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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hana Flv Player] Can't get .mp4 to play in flowplayer5I am happy to hear that. Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hana Flv Player] Can't get .mp4 to play in flowplayer5Well, maybe I am using 64 bit version. If you are using 32 bit version of windows , you should download the 32bit version from the https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/
And I am sorry but I tried to convert your file using Any video but I was unable to generate satisfying video. I strongly suggest you to try the ffmpeg.exe again.
Good Luck!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hana Flv Player] Can't get .mp4 to play in flowplayer5Hello
Your video file is not correctly encoded I guess. I tried with my iPhone and it didn’t play well either.I have encoded using ffmpeg. You can check it out here. First video is yours and second one is the one I re-encoded. When I tried re encoded video using iPhone, it worked fine.
https://wpt.aws.af.cm/?p=52You can download ffmpeg windows compiled version here https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/ but also you can download the one that I used here https://wpmarketing.org/ffmpeg.zip
You need to run below command using windows command prompt
c:\ffmpeg> ffmpeg -i HCS.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -vprofile baseline -threads 0 -acodec aac -sameq -preset fast -strict -2 output.mp4
Note the HCS.mp4 should be your video file and the output file will be output.mp4.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hana Flv Player] Can't get .mp4 to play in flowplayer5What’s the URL of the MP4 file? Let me try.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hana Flv Player] Possible for standard header.jpg before/after vid plays?Some of the latest video players (such as MediaElement.js) actually do support registering javascript event handler. So when the video ends, you can execute some events. You can run a jquery routine to change the div holder of the video player. But this kind of feature is not implemented in my plugin.
I will check out and let you know if I find anything.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hana Flv Player] Can't get .mp4 to play in flowplayer5Are you sure that you saved the sample.mp4 file in the same folder where HCPLS.flv is ? If so, you should contact your webmaster or service provider to check why mp4 files cannot be downloaded. I am not exactly sure, but it may be possible to setup the webserver to allow the access for only the files with particular extensions.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hana Flv Player] Videos displaying blank V3.1.2Sorry , the script URL should be your website.
Please change the javascript URL to your server’s plugin folder since the one I used is a test server and might not work at any time.
Here is the javascript tag using your server’s url.
<script type='text/javascript' src='https://cohassetsteve.com/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/hana-flv-player/flowplayer3/example/flowplayer-3.2.6.min.js'></script>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hana Flv Player] Can't get .mp4 to play in flowplayer5When I tried
“https://www.learntoplayitright.com/videos/Produce sample_x264.mp4”in the web browser, it says “The page cannot be found”.
Are you sure the file is in there? Maybe you should rename the file to something more consistent without space letter, and try again.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hana Flv Player] Can't get .mp4 to play in flowplayer5Thank you for the report.
It seems that there is a problem. Not sure if the problem is with the FlowPlayer5 itself or the way I implemented it in my plugin.
I will check more when I have time later on. Meanwhile, why don’t you try MediaElement.js (Player 5)? It sure works fine with mp4 under Apple devices.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hana Flv Player] Videos displaying blank V3.1.2Hello
To tell you the truth, I really don’t know what’s going on.
Did you try to clear the Cache files after upgrade? ( I mean if you are using such plugins for caching the html files for faster processing. )
When I checked your HTML source of your website, I find that the first player’s index is staring from 3 instead of 1. ID value hana_flv_flow3_3 instead of hana_flv_flow3_1. Only when the index is 1 , the necessary javascript is printed. I don’t know why your index started from 3.
You might also want to completely uninstall & delete the Hana Flv Plugin and reinstall it again.
If the above doesn’t solve the problem. You can add below code into your theme’s header.php file, within
<head> ... </head>
tags, manually inserting the necessary javascript include tag.For FlowPlayer 3 (Player=4)
<script type='text/javascript' src='https://wpt.aws.af.cm/wp-content/plugins/hana-flv-player/flowplayer3/example/flowplayer-3.2.6.min.js'></script>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hana Flv Player] Code output error, iPhone/iPad not workingHello
Only MediaElement.js supports Youtube but I say it is bit unstable.
I don’t recommend to use my plugin with Youtube. Instead, you should use local video file as the source. For example , you can store mp4 video file in your website and use it.By the way ” (‘); })” appears because you have some kind of plugin that removes back slash. It needs to execute javascript properly. See below <\/script> . The backslash must exist for proper display.
<script type='text/javascript'> if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') { document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="/wp-content/plugins/hana-flv-player/mediaelement/build/jquery.js"><\/script>'); } </script>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hana Flv Player] Player will not play until whole file is downloadedHello
You need to move the video metadata into the first part of the video file , so the player can start playing the video file as soon as the metadata is downloaded without full downloading.You can download qt-faststart from below site.
from the command prompt run
C:\qt-faststart> qt-faststart input.mp4 output.mp4
where input.mp4 is the original file and output.mp4 is the final output file where the metadata is moved to the front.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hana Flv Player] installing 4 videos on 1 WP page and only 1 showsGreat
I checked with Chrome and IE9 and they are all working fine.
Thanks for using my pluginForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hana Flv Player] Two specific features.Hey
You can replace codes at line 649 in the hana-flv-player.php
or let me know your email address and I will send the updated php file.This one works only for the Player 5 (Mediaelement.js)
I don’t have plan to upgrade version yet.
if ($target == '' || $target=='_self') { $event_tracking_body.=" me.addEventListener('click', function() { me.pause(); window.location.href='".$flv_attr['clickurl']."'; },false); jQuery('.mejs-overlay-play').click(function () {me.pause(); window.location.href='".$flv_attr['clickurl']."'; } ); "; } else{ $event_tracking_body.=" me.addEventListener('click', function() { me.pause(); window.open('".$flv_attr['clickurl']."'); },false); jQuery('.mejs-overlay-play').click(function () {me.pause(); window.open('".$flv_attr['clickurl']."'); } ); "; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hana Flv Player] Two specific features.Hello, let me think about it. Inserting AD might be possible with MediaElement.js player.
Meanwhile, you can use clickurl and clicktarget attributes.
[hana-flv-player video="" width="400" clickurl="https://www.yahoo.com" clicktarget="_blank" /]