheet and you don’t seem to have a .storycontent class … so make one:
.storycontent {
background: #363;
I would also suggest that you organize your style sheet. It is a bit all over the place right now ?? You’ll find it much easier to edit.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: design helpJust add
background-color: #363;
to .storycontent
I would recommend against it though. Are you sure you want your entry background to be green?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Number of posts in archives viewreplace that 20 with
to show all months or set it to 12 to show last twelve etc. You get the idea.