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Ok it finaly worked using another text editor !
But the review content is not imported, which is not a terrible issue since I can add it by modifing the review once it’s imported.
Thanks a lot !
I updated the plugin and got the following error details when importing reviews :
Line 2 >> Error: review score = 0. Review scores must be between 1 and 5.
Line 3 >> Error: review score = 0. Review scores must be between 1 and 5.
Line 4 >> Error: review score = 0. Review scores must be between 1 and 5.Here’s the line 2 of my file:
Jupe très agréable à porter. Tissu fluide. Taille conforme aux instructions. Se porte aussi bien au travail qu’en soirée.,5,”2018-08-30 19:20:00″,145,”élodie C.”,[email protected]The review score is marked as 5, not 0.
The review content is in french, could the accents be the problem ?Also I removed the example line of the template but I haven’t removed the first line, do I have to ?
Thank you for your answer,
I indeed managed to download the file using an other browser…but now I’m getting errors when uploading it ! The utility seems to correctly find the amount of reviews I added to the csv file, so my guess is that there is something wrong with the syntax.
Also I checked and re-checked product IDs, I don’t see that as the problem.Thanks for helping !